/pol opinion on antivaxxers?

here's mine: Why are these retards even a thing? I would have anyone who refuses to vaccinate their children jailed, why do these cucks want to turn 1st world countries into Africa?


link related: this dumb bitch thinks PhD in literature makes her a doctor

The people you're talking about are retards, like "vegans" who only eat salad and then end up malnourished and force their idiocy on their kids and pets. By letting those people shape your view on this issue (and being a wannabee dicator), you're being a dangerous retard yourself.

There are a lot of problems with many vaccines. Here some people got reparations for a series of vaccines that caused multiple sclerosis, among other things. And I say that as someone that received/ will receive more vaccines, and stays in hospitals, and sees more doctors than your entire family cumulated ever did/will. I think laboratories should be controlled more carefully and that they shouldn't be able to put on the market dangerous, unfinished products for a quick buck.

I also think that you're an idiot that doesn't understand how modern medicine makes our population weak and dysgenic as fuck. And again, I say that as a genetic abomination only able to survive thanks to modern medicine. It corners us into a dead end. It's a short term strategy.

i'm not saying vaccines are 100% risk-free, i had myself a bad swelling on my right arm for almost a month after the meningitis B vaccine , but how can you allow people with no medical training decide to keep their children unvaccinated when every single existing doctor says pros heavily outnumber cons ? and even if you're not a doctor how can you not see that children are not dying anymore the way they were dying 50 yrs ago because of horrid diseases?

It sucks but they do have legitimate concerns. You solve the problem by adressing their concerns, and the way I see it you do that by controlling what labs do more thorgouhly, which means more studies, more tests, and also you make it so that they can't bail out of every problem their products causes. There's been a lot of problems with the gardasil vaccine, for instance. Some girls became paralyzed, some narcoleptic, some became sterile a few even died suddenly. But from what I understand parents were told "it's a coincidence lmao". How in the fuck can you ask people to trust the medical profession when their healthy, normal kid gets injected with something and then gets terrible healt problems and the response of the doctors is "meh who cares lol"?

You're overestimating the impact of vaccines underestimating the impact of soap and running water. It's like with fluoride, some lobbies would like you to believe that adding fluoride to tap water helps with dental health. Is it the case? Not at all. You can clearly see the dental health stats of communities with fluoridated water and those without fluoridated water, they're not that different, and in fact communities with fluoridated water have slightly worse stats in that department. What helped with dental health? Toothbrushes. The habit of brushing your teeth. That's all. You could argue, fluoride toothpaste too if you will. But not drinking fluoride.

You're falling for the trap of scientism, I think. You forget that scientists are not machines, they're human. They're as subject to confirmation bias as everyone else, they're as corruptible as everyone else, and they have a job they want to keep like everyone else.

>There's been a lot of problems with the gardasil vaccine, for instance.

Nope, that's just a meme.

For a while vaccines had kept disease at bay. Like a prison, anti-vaxxers essentially allow them to break out by breaking the bars and walls.
Side effects will always happen, but the impact of the real disease itself is far worse in comparison.

Most people aren't anti vaccine but instead anti forced medication

>nu-uh didn't happen lol
You're the problem, and part of the reason why anti vaxxers exist in the first place.

>Side effects will always happen
Same as above. If all you have to say to someone who experiences side effects is "haha #rekt lol", then you maximize people's mistrust in regard of medical science in general.

The Swine Flu vaccine was a bit of a fuck-up though.

Just like the previous pandemic hysteria everyone in Sweden was mass-vaccinated within a week or so. Really impressive logistics-wise to see it all being rolled out happening-style, but the vaccine cause narcolepsia in a lot of young people.

>Most people aren't anti vaccine but instead anti forced medication


You people realize that if it wasn't for anti-vaccers, then nothing could stop the state from forcing you to take medicine that lowers testosterone and increases melanin in skin, right?

You should know that there isn't such a thing as 'true' and 'false' within academia. There is no study that can say that vaccinations are just perfect and that there is no reason to ever criticize them. You can say that a citation was done correctly in accordance with university standards, but you cannot really say that anything is inherently true. It's only true according to a certain theory. A theory that hasn't actually ever been proven, but only thought out through a series of semi-logical steps.
I study political science at university and it is the most biased bullshit you have ever seen. Professors who think they have 'proven' that communism is the only right model, or 'proven' that women shouldn't seek to be mothers and housewifes. When really, it is just their own opinion hidden behind bullshit arguments.

100% this.

Trust has to be consensual to some degree or else it is authoritarian.

I'm not trying to mock that poster or others concerns. I'm simply saying that all things in medicine are not without risk. Vaccines are no exception. Venting your concerns is a whole lot different to making others outright refuse vaccines without consulting their GP. You can't expect a one size fits all response.
I myself work as a nurse and I get the flu shot every year. It's not really for my own protection but its more so ensuring that my clients don't get sick. I look after people with weak immune systems and something like the flu is more likely to be fatal compared to infecting your average joe.

Pharmaceuticals spend millions on research and half of their products made don't even make it to the market.

I think whats happened is that no one is really informed about vaccines. Besides the prevention of disease.

On the whole what really gets my gripe is that parents don't really explain to their children what vaccines do and what can happen if they don't have them. If you're an adult who doesn't want the vaccine sure fine, but denying your child that right is a whole other issue.

>but denying your child that right is a whole other issue.

Agreed comrade state knows best and should have full control over future generations. They have our best interests at heart

Vaccinating is good and all against something like polio but who would fill their kids with shit to stop them from getting the common cold? When all of the kids who's parents vaccinated them against non-harmful diseases grow up, natural selection will fuck them up.

52 deaths, at a rate of 1 per 1 million injections, it seems. Other negative (side) effects at about the usual rate for vaccines.

Yeah, nah. The 'herd immunity' you have probably seen mentioned only works to protect the few people who cannot be vaccinated for medical reasons if a certain percentage of the population is immune i.e. has been vaccinated. The proportion differs depending on how contagious the disease is. Some need vaccination rates in the high 90 percent range.
It isn't 'forced', it is doing your part of the social contract.

I did say I was a nurse. Aren't we all statists?


Um, a state of Australia has stopped adding fluoride to water supplies and they DO have worsening dental decay.
But more importantly, this is not a useful comparison because we don't get tooth decay by catching it from others.


Hello plebbit

If people are bitching about non-vaccinated children attending the same school as their vaccinated kids because they'll "spread disease", how the fuck would the vaccinated kids be getting sick?

Calgary took flouride out. Calgary has increasing tooth decay.

Countries that changed their vaccines still have rising rates of autism.

Hippies are never right about healthcare and the only reason we continue to actually listen to their concerns is because whenever they talk about the dangers of some new vaccine, people won't use it until we blow a few million dollars dealing with their concerns.

Some kids can't get vaccinated due to issues like allergy, so kids that can get vaccinated but don't can put these kids at risk of disease.

Not all vaccines are 100% effective.

I know I hate when the proles aren't completely compliant. It's like ugh can we just control your destiny already we know what's best for you

The government built power lines over my old house. The community rallied against EMFs and said the power lines were a health risk. I didn't go along with it, we got bought out, but the terms of the buyout basically robbed us of a hundred grand.

I didn't join those anti-EMF hippies, even though I was one of the proles. You know why? Becuase they were wrong and retarded, and it was beneath me to join them.

It's not that I hate the proles. I hate hippies, and I hate their self-appointed position as the questioners of science. Because they are really really fucking stupid. They are idiots with influence, because of celebrities like Jenny McCarthy the world has to waste tons of money that could be used on legitimate medical research on some retards fantasies that they're somehow protecting the world from evil corrupted scientists.

Why do you Reddit shills even bother pole with this shit? Very few of us have kIds

um, are you serious?

double nigger

>I'm not trying to mock that poster or others concerns.
And I'm just saying that the problem is that no one actually adresses the concerns in question which is why anti vaxxers continue to exist. If they're met with dismissal and ridicule every time they voice their concerns, their beliefs are going to be reinforced, and it's completely understandable.

I have a weak immune system as I have to take immunosuppressants for crohn's disease. They still give me some specific vaccines. I do as the doctors say, but honestly, if our health system wasn't as good as it is or if I had a family to look after, I would be more careful with that. I have an uncle that developed multiple sclerosis because of a very experimental, very weird multi vaccine shot he got in the army.

>Australia has stopped adding fluoride to water supplies and they DO have worsening dental decay.
Interesting, I wonder if you know how fluoride works in the context of dental health?

>not a useful comparison
My point was that medical science is subject to the same financial pressures that other fields experience. Scientists can be bought, have financial interests to defend. Personal gain is involved. Fear, too.

>Because they are really really fucking stupid.
As stupid as autoritarian followers such as yourself. You're no different from religious people, except your god is scientism (not even science).

Praise science

Because the vaccines are made by companies who intend to destroy our populations. There's no trust in the establishment.

Enjoy your autism redditard.

enjoy your autism

Im not even joking or memeing

america will be 50% autist kids by 2050

>It's not that I hate the proles. I hate hippies, and I hate their self-appointed position as the questioners of science

Also, scientist here, you're a fucking moron. Large EMF fields can be harmful and there's still uncertainty about the effect of small chronic EMF fields.

I fucking hate you retards from reddit. Get out REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE

Herd immunity. Vaccination is one of the only cases where authoritarian approach is needed

In most contexts I would agree with you about control, but in this case lack of control harms others.

>IThere is still uncertainty

People like you fucking fed the hippies in my town with uncertainty. You fucking fed their NIMBY bullshit. No not everything about non-ionizing radition is known, but it's something far more researched than most things are.

I live in BC, this is a land where we formally recognize naturopaths as real doctors and allow them to prescribe drugs. I'm tired of taxpayer money being wasted on stupid hippie shit. If I was in charge of the world there would be power lines over every poor persons house just to piss off hippies.

I've hated anti-vaccers and the granola left wing for longer than reddit has been around kid. You may have only become a scientist after arguing on reddit enough to have an expert opinion, but the left has been peddling the same bullshit for a very long time, a long long time before reddit was around.

well have your children vaccinated then...
oh you don't even have gf and are just an opinionated pastanigger....
Well, maybe stop caring what other people do and provide some evidence for your claims...

>vaccinate your child
>someone else doesn't do that like a retard
>your kid gets sick
Gee vaccines sure seem to work!

most infections of these super rare nigger tier diseases in the western world, if not all, are caused by the immunizations themselves.
Vaccinated kids are a danger to non vaccinated kids or kids who've been vaccinated further back...

Proper sanitation and proper quarantine is what stopped the spread, no vaccinations.

>I dont know what herd immunity is
sure m8, the fact that the cases of polio dropped after a proper vaccine was made is just a coincidence

No, I know what that is. I outlined it in my post.

>vaccinate my child
>some other retard doesn't
>his child gets sick

Anti-vaccination people are good in moderation. Let the dumb ones die off, but without too high a risk for the rest of us (mutating viruses getting a breeding-ground).

For less serious diseases, who cares if people vaccinate or not.

they dropped earlier than that, pleshkavishka nig.
Read the charts, faggot.
The cases started plumeting with the introduction of applied epidemiology.
In the case of polio, you have a slight bump of more cases with the introduction of immunizations.
What you have is a industry scaremongering using polio as the vehicle to create customers in this case, governments buying, distributing and sometimes forcing their population to accept them, then charging them through taxation.
You, being the worst of the Balkans obviously don't know this and should probably go do something you're good at, like removing kebab, instead of spouting shit tier kike propaganda like the little good goy you seem to love being.
Shut the fuck up and learn to read statistics, fag.