Do wage slaves even understand that they're wage slaves?

Do wage slaves even understand that they're wage slaves?

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Weak bait.

Not even funny shit post

so close to getting it

Yes but they are proud of it now

I'm glad the government supports you

I mean, do basement boys get that mommy isnt going to be there forever to support you financially? You arent going to be using guberment monies to buy a new PC, or that Stratacaster at the Guitar Center or whatever.

Sure you can live "free", but for how long before you spend your last bucks on ending yourself for being a 40 something jobless schmuk with no savings for your later years? You do realize that youd probably need a mil to retire now without worrying about your last few years... glhf

It would be nice if you didn't need to work, but that is impractical in the long term for a certainty. Best to make yourself your own boss, and sell a service that you need as few holding Capital to mediate for you as possible.

They dont. If you try to tell a wage slave that they are in fact a slave no different than the ones that worked on the plantations where they printed thier own money they will lose thier shit.

It isn't a meritocracy or democracy or any other version of "fair" these poor saps believe it is.

Yes they understand it. Basement bois who are too stupid to understand it are the ones demanding gibs because they can't into maths enough to know that gibs are unsustainable.

The basement boi's plan is to die soon after mommy does. There's no reason to stay anyway. Traditionally, runts of the litter are meant to be drowned. Basement boi is the fate of the runt who has years of food and water dumped on them instead.

So you agree that someone living with their parents should make it their goal to have both parents quit their job and not work either then?

Why should one person in a household have the ultimate in a fulfilling life, when everyone can just hangout at home or going out all the time? Besides, that would be lit because no road work if we get enough people onboard, and no new cars or games means people can focus on what we have now to build them ourselves.

Would rather be a wage slave than a neet

Am neither tho

Who pays your rent and groceries?

Not the user your replying too but that second part has some truth. Planned obsolescence is a bane on modern society. Consumer culture of new phones, new TVs, new clothes, new cars. Our production is focused on replacement and that’s a huge issue because of the long lasting psychological impacts on the people growing up in the system. You can’t escape if everyone is involved and no one can take a step back

Having responsibilities AKA being wageslave is like playing DOOM NIGHTMARE. You can lower your difficulty anytime, but you dont, cos its no fun.

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Your best bet, would be to try and agitate for higher wages by unionizing in whatever field you find yourself in. Or start a business.

The revolution will never happen because the population of deputized, comfortable people obsessed with commodities and socialized in materialism is too high, and well-armed (in the US).

The occupy wall-street movement was the most recent attempt, and look how that turned out. Face it, the bootstrap myth is our religion (especially in the West), so the only option is to play their game by creating another market, an getting a bit of the Capitol for yourself.

Most know subconsciously.

Not usually. Most of them are too dumb, or have too little faith in themselves to even entertain the idea of becoming competent enough to live a healthy life without working 10 hours a day. To make matters worse, they were raised by imaginationless people who taught them they should be proud to live in a cookie cutter house in a cookie cutter suburb, doing all of the same things as their neighbor like they live in an ant colony. They’re the reason we should support depopulation agendas

Reminder many of these "lol you work fag ha I'm a NEET master race" are usually the same people who hate how culture has been pozzed.

Yet I guess being part of the problem is fine as long as the goverment can welfare your ass or your parents. Either way theres no such thing as a wage slave. Thier is however lazy faggots who do nothing to help the world

That wage slave flipping burgers is doing more in the world to help than you are just being a NEET fag. That lady pushing carts is doing something more than you are

Honestly the white man is the working man. Imagine if our forefathers were NEETs. Imagine if Roman's. Greeks. Noncucked Europeans in general all just said "I dont need to work" youd all be some black man's slave right now

Honestly neets are more nigger than most niggers.

Also some people can work 40 hours because they arent lazy children. Some can work more or less. You could argue we should work less hours but most nigger NEETs don't work at all so they arent part of any solution to greedy companies

Yet the world doeant run on Sup Forums faggots like OP. The ones who work are the ones who make us last. Without them the world crashed. Without the neet....honestly nobody would care

thats why we need Andrew Yang for pres Sup Forumsros

yes, just one step in the right direction and they finally become full on commies

guys stop blaming ethnic groups and start blaming the upper class

Also in the old times most people lived work. They has to grow food. Farm. Build. Care for more vulnerable children. The neet nigger is a modern and only first world problem

Now the niggerneet will use strawmans and low IQ shitposting. Yet remember they are the SJW the nigger. The faggot of our day. The Nigger as a slave did more help than the NEET has. The Mexican man has done more than the NEET. The white men who arent consumeconsume cucks did and so more than the NEET

Man I'm glad I value actually helping the world over trying to bullshit some dumb arguments about how working is dumb while I literally take money and goods from those who work

Remember neet fags everything you have was made by someone. Everything you eat or drink or use was made. Your plumbing. Electricity. Internet. It's all made from people you hate. Your mother only loves you because it's a mothers job. Your father wishes he could kick your ass out but knows youd die outside.

The majority of the white race, and any race are unproductive. Europe was always flooded with beggars rattling tin cups. The ones that took on the first voyages to the new world were men and women who were wanted to be self-made and willing to fight their way. The requirements of going to the new world filtered out all the trash.

It boggles my mind that the traditional 40 hour work week is still standard.

Efficiency wise we are light-years ahead of the work force that had fought for those standards. There is no reason the standard shouldn't be 32 or even 24 hours. The rich have done a good job dividing the workforce against itself by using race and PC to diverge attention.

the only thing that will decrease the workweek is increases in economic production
everything else is just placebo

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Said the guy posting on Sup Forums for that sickly-sweet trickle of dopamine

really? i'm doing hitler holocaust 9/11 jokes all the time and nothing bad ever happened

Jews and their shabbos goyim make up the majority of the modern upper class.