Everyone's life in America fucking sucks. Think about it

Everyone's life in America fucking sucks. Think about it.

College aged kids today just spend all day on their phones and looking for a reason to be outraged. Someone painted their face black 10 years ago? Their life should be ruined. Someone didn't use the proper pronoun for whatever gender they identify as? Transphobic.

There's so much awful shit happening in the world right now. Genocide in Burma, broad daylight shootings in South America, Mexican cartels kidnapping/raping and dismembering tourists. Instead, all people choose to focus on in the west are politically correct issues because if you're not politically correct all the time, you're racist and sexist. You're not allowed to joke anymore either. Does anyone else not fear for the future. These fucking people will be running the country in a decade. What the fuck is the west going to look like when these indoctrinated PC kids coming out college are in charge of things?

How boring must your life be to concern yourself over shit like this where you're outraged because someone said something racist when they were 20, painted their face black or didn't call Adam, Tracy because Adam decided to start wearing a dress. The future of America is fucking horrifying.

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Okay boom boom

You fucking morons. You morons on Twitter using the phrase "ok boomer" have no clue what it means.


That country doesn't identify as Burma anymore.

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The future of America is terrifying. Our lives are a fucking scam, a play of people completely ignorant to whats going on. We live in our fantasy, oblivious to reality. We think this shit show can keep going on. I got the luck of growing up in the 90s. Normal schooling, normal classes. Now, my generation is having kids and plopping their 8 year old on hormones because its so fucking hip and cool to be whoever you wanna pretend to be.
This is clearly unsustainable.
Something will give. These are the end times and might as well stick around for the shit show. because this circus will only get weirder as each generation passes onto reproductive age. till boom, we cant no more. :^)

Lol dude I was just trolling

Why are whites so anxious all the time?

There is a lack of empathy itt

Stay brainwashed kiddo

The typical lifespan

>Go to school
>Do more schooling
>Be in debt for life from schooling
>Get a job probably not related to what you went to schooling for
>Get married, have kids
>Live check to check
>Be old
>Be on 10 different pain pills and medications that you hope your insurance will cover

That's the American dream right there. You do your 9-5, sleep and repeat. That's the life most people will live.

Meh. Brainwashed? By what/who? I'm just open to other people's perspectives.

cut my life up into pieces, this is my last resort, sufalation no peeping don't give a fuck if i poopoo in my jamjams

Yeah capitalism sucks. You can still find meaning in the little things in life. I work 50 hrs a week and I have a great social life and hobbies and sometimes I post on Sup Forums at 3 in the morning lol

Maybe because any country they are a majority in are having DiVeRsItY iS oUr StReNgTh forced on them and this stupid white guilt thing as well.


>Everyone's life in America fucking sucks.
Everyone life fucking sucks.
fixed you welcome faggot

The demoraliation process is complete.


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in europe its pretty common to be part of a registered association - might be charity, sports, regional garbs, music, and most commonly on the countryside volunteer fire department.
i am so glad i dont have to live societies dream.

Europe also has a decent work-life balance and wages. Americans have been brainwashed into thinking they're free. They're not. They're slaves to Jews and pharmaceuticals.

implying that being part of some association isnt another part time job and applies "true meaning" to your existence?

all times when looked back upon seem golden

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ok boomer

>I am 19 and I just became aware at how awful the world is

The world is better today than probably ever in history even with all the bad shit you see. You are one of the luckiest souls who has ever lived being an American today is like winning the space-time lottery

Any other tile and place is far more terrible

Also, relax zoomer. Fucking kids are so goddamn dramatic, I was too but it’s just fucking pathetic. At least when I was being melodramatic we had 9/11, Iraq, and the depression 2.0

What are you so mad about?

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>College aged kids today spend all day worrying about their debt, struggle to pay rent, working numerous jobs, and boomers get upset when they detach their self from reality by using an exaggerated personality on social networking.
>There's so much awful shit happening in other places of the world that have no direct connection to how rigorous and unnecessary expenses on young adults are in comparison to the boomer, "I had a full time job when I worked and made straight A's," I got to live growing up as a young adult.

Fixed it for you, boomer. You seem out of reality. How about you cite the human trafficking, the drug crisis, or literally anything else happening in America that exasperates the living condition of young adults who are already struggling instead of random shit happening across seas.

ah the classic "I was only pretending to be a retard lol got you"

This. Be a good citizen and generate tax revenue for your country.

Ok boomer


When people cry about life being fair or not, you have to wonder who told them it was fair, or should be. When in history has it ever been fair? Do you see a fair life for people in the future? The best you can do is LEAN towards fairness and justice but the amount of scumbags to people that just want to get through the day in this world is always shifting. 50/50 fairness in what you give/get is not only a pipe dream but unrealistic. If you received what you put out, most people would be in debt. There are some people that you can look at and say, “That person deserves more.” But for the most part when people are pissed that more didn’t fall into their lap from just being born and expecting a descent/fair life based on ??? it comes off as whiney. It’s not fair though!!! Really? When has it ever been? When will it, realistically? Any time soon? No. So either dedicate your life to making it “fair” or stop crying. It’s not fair though, it should be FAIR. Go ahead Superman. Fix the world. Lead the way.

It’s called being an edgy teenager

Usually people grow out of it

Fucking Amen brother.

That's all it is with you zoomer faggots now, when you get called out it's always "Le XD it was just a joke! I did it 4 teh lulz!" what cancer your generation is

Implying being Empathetic means your brainwashed, stay Sociopathic kiddo.

>Someone didn't use the proper pronoun for whatever gender they identify as? Transphobic.
I solved this problem. I just tell everyone to fuck off.

>Go to school
>Do more schooling
>Get a job probably not related to what you went to schooling for
>Get stabbed by a Mussie

>Struggle to find food for as long as you can

>Go to school
>Do more schooling
>Be in debt for life from schooling
>Get a job probably not related to what you went to schooling for
>Get bit by fish/snake/spider/coala

South America
>Live in poverty
>Be a drug mule so the cartels dont murder your family
>cocaine balloon ruptures in your asshole

Life sucks no matter where you are. But there are few places, if any, that have a better standard of living than the US. If you don't like it, then fuck off to whatever "utopia" you want.

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This user knows.

And who created all of those Scenarios? America had a large hand in facilitating all of that.

get triggered boomer

America has been around for 250 years

And for the first 120 or so we had no hand in international affairs at all.

The word has been shit for a ver very long time

Absolutely kill yourself you small
Minded retard

>the word is bad because america

Who the fuck feeds you this nonsense!m? Do you have any historical perspective at all? For a hegemonic power the USA is actually extremely benign and friendly to other nations. All other previous dominant powers have been far more abusive and exploitative

Again kys because you are literally dumb

Well howdy there fellow neighbor!
I won’t speak for all the country but for the french part where i live and grew up in: same fucking shit different toilet

That’s how successful the mass programming geared towards consumerism leads to

Funny thing is if you start calling people on their bullshit, ignoring, distancing yourself or whatever mature attitude you can have towards a situation then guess what? Something’s wrong with you and you have a problem

Honestly, i’m starting to share empathy with those lunatics mass shooting people
I’d never ever do it but this planet needs some cleansing

What's 9/11?

Where are you trying to go with this?

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you are off by a hundred you idiot.

sez the homo

My life is great.
I've accomplished more than I'd thought possible, based on my own merits, taking chances, and by having the balls to learn from my mistakes.
I am accountable to myself.
You will find your place.
Keep your eyes open, but see what is really there, not what people tell you it is.

Do u know how I know you've never had a thought of your own in your entire life?

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I do think America fits well in that context.
Life is good man.

Please stop being jealous.

That's not how that's used. He wasn't "pretending to be retarded" he straight up trolled you then admitted it and you got triggered.

Oof, boomer mad.

What are you talking about? Even the poor have it better than kings used to. Quit acting like a spoiled brat and acting like everyone's got it so bad.

The reality is that we all have to play the hand we're dealt. And if you are in the US, yes there are a lot of issues. But media tends to make mountains out of molehills just for viewership. So, first, I'd recommend a "media diet". Watch your consumption of prepackaged information and instead focus on what's happening for you. A lot of your anxiety will fall by the wayside and you'll be able to ACT with a clearer head and in accordance with your goals.

Honestly, that's the only thing any of us are doing at this point. Do what you can and that's it.

>College kids
Pick one.

What else is there? That's just how it works. Go start a commune or something if you don't approve.

Nobody really gives a fuck what you think.

Why is the blame always put on capitalism?

Well, it's pretty easy to poke holes in the entire thing. Not the theory, mind you, but the practice. Concentrated wealth corrupts everything that it comes into contact with (entire governments can fall prey to this) and that leads to even more concentration of wealth, creating a vicious spiral of oppression and intense stratification that we see now.

That's why a mixed economy is needed.

As I look out of my living room window gazing at Lake Erie, I can't agree with you. If you're unable to make the game work for you, tough.

>life in America fucking sucks!
You live in a 1st world country shut the fuck up. You aren't starving, being executed because of your religion, getting bombed, tortured by some cartel for lolz or sold into slavery. You're here on Sup Forums complaining about living in a 1st world country.