What was the last thought going through his head?

What was the last thought going through his head?

Probably about his daughter.


"i come undone"

"What have I done?"

that filming jumanji was a fun experience though he'd prefer if the camera film crew were a bit more experienced

Darn, I should have masturbated.

Carbon monoxide



"Well looks like I've been hung out to dry, hoho"

no more being a dancing monkey for the jews, no more alimony payments, no more mental illness, no more having to deal with any ones bull shit ever again

A bullet

"I'd be funny if they had my funeral at a place called Park and Sons."

his last thoughts were of pure horror as he screamed and sunk into hell

This hurts more than I thought it would

>I hope the Switch turns out to be good

Man, this season sucks

"i actually did not want to die i just wanted pain and dread and hoplessness to go! mom!"


Good thing he went when he did, then

"You'll never get away with this Zelda! The world won't believe this was a suicide and they'll know what you di-"

Nanu Nanu

I honestly think he did think of a joke as soon as he died, I know I probably would

"I wonder if the rope will hold"

"I love you Zelda"


well you made me feel like an ass for laughing at these replies



He was actually thinking of the NES game, not his daughter.

>Where did I put my belt, I don't remember taking it o-

>not realizing the only difference between suicide and auto erotic asphyxiation is who finds the body

I've never cum this hardddddd

The bullet

>Just call me Mrs. Dousedfire

It's not your fault

He was talking about the game

hopefully the shitpost i made in a thread about him the day before.

"You're gonna carry that wait"

shit is tight

"calm your tits"