Let me educate you racist incel pleblet retards

Let me educate you racist incel pleblet retards.

You verbally degrade black people online because you think they are 'lower' than you. This might have appeared to be a reality hundreds of years ago when white people chained them up as slaves.

Well guess what morons? Unless your surname is Rockefeller, Rothschild, Trump, Clinton, Bush or Windsor - then you are now the slaves of this era.

Tax slaves. You have been indoctrinated to believe that your "job" or "career" defines who you are and its where you get your sense of worth from.

Pathetic. You are slaves and you don't even know it. Atleast black people back then knew they were slaves. That makes you WORSE than them.

You want to put people down because the reality is you hate yourself so much. You call black people niggers. Well, newsflash pleblets - YOU are the real niggers.

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I have a business and admit I am a slave to myself.
I am an autonigger.

ok nigger

Stupid nigger kys

Whatever, nigger.

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These are the direct descendants of the blacks who was kangs in Egypt and flew away in their pyramids

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thanks op i will consider my actions

Get a job OP. If you already have one, stop complaining and make my fucking sandwich you minimum wage cuck.

Saying "Get a job" is exactly the same as a black person saying to another 200 years ago "Get a chain round your neck and do what the whites say"

Brainwashing at its finest

Go take a bath you dirty nigger.

Okay then. Should we just all stop working? Should we all just stop lying taxes? Let our infrastructure crumble and let the strong overpower the weak by stealing what recourses they have? Yeah, let’s just let society collapse cuz muh “don’t wanna be a slave no mo.” You sound like a fucking retard who would rather live in filth then aspire to progress civilization. Kinda like niggers do.

So modern niggers are no longer niggers because they now sponge off welfare instead of working? And the people who work to support said niggers are the real niggers? So to stop being a nigger I have to act like a nigger and not work? So once we're all no longer niggers because no one is working and instead acting like niggers, how are you niggers going to live without the formerly working niggers giving you food and money?

You can either work as a taxslave for some corporation or bank while the elite get rich off your labour. Or you can actually take control of your life and become self reliable and sustainable.

Or don't.

When shit hits the fan it will be pleblets like you begging people like me (with the resources) for shelter and food.

Only difference is I'll have my shotgun loaded, kid.

ITT: children who dont understand how the world works and think food, medicine, fuel and everything up to the house they live in is magically delivered.

Lmao. If owning my own warm house stocked full of food with my lovely wife in exchange for 8 hrs a day is wrong, then what is correct?

>i got an idea, lets all quit working!!!

Ya, ur ganna starve then freeze

I know that I'm a slave, and I don't hate black people

we're all fucking slaves to our own mistakes. People like rockafeller aren't different, they're just wealthy. They're slaves to greed; we're slaves to them

we're all fucked because nobody can stay still for long enough to see the massive shitstorm we've built with brick and blood for the last few thousands of years


we can't turn back until we start over, I'm convinced

Arnt u guys both agreeing??? Im reading this as both of u agree work is good and societys infrastructure needs to be maintained..... why u guys insulting each other lol

Hey there nigger!
Sentiments like this explain exactly why China is getting ahead of us.

I guess it could be worse. I could be a tax slave AND a nigger.

She actually does lol, I'll tap that real quick.

How is that even remotely true?

Got greedy with your trolling. NEET and nigger lover is a possible combo, throwing in gun-toting survivalist on top of that, nobody's going to buy it

shut up niggerfaggot, your comparisons are forced and make light of real slavery and its awful history

Whatever you say, nigger.

so niggers were slaves, then ended up being "mordern slaves", along with everyone else and this somehow makes the nigger smarter?


8 hours a day 5 days a week to go home to a shit hole you call a home that you barely even own (the bank does) to see a wife that doesn't want to even look at you let alone fuck you because she is too busy sucking off someone richer than you with a better taxslave "job".

Your wife is almost as branwashed as you are

You realize if everyone worked or pursued a higher education and then worked, our government would be saving a lot of money.
Why is America in her downfall? The government is getting bigger because politicians feel like they have to take care of the porch monkeys, rather than let them die out. Our social welfare system is completely fucked.

I have a beautiful home in nyc.
I own more than the bank does.
My wife is beautiful outside and inside.

I feel bad for you user. Angry and confused. I hope one day ul know what happyness is. Im greatful that i started my career so young, and make so much money. Im greatful i bought a house that i will raise awsome kids in.

I be Toby bitch!

Why is China getting ahead of us? The communist economic model requires full employment. Right now their rate of growth matches the United States in the 50s.
We wouldn’t even be having this type of discussion if we were on a Chinese image board.

Niggers are called niggers not because they are slaves. Stupid nigger.

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Lol, I hope your wife gets gangbanged by a bunch of Bronx niggers.
Gtfo yuppie.

bix nood mo guppa gop nod nigua was do

Im born and raised in queens. Im far from a yuppy lol.

Thank you for paying rent somewhere i own :)


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I don’t pay rent I have a mortgage faggot. Guess where? Manhattan.

then why do you continue to belittle your own race? why dont you stop calling each other nigger.

No you dont.

You get a gold medal in mental gymnastics!

look at all these unique snowflakes thinking they have their own thoughts XD

Nobody gives a fuck about your shitpit 1 bedroom apartment in the most overrated city on this planet. The fact that you brag about being married tells me you are a fucking zombie

Yes I do. Imagine the shock.

The fact that you talk about women like that lets me know ur a jobless virgin

No. U dont.

Someone is salty about being a poor

Nah I’m good my nigga.


>Let me educate you
you interest me
>You verbally degrade black people online because you think they are 'lower' than you
and now you just boring me

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Who cares? Blacks are just as racists as whites and more than willing to tell everyone about it.

Pretty much agree with this place being obsessed with putting blacks down

Yeah....sure....all niggers look the same though so kind of ...Im sure she looks like Beyonce....'s asshole.

Nobody cares if you're happy or interested or bored. This isn't Facebook.