NASA is total BS Sup Forums

NASA is total BS Sup Forums

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As a serious question, what bothers you about NASA?

Evidence and scientific proof doesn't align with my political stance therefore in my uneducated opinion, NASA are liars.

Ah I see. Thanks for the answer.

How long did you spend making that graphic instead of learning?

Lol this guy actually thinks that NASA exists..


Cool. So have you always been retarded, or is this a new venture for you?

This sums up OP.

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Nasa kicks ass i cant wait for them to be right about global warming. Ill be sitting in a military base in the AC while people are melting in the streets

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>The only true wisdom is knowing that you know nothing.
>He says using the words he knows

>doesnt understand hyperbole

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Nah, it's just that socrates wasn't smart enough to accurately portray his state of being.

He never said he was smart, he just liked asking questions pursuing to ignore a little bit less.

Never said he said it.

So he was asking questions to gain knowledge. Huh.

I can’t believe it we are rising ERIC DUBAYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY

Don't argue with fools. Here's a pic

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Someone skipped on their vitamins...

What's it like living with a brain impairment?

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You are the bullshit. Eat up your own science.


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Have you considered the possibility, that the anti-intellectual anti-science "do some research for yourself" movement was started by the Russian and funded by the Chinese to pre-emptively kneecap the next generation of USA, in order to ensure that in the next decades the west becomes a shadow of it former self and socialism can take over the world in the new Cold War?

2111 mark that date.

Cease and desist.

Da Komrade. We will let the foolish decadent western imperialists keep thinking the Jews are behind this. Glory to the Revolution!