Psilocybe mushrooms are effective in the treatment of depression, anxiety, OCD, PTSD, and addiction...

Psilocybe mushrooms are effective in the treatment of depression, anxiety, OCD, PTSD, and addiction. What all five of those have in common is getting caught in a loop, trapped in a frame of mind; psilocybes allow you to "free your mind" and "think outside of the box".
Those aren't just phrases some hippies pulled out of their asses on some sunny summer's day in the 60's, it's real deal shit.
p.s. I'm not a hippie, I'm a nazi; I'm not a druggie, I care about my health.

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we're limited by our perspective, but this perspective changes on psychedelics and lets us view ourselves from another angle

Yeah thats funny cause i took 10 grams once and ended up in the hospital and now i have panic attacks all the time and my anxiety is worse

Dont be a fag confront your fear put it behind you and be dont with it

I saw my mom turn into satan and i thought i killed my whole family then killed myself and went to hell

Holy shit, user. Why did you overdo it so hard?? I've done shrooms more than a dozen times and never went over 4 grams. I'm psychologically healthy as Fuck, Because of them.

It’s literally just a drug you pussy. It doesn’t cause any kind of permanent mental damage, you’re just a coward. I don’t even do drugs. I just dont like bullshitters.

maybe you shouldnt talk about things you dont understand

Cause i was drinking and didnt care

thats rough. what did your mom say

She tried to get me to go to bed but i was freaking out. I begged her call an ambulance but she wouldnt listen, i ended up snapping my phone in half and it exploded in my hand then she called the ambulance and they took me. I got second degree electrical burns on my hand

Gotcha. Well, that was the problem; you Wayy overdid. I would Not expect good results from 10 grams; I'd expect bad results.
I usually don't go over a gram, though an 8th is typically safe if you're experienced.

Everybody is affected differently by them. Very few people who are predisposed to certain conditions have them magnified. Now it doesn’t just bring them out of nowhere, you were already going to have it. This just brought it on faster. Not everyone has the predisposition to be a heavy psychonaut. 12grams + 500mics of lsd is not recomended for most people. However pure existence without your ego is a hell of a thing to experience.

sounds like a bad time

>I don't do drugs
>you're a pussy
lol I bet you couldn't even handle weed

Yeah it got worse at the hospital, i thought i had died and went to hell and i had to experience everybodies death that ever happened on earth for the next 5000 years. I thought the doctors were going to do fucked up experiments on me and i thought some guy was going to shoot up the whole hospital

You snapped your phone in half? Jesus Christ.

Yeah and the battery exploded and burned my hand

I've heard that people who were predisposed to these sorts of things shouldn't take those drugs, otherwise it can flip you into a full blown psychotic. This is a good reason I'm skeptical of trying.

Hope you're gonna be OK, dude.

I already got caught in loops in lsd and mushroom trips too. But I know what you mean, because the (bad) trip confronts you with your problems

Maybe you experience first things because you have an opinion about those things. Otherwise your just a hypocrite big mouth

Already had such psychotic experience on 2 blotter lsd. I will take distance from hallucinogenics the next few years. The truth I took out of the trip is, that I should care more about my (mental) health and not playing roulette with my mind

shrooms are disgusting to eat and give shitty high

just do tabs instead way better

I love psychedelics but people trying to peddle them to people as a cure for anything is retarded. They're just a drug bro

how can i get hold of mushrooms in the uk......most growing kits and kit sellers are now ilegal

liberty caps?

they definitely force you to confront your problems

False, you’re a bitch. And why 10grams?? That’s a ludicrous joke. “I tried to drink a lake and now I’m afraid of water”

How do you get second degree electrical burns....from a phone? Every time you type you just lie compulsively, don’t you?

Oh, so you're better educated than John Hopkins Psychedelic Research Unit? You must be so smart, user.

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Because i snapped my phone in half and the lithium battery exploded. My doctor, who happens to specialize in burns, told me they were second degree burns. But i guess my doctor was lying according to you

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Already explained it. Try reading the thread newfag

What exactly do you mean confront? You mean problems you are having a bad time with and are thinking about at the time, or like
>you wish to be a little girl, and can't
levels of existentialism?

problems you've been ignoring. for me it was being lazy. wasn't doing anything but drugs. dropped a tab and it hit me like a truck. thought i was wasting my life and i'd turn out to be nothing and nobody if i didn't get my shit together.
never got my shit together but man i was pretty motivated for the next week or so.

growing a pair and stop being depressed is even more effective than resorting to hippie-new-age bullshit

doesnt work like that

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of course it does, unless you're religious and believe that you can't control how you feel

>shrooms are for hippies
Neck yourself, kike.

only kikes promotes drugs & getting high as a solution to life's problems. gas yourself

isnt religion all about controlling how you feel?

>never got my shit together but man i was pretty motivated for the next week or so.
kek that sucks. Well I could use this kind of motivation in my life, but keeping up with it is going to be the real issue.

yeah keeping up is always the hardest part. nothings ever motivated me for more than a week

Nice try, JIDF.

if you are in control of you, and not an almighty god, you control all your actions and feelings. there is no "i was born this way" or "you can't choose how you feel" - everything i a choice

fuck off kike

but we dont control anything

I have severe anxiety from post traumatic stress stemming from a serious injury in my life. I am trying mushrooms for the first time next month and can't wait to see their affects of me.

A cursory amount of research will show OP is right. lol Refer to

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Godspeed, user.

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of course we do. don't believe me, look at you hand and move your fingers.

that guy at work that irritates you, but you decide to let it go because he is not worth the trouble of dealing with.

when you feel sad and cry and eventually decide you cried enough and stop crying.

it's not harder than that...

if you dress up a turd with whipped cream and sprinkles, it's still a turd.

you can dress up newage religion is all kinds of scientific research, it is still about hippies justifying being baked and hallucinating to grateful dead.

Tried ayauasca and mescaline last week. Was not special or life changing in any way, just fell relaxed for some hours. Maybe the dose was to small, i dunno.

10 grams is not a recommended dose by anyone. It's your own fault. OP is discussing micro dosing or dosing a medicinal amount.

What you are saying is "one time I got pain pills and I took all the pain pills and ended up in the hospital! My kidneys and liver wont ever be the same again!"

That's you user. That's how you sound.

but you cant control your emotions without practice. have you never been so mad you couldnt calm down?

And it's bullshit anyway. 10g might mess you up for an evening, but you'll get through it like everyone does.

haha ok expert

>science is for hippies

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>everything i a choice

Yeah except about illnesses.

Did you see me blaming anybody for taking that amount? Think before you speak tard

> expert

Yeah, a little bit.

no. being able to control emotional response is an human feature. animals on the other hand lack a consciousness and are thus hard-wired to react to emotions with actions.

thats pretty badass

then you might be a sociopath

because you questioned op's statement because you once was a moron and took 4 times the recommended dose for beginners

>then you might be a sociopath

Sociopaths are only good at controlling some emotions sometimes; they have to practice or they get the shit kicked out of them by their peers and the police.

no i'm not. sociopaths lacks empathy, are prone to irrational anger and likes to torture small animals. i despise all forms of violence, malice and anger. it makes you less human

>no. being able to control emotional response is an human feature.

So you've never loved (or hated) anyone. What a disappointment you must feel like.

I havent asked any questions moron

looks like you know nothing about being human but i admire that you despise such things

>not knowing what "questioned" means

user please stop talking, you're just making it worse

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The psilocybe mushroom is one of the few things the hippies got right; they have incredible psychiatric value if used properly.

I am a national socialist, and I approve this message.

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full of shit.

You are dumb as fuck

Fuck off fascist scum.

of course loved people. but hate is pointless as it serves no other purposes but stroking your ego or justify malicious motives.

you think being angry, violent & sadistic is good?


not good but definitely human

>not showing me where i'm wrong
>hurr no u!!

you're a fucking niggerfaggot

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someone said if i had mild back pain i can take Tylenol, I took 10 and ended up in the hospital wtf

didn't say it wasn't. only said you can control it, because you're not a wild animal

You need to snap out of your romantic view of them. They can absolutely destroy your brain if taken in big or greedy doses, I'm testament to that. They fucked my head up for a good 6/7 years after I freaked out on them. Anxiety, mood swings, depression, isolation, sleeping paralysis and most importantly all loss of ambition and drive. I really abused them. I was taking them for 2 weeks almost everyday and ate 1000's. Just be careful and dont abuse them. Microdosing is a different thing altogether

if you think you can just will away depression then you've never had depression. don't forget your brain controls you, not the other way around.

Heyooooo look at that lucky faggot

Ur mom gay lol

Ow oof my absolute feelings

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if course i've had depression. used to be on oxazepam. that's why i know depression is an active choice. drugs only hides it but doesn't make it go away until you tell it yourself to fuck off

Mushrooms are not a cure all, you stoner trash

well then im actually curious how you managed to do it

depression isn't a choice dude i don't care what you say

I use to suffer from depression, anxiety, panic attacks, and dyslexia.
I started listening to Wes Watson and my life hasnt been better. Im down 30 pounds, working a good job, and i even started dating again.
Thanks wes!

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What about the OP romanticized them, Autismo? It's nobody's fault but yours that you got spastic and overdid it.

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i won't lie, it WILL take massive amounts of trial and error and cause a LOT of frustration.

first is the mindset: always acknowledge that you feel depressed but NEVER enable it. Treat those emotions as push-notifications (read it and discard it).

second is schedule: you need a routine. i was unemployed and broken-hearted. but i made myself a schedule and kept.

here's an example of how my monday would look like:
>7:00 wake up, shower, fresh clothes and eat breakfast
>8:00 AM take an early morning walk for at least one hour
>waste time with vidya & internet until 12:00PM
>make dinner and clean apartment if necessary
>waste time on internet and play vidya
>3:00PM computer-free time
>6:00PM supper
>internet & vidya time
>10:00PM lights out

third, get a hobby, a real hobby that preferably makes you step outside (in my case it was riding my bicycle)

Have you since bettered yourself and started becoming an actual useful member of society?

i got a job that pays bills, live with my gf, have a car and best of all: i don't need to pop pills to deal with problems anymore. can't say i have a awesome life, but i feel satisfied enough with it.

>i took psychedelics and i didnt trip
>Maybe the dose was to small, i dunno.
>i dunno

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