/who/ Doctor Who General

Briggs Edition

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smith and jones is GOAT (unironically, I liked this more than eleventh)
shakespear is mediocre
gridlock is GOAT
daleks two parter is boring mediocre at best
lazarus is alright
42 is alright
human nature / family of blood are GOAT
blink is GOAT
utopia is GOAT
Last of the time lords is HYPE
the sound of drums is HYPE

"HYPE" = when the story isnt too good but you are too excited to watch anyway because things happening on screen are too awesome to make you care.

>when the story isnt too good but you are too excited to watch anyway because things happening on screen are too awesome to make you care.
What counts as "awesome" here?


All John Simm scenes


Speaking of Briggs Finish,
I usually their latest discountarino but I had a closer look at their current one and I am appalled.


>Special Doctor Who - Fifth Doctor 2017 birthday bundles have been set up containing all of these stories, for £75 on Download and £90 on CD

>individually added to basket comes to £86.80

How can they get away with this?

Smith and Jones is really solid. Not GOAT but pretty good.
The Shakespeare Code is pants.
Gridlock is good but I don't see why some people rate it so highly.
Daleks in Manhattan/Evolution of the Daleks is good.
The Lazarus Experiment is super pants.
42 is alright
Human Nature/The Family of Blood is GOAT
Blink is good but overrated
Utopia/The Sound of Drums/Last of the Time lords is a steadily declining slope of quality from GOAT to shit.

>Gridlock is good but I don't see why some people rate it so highly.
It's just the cycle, an episode goes underrated for a while so people praise it more as a reaction. Before you know it, it's overrated.

Maybe that's because you were buying 13 audios.

Also I don't think there's ever been a run of as many as four consecutive episodes of the New Series as strong as Human Nature - Utopia.

Who here getting smashed out of my mind on Saturday? I for one intend to shitpost like there's no tomorrow in the live threads.

The Fifth Doctor Birthday Bundle includes the same 13 audios.

I intend to actually watch the episode

*out of their minds

Looks like I've started early

What if WW3 starts and we all die before Episode 12 airs?

>Daleks in Manhattan/Evolution of the Daleks is good.


Do you think there's even one person in the world, excluding people who work at BF, who listens to all of Big Finish's Doctor Who output these days? It seems impossible, but there's probably someone obsessed enough.

...you didn't need to buy all of them.

Raynor did nothing wrong.

Trump will rob us again, this time of Doctor Who.

I'm gonna enjoy the episode and then read about how everyone on /who/ hated it after.

Styre? Maybe DocOho, but he hasn't written an audio review in ages.

Sober? Brave man

You're missing my point.
People assume that a bundle will be cheaper (or at the very least, the same price, just collected) than adding all the individual releases to the basket.
So why isn't this the case?

No one's gonna fuck with us after we just bombed the heck out of some caves

Completely agree. Have a River story in Series 5, to remind the audience she's still a thing, then wait til the back end of Series 6 for another one-off appearance. Then bring her in for a story in Series 6. Three adventures with Matt, each one a good while apart, slowly teasing more and more (just nuggets about her past and their relationship; you don't need a whole Silence/parents/assassination arc ffs). Then she could've popped up a couple of times for Capaldi. Maybe a big revelation with him. And then leave BF to cameo her throughout classic Doctors.

Better bloody not. I want to see the regeneration dammit.

t. ravioli burgerman

It's a sacrifice I'm willing to make in exchange for death.

Did you put the bundle in the basket, does the discount apply? The individual ones add up to 96 pounds, the discount is what makes them cheaper

They didn't do the math right? It's only a 3.20 difference anyway, so it's not that big a deal they didn't count it up correctly unless you're really anal about pinching pennies.

Anyone hoping Moffat might have kept one last Blink-tier episode up his sleeve?




Why don't we get an Indian companion?

5 years from now, people are gonna think Series 7 is better than whatever season Chibnall's on.

Ear stories aren't cannon

They'd go mental having to deal with beef burger eating Americans

Because the last one was a capitalist pig dog that didn't have much of a character despite showing up in 26 books.

>Chibnall is bad meme
It seriously needs to stop. .

>they did this in public

Bundles don't get discounts as those are already heavily discounted.

>only 3.20
Big Finish must get like what, 17(?) customers from sales like this, that's an extra £54 at least!

Although actually you've given me an idea that maybe they didn't take the 10% discount on orders of £50 into account when pricing the bundle which will explain the price difference.

It's not the first time they've cocked up a bundle, but still bad show on their part as this hurts the customer.

Are these really what count as obscure?

Eccles Cunt Station

>all of his doctor who episode are mediocre
it's not a meme

It's a meme and you are fucking whiny retard who sits in his basement 24/7 shitposting on Sup Forums.


>Are these really what count as obscure?
"Lord up in of this time bitch" is 2010 era, I guarantee you most neo-/who/res aren't very familiar with it.

Although the really obscure one from that era (that even people who were around forgot) was the 'grape snake' thing based on TV Movie Master.

Capitalist pig dog?

Larry Miles thought Anji was one of the worst companions ever all because she worked at a 9-to-5 office job, and he thought she glorified the evils of having a job.

remember that user here who said trump was the moat anti war candidate? kek a doodle doo.

Get back to work Chris.

Kill yourself.

Literally all of his campaign promises would incite a violent conflict with another country, and his followers are surprised that he could start a war. It's retarded.


I could maybe see arguing that the episode isn't terrible and is more mediocre. But saying it's out right good is surprising. Can you elaborate what you liked about it?

>based fan show

For all the praise Gary Russell got in the last thread, he was one of the people who pissed Larry off and convinced him to not do any more EDAs.

But he's a really bad brand manager.


They'll poo on the TARDIS

How is Russell any better than Briggs? All of the books and audios he's written are shit, and he couldn't even get Tom Baker on board when he was in charge. Briggs may right boring Dalek stories, but at least they weren't as shit as Minuet in Hell.

One of the least appealing features of Whovian fandom is going after writers and show runners personally. Its been like this for a long time, JNT, Robert Holmes, Terence Dicks etc.

Perhaps I'm not edgy enough but I find it reprehensible.

What makes it particularly stupid is that the Doctor is like Sherlock Holmes or James Bond, bulletproof to any particular rendering or change. The essence of the character is fixed and if you don't like it now, there will be a different version at some point. Chill out.

No, we gotta say that writers should be ashamed of themselves for wasting an actor's time. Because it's not like John Hurt hasn't acted in awful things before, and by all accounts he had a nice time hanging out with the Big Finish staff.

It's been a while since I've seen it, but I was genuinely surprised to learn of its reputation. The idea that the Daleks' obsession with purity is ultimately self-destructive and leads to them treating their best members like shit is interesting. It's one of the few stories where Daleks are distinct characters and there's real tension between them. I think it might be the last story where a Dalek has had any internal conflict. There's interesting similarities and differences between the philosophies of Diagoras and the Daleks and the human!Dalek. You could argue a lot of the premise is ripped off from Evil, but it's done differently. Also that musical number and the setting in general is pretty good. And I like that the Doctor is actually willing to actually give the Cult of Skaro a chance to change their ways, even though it inevitably doesn't work out.

Making it all about you again eh Nicholas?

>tfw Sandiferchad
>tfw Briggscucks start reeing

Go beg for more patreon money, Phil.

The scene in the sewer with the 2 Daleks chatting feels like it's right out of the Hartnell era; it's great. And then one of them looks behind itself to make sure they're alone. Brilliant moment.

>did his masters thesis on slash fiction

Is this for fucking real

She did the best she could. It's RTD's fault for giving her a story she's not suited for.

I've always thought that a Forest of the Night was a fairly enjoyable episode, but it seems to be quite polarising.

Yeah, the story does feel very like the Hartnell era in places. Tardis Eruditorum does a pretty good analysis of its strong points and describes it as mashup between a Lucarotti style historical and a Hartnell era Dalek romp, although I was kind of hoping Phil would rip it to shreds so I could get a better idea of why people hate it.

Would be kino without the annoying kids.

RTD was also apparently ill so he didn't get to edit Raynor as much as he'd usually like.

Do you think Dr Who fans realise that most actors of his generation saw films and TV as a bit of a laugh and an opportunity to make money so they could do theatre, which really is Serious Business and what most of the knighhoods etc. were actually dished out for.

A Big Finish audio is something you do to make a day of going to a nice restaurant, it barely counts as work. And as I said on the other thread, this is all to pretend the same actors aren't literally cranking out hundreds of hours of Radio 4 stuff without anyone even noticing they've done it.


Same could be said for Nightmare in Silver, mostly

The plot is pants on head retarded, the kids are easily the best part of it.

Because Sec's plan never really goes anywhere, the show doesn't explore his human-Dalek nature enough, some of the shit like the Doctor getting struck by lightning leads to Human-Dalek-Time Lord hybrids was dumb, the supporting cast such as Tallulah, Lazlo, and Andrew Garfield's character were annoying, etc.

>Yeah, the story does feel very like the Hartnell era in places
Even though everyone but him knew, I enjoyed the scenes in Part 1 of the Doctor working on finding out more about the Dalek blob. Him not instantly recognising something made for a nice change of pace, and we were all waiting for him to catch up with us.

more of this classic fan film series

And besides, based on interviews, John Hurt had a decent time having one of those Big Finish lunches, reuniting with old theatre friends, and having some fun playing the War Doctor. Yeah, Briggs could have gotten a good writer to do his audios, but acting like he shat on John Hurt's grave is just being fucking autistic.



>some of the shit like the Doctor getting struck by lightning leads to Human-Dalek-Time Lord hybrids was dumb
Seems like typical Doctor Who logic to me. Humans + thing = Human Daleks, humans + thing + Doctor = Human Daleks with a bit of Time Lord. It might not stand up to scientific scrutiny, but few episodes do.

> the supporting cast such as Tallulah, Lazlo, and Andrew Garfield's character were annoying, etc.
I disagree.

> the show doesn't explore his human-Dalek nature enough
I mean, they spend a pretty large part of the episode exploring it.

BIG Chief just fucked up

I bet spending time with Jacqueline Pearce was an absolute riot actually. There is a Pebble Mill at One interview after Blake's 7 ended where she says she is going to quit acting, leave London and become a nude model in Cornwall. And she is completely serious.

In hindsight, the old show really dropped the ball by not having Jacqueline Pearce play the Master instead of Ainley.

The problem with the lightning thing isn't even science, it's the fact the Doctor hugging a lightning rod doesn't visually feel like a convincing way of achieving it (or anything really).

>mfw Chibnall hires Briggs as scriptwriter

cytu be/r/casualwhostream

RTD said one of his great regrets as showrunner was never hiring Briggs to write an episode.

Doesn't it? I mean the lightning goes through him, then goes to the people, somehow picking up his Time Lord essence along the way.

Did he really?

He probably said that cos Nick's a friend. Honestly, if he wanted a Briggs episode, he'd have made one happen at the time.


I know. I'm confused too.


How many Moff-era episodes have featured Cybermen and Daleks, compared to Rusty's era?

It's quite weird to think RTD only had 3 proper Cybermen stories (one of which was shared with Daleks).


They show up at least once per season, so basically the same as Rusty's. The Cybermen have shown up once per season in Moffat's era, so more than they did in RTD's.

What if the 11th Doctor doesn't remember having met the Curator? What if only the Curator retained the memory of that meeting because he was the furthest incarnation of the Doctor who was present? The time streams would have been out of sync, if, of course, the Curator is actually a future incarnation of the Doctor. Maybe that's why the 11th Doctor never stopped to assume that he might live beyond what he supposed was his final incarnation.

What's Briggs' most unique writer contribution to Doctor Who and why is it Creatures of Beauty?