What was her fucking problem?

What was her fucking problem?

Silver sold out

Why did she believe in Flint so much anyway. Silver brought peace and a workable resolution for everybody, including Flint.

Her name was "Madi Blacksails"? So the whole show revolved around a nigg?


You're never going to be funny. Just stop trying.

Silver proved himself to be too weak and that was not the man she fell in love with.
She was willing to trade her life and silvers for that cause because she knew there was no guarantee for her people.

Silver just wanted some black puss.

How'd she even survive that fire?


How was she not raped by Spanish soldiers

Underage opinions

she didn't stayed in the house


>thinking flint is alive


Because she's black



The show made Silver into the coward most people believed Rackham to be.

Her people are slaves and under whip, I think you missed the narrative in a big way if you didn't get that.

Vane blew up the situation in Nassau because by his own words, "Had felt yoke and chains" and would do anything to prevent them regaining a foothold in nassau.

Which they showed context of everyone failing to fight Rodgers, their inability to 'fight' civilization and ugly things like slavery that followed it, and different levels of slavery.

Silver resold her people into slavery and what Flint was fighting for had a chance at freeing millions of people throughout the caribbean, and even though the show didn't know it well.. There was many, many millions of slaves brought just to Caribbean alone let alone SA/NA because farming process was so dangerously labor intensive that they lost a lot of slaves. Even though the show didn't show why slaves rose up so much there, that was why and background her character came out of.

He was a coward.

know it well - show it well*

It sucks that they did such a shitty job with Max's character that in the last season had to bombard us with sanctimonious speeches about how great she is.

I'd rather imagine him dead, the living happily after at the Gay Marriage Plantation.

Absolutely fucking retarded writing.

When Long John Silver and Capt.Flint were having their showdown on Skelton Island and Silver was pointing a pistol at him, they should have just cut away to the other pirates who were waiting in the jungle, with a single gunshot heard in the background.

The whole Gay Capt.Flint storyline was stupid as fuck to begin with but to actually end the series on that...

But her people didn't go back into slavery they agreed to the treaty against Madi's wishes.

That treaty only involved nassau, it was a small number of people in comparison to what flint was talking about.

I see what you are saying now, but do you really think they would have had any chance of succeeding? Flint was by all accounts a fanatic.

>I'll make you the Princess of the new world

they really hinted it in episode 1!

>do you really think they would have had any chance of succeeding?

(Different user here but) Silver was right, if they went with Flint's plan they'd all eventually be hunted down by the European colonial powers, as there was no way a handful of pirates and runaway slaves could win this war.


Is flint dead?