What happened?

What happened?

Attached: pixelcanvas.io (1,13) 2019-12-08T04_23_32Z.png (686x978, 84K)

Other urls found in this thread:



Thats scyther in the bottom right.



Attached: 1568160346259.jpg (743x1024, 97K)

Can someone post a PNG of the exact flag? I'll run a script tonight.

Enjoy your abnormally high suicide rates

Attached: 1573002144602m.jpg (1024x768, 97K)

It's bots. Even swapping white to light grey is noticed and changed immediately

Even after transitioning suicide rates don't improve. Being a tranny is quite literally a death sentence.

no...its called a community. I know that you guys are so use to being alone. You may of forgot what it looks like.

>what happened?
We won ourworldoftext.com
But, after we made the Swastika at pixelcanvas, the discord trannies heard of what we where doing and beat the hell out of us. Hell, i think they are the reason why Sup Forums sucks. THEY CAUSED IT
We need to fight back somehow.

Actually. I think it was you dickwads who cause it.


well the trannies showed up on Sup Forums one day and started acting like they run the place so you just have to deal with them in every situation now

People with no lives. Calling each other names and shitting on each other constantly. Than being hatefull pieces of shit and than wonder why Sup Forums sucks and why their own lives suck. Gee I wonder why things suck.

That's not how it's supposed to work. We should have the power in this situation.
I don't think we should have to "just deal with them" THEY made a secret discord to "pinkpill" everyone, we should have somthing secret, like the old AnonOPS to deal with those people.

Simply put. You are you're own worse enemy in this mate. Not the jews,not the black people,Not trannies or commies. You and your own community has influence over your life. Noone else.

but nobody cares what you think

No but having a supportive family and community does

I think Sup Forums sucks because of bots, shitty reposters like the "fuck my wife" guy, and discord trannies. I think every user, no matter what race, are
Well, brothers.
I never have called people names before, and i think we brothers should be slightly nicer to eachother. Not in the circlejurky "positive feed back loop " type of way though.

Someone care enough to ask me to explain.It not what I think. It whats happening. Again worse enemy is the self and the groups they hang out with if it foster hate. Get yourself out of trouble and fix yourselves before going after other people.

another old template

Attached: SE-text.png (273x112, 6K)

>e names before, and i think we brothers should
Trannies have to deal with people trying to kill them. There literally a trans legal defense in court where you can kill someone for being trans even if they are a love one. I think they have more important things to worry about than some guys on the internet. rathers its brother or sister. We are all just ... humans in the end and we should try to help each other achieve whats best for them. Not for what best for us. but not everyone is willing to do that for everyone and the nazis is one of those groups of people. So instead of fostering hate. Why not try to help people to their end goals when it comes to them.

What i'm trying to say, is that 4chans philsophy needs changing, and it'll take one step at a time.
Only thing i can do is that anons try to reconnect with they're roots.
Sorry for the shitty repost template, i did this many times before, but this stuff is very important.
In order to fix the future, we must look at the past.
(An old, classic Sup Forums post from 2014 made by an user in responce to the question "whats the best thing about Sup Forums?" The thread was made secretly made by a youtuber called I Hate Everything)

When one comes here, they get judged on what they post.
No-one will judge you for being a fat autistic weeaboo, because from the get-go, we assume you're a fat autistic weeaboo, because the rest of us are fat autistic weeaboos, in our hearts.

Also, if you're a holocaust denier in one thread, but in another thread you want to talk about Nichijou, then you can, and freely.

fuck off tranny

Anyone got the current template?

Not a tranny. I have a dick and was born a male. Always been a male and will keep a dick till the end of my days. I just know what they struggle against.

How am i fostering hate?
Define "hate"
They seem more hatfull then us anons.
Trying to change a site,
A people,
To their ways.

they used their shitty slow bots to rebuild their shit, like always. This time i think they even had some people actually placing pixels on top of bots.

Gather the counsel
we must fight back and reclaim Sup Forums from the leftist menace

>classic Sup Forums post from 2014
How are all of you such gigantic newfags. Get off my lawn.


Let see. Anons raided their sites, Constantly shit on them for being trans and keep on the hate wagon and than blame them for problems that they probly arent even aware of. I would say that fostering hate and as far as Im aware of. Times change. If you are just going to hate on a group of people that cause something includes them. Than.... well I would say that you "anons" (you arent even the oringals) are the ones targeting them and attacking them. I mean just look at this thread. Actually just watch it and see how much hate is sperd from these guys.


>eting them and attacking them. I mean just look at this thread. Actually just watch it and see how much hate is sperd from these guys.
Seriously XD. They dont even know what Sup Forums was back in the early 2000s. I pop in here every now and than(wasnt my main site back in the day. That was newgrounds. )


>Than.... well I would say that you "anons" (you arent even the oringals) are the ones targeting them and attacking them.

and we will continue to do so, especially if you are using our websites. you dont belong here, you are not accepted. hate will win.
one race, one goal

>Seriously XD.


Cant wait to see how they deal with bullets

And yes, define "hate" real diversity is diversity of thought

>ecially if you are using our websites. you dont belong here, you are not accepted. hate will win.
>one race, one goal
Actually funny you should say that.

get fucked fascists, your time is over :3

More like newfag trying to be a oldfag.
I.e learn the old ways and protect this site from faggotry

Sure they did, despite mist of us they git no job so being home and clicking along is not a problem

Discord "pinkpill" trannies?

Keep rocking on.

How old are you, 13?

I remember when this site campaigned in favor of gay marriage.

Attached: flags.png (1025x196, 53K)


Same. I miss old Sup Forums befor pol was added and this cancerous infection of riight winged hateful douchebags happen to the site.

Probably just mentally ill

Do you have the template of the large flag (that got overwritten today)?

I was trying to lure a tranny to a place where I could do stuff to it, but it caught the danger scent. Next time.


Get bone cancer and die


Attached: 2019-12-08-002701_900x693_scrot.png (900x693, 76K)

ROFL, it begins again!

Attached: bigfaggot97.png (1246x878, 226K)


>misses Sup Forums before pol was made
Uh, /news/ had a lot of "right wing" stuff before pol was added.
Hell, it's always been that way.

Hey mate still think you guys arent fostering hate here?

omf yess

64chan.heliohost.org/ new chan!

come shitpost

by an anonymous hacker known as "4chen"

Attached: 2019-12-08-002804_832x695_scrot.png (832x695, 48K)

Attached: IMG_20191015_211330.jpg (1024x302, 24K)

Someone with way stronger bots than the gay commies. Though the gaycommies bots are shitty enough that maybe they avoid detection easier.

Meme magic, baby

Stop shilling chans faggot

Be careful, he might make your van explode

This should be interesting

Attached: dtehe.png (630x338, 9K)



Attached: pixelcanvas.io (14,2) 2019-12-08T05_32_05Z.png (686x978, 107K)

never expected this to happen

My new screen saver
I knew meme magic can fix everything

I've been writing my own bot that uses proxies to spam pixels, but I can't fathom how someone just did this. IPv6 maybe?

never forgetti

Attached: m00tageddon (1).png (1920x1070, 833K)

Sup Forums was a mistake, but it was created as a containment board; the problem was already here. I think the root of it is just that the ironic racism ("nigger stole my bike" et all) made actual racists feel comfortable to set up shop. Because of course racists are too dumb to understand irony.


im not sure if the one you are using is the original size or not, there were a few versions. if the discord is still up get it from there.

Top fucking kek. They can't keep it down for even a few hours.

bots and proxies have dominated this game since near inception. Admin occasionally shows up to ban and restore for whatever factions he supports.

You gave up.
@2737,-3512 This got reclaimed too

I dont even like natzis.
I dont even care about the kkk
I just think this is funny
And how teamwork, love, and autism can heal everything FUCKING MEME MAGIC

I see.Its kinda sucks tbh.

Fucking this.


surreee... Its funny that people lives are being threaten by people you embolden. Cause yea. Death is funny.


Reclaim this space

I find lots of that stuff to be cringe. Some is true, but i'm more for laughs. Hate symbols and speech like swastikas, nigger, faggot, hammer/sickle, dead babies can be funny. Just don't take stuff so seriously (Sup Forums, we laugh at everything). I'm mixed race and find the goblino mutt memes funny, its fucking jokes on internet.

Same on the canvas. I fuck off in my own area for the most part, but I will also actively fight the bullying factions. These have changed many times over the years and currently is the gay commies. Nice to see them taking it in the ass this once.

Hey, you understand now!


death is hilarious, what are you talking about

Racism. To me.

Whether ironic or unironic is funny to me. And hate that walks the thin border of trolling vs genuine hate is my tup of cea. Actual racists are usually so far gone up their own ass that listening to them mumble about their infowars shit is genuinely amusing. But seeing people genuinely rile up when you say something even remotely offensive is cathartic in it's own way.

I got called a fag on the bus by a cripple with a walking stick for literally no reason at all. He had 5 empty seats for himself. Facing all directions. But he chose to call me a fag.

And you know what? I still smile about it. I've been descriminated against for being an actual fag but the dude didn't know. Maybe he could smell fags.

But it made me smile

right... low EQ

Boo hoo spoopy natzis
Dude. Im black
I dont even care
They dont threaten me
Trannies do
People who silence other people do
Pol dosent threaten me
Hell, im friends with a real white sepremeist
He dosnt force me to beleve in anything and we have friendly debates
We can all join together to fight real evil

Reclaim this space!

Attached: Screen-shot-2011-08-11-at-10.43.22-PM.png (348x316, 114K)

So if your mother was to died. Would it be ok for the murder and the people who spreg on the murder to laugh at it?