Why doesn't Sup Forums talk about Twilight more?

Why doesn't Sup Forums talk about Twilight more?

>why doesnt Sup Forums have gay sex more often?

Twilight isn't gay idiot

...You're serious.

Most guys i know would rather get caught being fucked in the ass than to watch a Twilight movie.

I'm surprised at how well received it is over here, the thread a couple of days ago really blew up.

You're a giant homo

There are enough shitty movies talked about here.

I haven't watched Twilight or 13 Reasons Why since I am not a girl. If you've watched this shit I really don't want you posting here.

That's gay


How can a grill be so perfect bros?

It's not kino.

less gay than willingly watching Twilight

Omg when did Sup Forums get so filled with dudebros spewing toxic masculinity!?

Sure faggot.

She can tell the future too. Quite the possibilities

>"Bella you're so beautiful and perfect"
>while Alice exists
Most unrealistic part of the movie

Sup Forums always liked twilight and rightly so
Back to redit with your cringey "do i fit in" taste you insecure pussies

Alice is his sister, and he can read her thoughts, and she has a soulmate already

>When best girl is wiith best boy so you have to settle for a human druggie

Do teenage girls still like twilight? I feel like it died pretty suddenly. Then there was all vampire diaries and shit. Do they watch that anymore

Best girl is the one who loves his so intensely that she'll never let him go and do anything to please him

Twilight isn't slutty enough for modern teenage girls. One guy, forever? Gross!