Does somebody know what is this?

Does somebody know what is this?
Should I worry about this ?

Attached: 20191204_222656.jpg (2268x1899, 1.81M)

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Pop it, nigger.

It hurts as fuck I can't

Just a lil cysty boi. Idk if they disappear on their own once they get that big, but pretty much harmless unless it gets infected which should be easily noticeable

take needle&stab it

Just get a sewing needle and lance it.

better say your goodbyes to your loved ones, OP, don't have much time


Definitely cancer, I died from this kind of cancer.

Is that on your nutsack? I had something that looked exactly like that on my scrote when I was 18. I hooked my nut skin around my thumb and just pushed on the bump until all the white shit came out. Honestly one of the most satisfying things ever. It’s been years, but I’ve always hoped to get another one.

Ok thank you all I think I will cry in my bathroom until a die :D

use your teeth

Medfag here. Thats a sign that ur gay.

But this shit hurts asf I can't press it

Just fuckin do it, it wont hurt after

this. Pimples on the balls are extra rare. Pop that shit it will hurt but it will be so satisfying.

Looks like hiv. That's how it starts. Your gonna be dead soon

Omg so satisfying. Im gonna start shaving again just to get ingrown hairs I can pop.

I coward :'D I can't do it and my gf want to make me a Blowj I'm afraid what she would say about that if it don't disappear y will do it

Enjoy your botfly larvae as it grows

It's Cancer bitch

Nerve gas

Don't pop it, rub it with some wound wash and it i'll go away with in day's. It happend do to razor bumps on your genitals.

Grow a vagina

>what is this
Oh, that's simple. It's something you should pop.

At least try a needle and see if you can get it to ooze out. It might be more of a solid though. In which case it would probably be less painful to make a small incision before squeezing.

I would go out and buy a legit scalpel to make it as painless as possible. Also lots of crazy bandages in an attempt to stave off gangrene cock

it's a nigger

Nah it’s just your new brain forming
For fucks sake pop it already

Take a bandage, put a smudge of dog poop on the white center part. Lance that growth and then apply same bandage over the wound to stop bleeding.

That's not a zit. That's a staph infection. Go do a google image search if you don't believe me.

>But staph infections can turn deadly if the bacteria invade deeper into your body, entering your bloodstream, joints, bones, lungs or heart. A growing number of otherwise healthy people are developing life-threatening staph infections.

You literally need to go to the emergency room right this fucking moment.

yeah youre such a gigantic faggot cum is literally starting to bubble up out of your skin

oh stfu nigger, it's super herpes

popping is so much more satisfying though...

You can get an infection though. Pop-one, their's going to be several.

nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger

Looks like a nipple

That’s a clit. Flick it.

PS: this is hard isn't just like a pimple is hard I try to bump it and it's hard that's why I can't do it

This exactly. It's for sure a scrote pimple.

Yes, it's full of pus.

You can get an infection from just breathing.

Fuck off, it ain't that shit boi. For sure a fucking zit. You've not seen a staph infection before.


Its not a zit. I'd see a dermatologist.


Ok thank you all if I get full courage I'll do it I'll bump this shit

Find a sewing needle or safety pin, use a lighter to heat the tip until red hot (5 seconds in direct flame preferred) to sterilize it. Give it a quick poke and squeeze it out. Clean the area out with alcohol swabs. You could leave it alone and it would go away but only idiots do that. Real niggas pop it on video for us to see.

congrats, you have AIDS

Go on op, it's your time to shine.

Sterilize a needle by putting it in the microwave for 2 minutes, then lance the fucker


Uber true

dont use needle, they will dissapear
I had many come and go, sometimes takes months to dissapear

>Just a lil cysty boi
Please don't fucking talk like this, it's so fucking cringe.

>it'll go away with in day's
>with in day's
>it'll go away with in day is

n-n-n-n-nerve gas

pop it, then bandage it

looks like you might be part nigger from the tone of your skin, Id say you should kill your self.

I have one of those too. I don't know if I should just prick it with the tip of a knife.

you don't need a needle. get a comedone extractor and use it. it will still hurt but should go quick. everyone should own a comedone extractor anyway for normal pimples and blackheads on the face

Pop it, but treat the area with alcohol before you do and with hydrogen peroxide afterwards. I got them a few times and fuck are they satisfying to pop.

I dwon't swee the isswu with et.
Just take a bwaether hwome boi uwu

Pop it and pour rubbing alcohol onto it, easy pz.

are you fuckin retarded?
that's what white ballskin tone looks like dumbass

If it is hard, could be a calcium buildup.

uwu posting is fine and encouraged, but the entire "haha cysty boi henckin chonker" type shit is for literal autists and 12 year old girls

If you're careful you can pull the whole thing out. I used to get big ones all the time. Doctor told me to stop wasting money coming in and having them removed just sanitize tools and extract it myself. Make sure you dont just pop it. Itll grow back. You gotta pull the whole thing out.

This shit can stay there for years and be really hard to pop. It could also go away in a week.

If you're american and can't go to a dermatologist, you can try to pop it yourself. Needles should help, but it will hurt, and you could get it infect. If you can, go to a doctor. He'll remove it easily, simply and without pain.

i had the exact same thing a few years ago, it was there for like a year...went to the dermatologist one day—some chick gave me a shot in the ballsack which didn't really hurt since they pulled the skin tight and then they removed it. really easy and gave me some disinfectant shit to put on for a few days. 10/10 would love to do again

draw eyes and a mouth for that puss-nose

It's probably ectopic smegma.

Attached: house oops.gif (620x350, 933K)

Thats the worst case of Ligma I've ever seen, OP.

what is that



There is no possible way you are fukken srs

Its a zit squeeze that bitch

>If you're american and can't go to a dermatologist
lol fuck this country so much

It's an ingrown hair. You'll be fine.

tumor type shit in your nipple probably from L-Argenine or some other possible steroid use. Cool isnt it?

its a whitehead. i think its just a bunch of fat that surfaces. i am prob wrong but still you should pop it

How have you not taken a pin to that yet and drained that cyst. If you're lucky you can squirt the pus and fluid over a large distance. Make sure to record it for us and slap that fucker on youtube to make bank. (unless you don't have a monetized account)

It's a third nip

I had similar before and finally worked it free.
It went from squeezing and scratching to actually using scalpel and digging out the little white ball of gristle, used peroxide and healed up no prob.
Blood was evident but not coming out.

hey buddy I have the exact same thing, went to a dermatologist. 95 percent sure its just a harmless cyst. It is not contagious or dangerous, just ugly. Dermitologists can freeze and pick it off if you care enough. They may or may not go away after several months. Mine multiplied and grew but still, harmless. Consider going to the dermatologist though, girls get freaked by these, trust me

>vaccines are responsible for this

Improve your hygiene and it wouldn't happen you grimy fuck

just pop it OP, little pressure on either side and just slowly increase. shit will explode like a rotten egg in the sun

take some advil and smoke a decent amount, i've always been able to pop nasty painful shit this way. drinking helps numb it but dont if you took any anti inflammatory meds. if you wait a couple days it'll get jucier and less painful, more poppable. do it op, nothing will be more satisfying than exploding that fucker.

the skin had been scraped away from continuous squeezing etc so it finally came to a head and I squeezed it to pop it and it wouldnt pop!
Eventually it was just a little ball that although free from it's skin covering, was still somehow attached as part of me no matter how much i tried to just scratch it off with my sharp fingernails.
Eventually I freed it with a scalpel, it seemed so tiny and insignificant a I rolled it between my fingers.


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you got herpes nigger