Anyone else fascinated by cults? Would be good to have something to post about besides porn

Anyone else fascinated by cults? Would be good to have something to post about besides porn.

Attached: AumShinrikyo.jpg (1200x750, 186K)

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Dude, cults are fascinating.

Not OP
indeed they are...
I even thought about making one myself
Do you think that would be immoral?
Is a cult immoral in and of itself?

Well, what's your idea?

I don't think they're inherently immoral, just highly susceptible to corruption by immoral agents.

They can also be harmless and hilarious.

Sorry for shit crop, on mobile. This weirdo had a documentary about him. He’s now in Hawaii. Used to see him around and he always gave me the creeps. Him and his posse would just be mirin me at the gym. Side note I don’t know how people get sucked up into cults. Shit I don’t even like hanging out with my close friends that often let alone live and do everything with a big group of people.

Attached: EAA2B43A-3ACE-49E1-8954-04FE75DA2F43.jpg (750x512, 80K)

At nineteen I became a Frisbeterian. When you die your soul lands on the roof of the garage and no one can get you down.

Yes. That is unironically why seeing and talking toTrump supporters is interesting to me

What's his story?

He’s some yoga asshole that somehow got a bunch of young semi attractive men and women to come together and build a theatre for plays in the desert I think in Texas. Once he got into this power thing he said no sex for anyone but started sexually abusing the members of the cult. Mainly the guys (no surprise looking at him). Also by witness accounts it sounds like he was pumping them full of drugs in these ceremonies they would have. His cult is still affiliated with some yoga studios in Kailua and some shady shit has gone down.

Cult of personality, of course.
Not trying to sound narcissistic here, but I think I sort of understand something about human behaviour and how to manipulate it. I know I could do a lot of harm, but I don't want to hurt anybody.

Lots of people look up to me, but they look up to the mask I put forward. Deep down, I'm sort of a degenerate.

People are easily impressed when you tell them things about themselves they didn't even know. If you read Jung, you'll know what I'm talking about.

It's true, but imagine you're the one it depends upon whether the cult gets corrupted or not.

On second thought, it's kinda naive to think that I couldn't be corrupted.

What do you tell people about themselves?

We live in a society.

Let’s say you’re capable.

What would you guys do though?

Also do you think that being in a gang is similar mental state wise as a cult? Are gangs just cults that commit crime?

I fucking love em, i also enjoyed the videos of Jared Leto on his private island. Im not sure if it was an intended joke but that guy gives off i tense Ohm Shinrikyo vibes

Cults to me are always a way for some weird dude to fuck a bunch of chicks.

Cult Leaders always seem to find something in their religion or whatever to justify that he must mate with every female.

I forgot what cult I was watching a special on but a husband said every month he had to send his wife to the leader

P sure that was David Koresh

Yeah, that was my guess. Most people in cults are closely tied to drug use for a reason. Even in the Manson cult, a lot of members testified once they were off drugs.

Exactly. I'm certain I would be corrupted, high minded ideals or no

Cults are always really interesting
I don't know much about them though, only about the one from the thread pic and Ascencionism

No matter how manipulative you are. Someone will always be able to manipulate you.

Well, that, or you end up dead.

I find them and the psychology behind them fascinating. Raelism is something I’m currently reading about and is super weird. The most fascinating to me is still scientology though (though some would argue it’s not strictly a cult). The organisation, how in the spotlight and how deeply they’re rooted is very unique.