If the goal of the nazis was to kill all Jews...

If the goal of the nazis was to kill all Jews, why didn't they just put a bullet in their head upon arrival to the camps?

The fact that there are so many survivors doesn't make sense

Why feed and house them?

cheap labor
wasn't until the very end that the shift from detention to extermination came

>kill off your slave labor workforce early on in the war
who's gonna man the factories, user?

But your main goal is death, why would you use resources and guards to house them instead of using one bullet, what important labor was being done at the camps, can you give me an example?

They didn't work the factories though, can you give an example?

One of the tall tales out of the holohoax includes bullets.
>They lined us up twelve to a row, and shot their rifles so that one bullet would shoot through all twelve skulls.

machining of tools, vehicles and weaponry
mining at times
Hitler wanted them all out of Europe and his plan was to use Ethiopia as a springboard to send them to Madagascar

So when the war winded down, like in 1944 and really in 1995, why not kill them off?

Why would you allow them to live and use resources if you your goal was to let them die?

Knitting, don't forget knitting and sowing.

It makes no sense. According to the propaganda the main aim of the camps was extermination, but apparently knitting was also on the agenda for some reason.

to gas as many people as there were in those camps was preposterous
they were disposable as Jews weren't the only undesirables in the camps (gays, commies, gypsies) so they could die of disease and be replaced
near the end the nazis wanted to destroy all evidence of the camps, so they started exterminating them

Auschwitz was an enormous labor camp. Birkenau, where the homicidal gas chambers are alleged to have existed, was just a tiny section of Auschwitz. The welcome sign on the front gate even said (I'm paraphrasing), Work Will Set You Free.

>something something exterminating
So now we're literally making shit up?
There is zero forensic evidence to support your claims. You're just parroting the Holohoax narrative.

They also had release forms.
>Release from an extermination camp


>to gas as many people as there were in those camps was preposterous
That's exactly what we and every sane person has been saying forever.
>disposable as Jews weren't the only undesirables in the camps (gays, commies, gypsies)
Jews Russians, Poles and German Political prsioners. FTFY
> destroy all evidence of the camps, so they started exterminating them
Why? America had concentration camps, Britain had concentration camps and so did Russia. Why would the Germans be afriad of anyone finding out about their labour camps. If it is as you say that they were afraid people would discover their fiendish plan to kill all Jews, then why did they set about doing the exact thing they were afraid of people finding out about around the time when they were just going to loose the war?
Even the basic internal logic of your story is faulty. Retard.

1. The war ended in 1945, there was no "like winding down in 1944."
2. Gassings of jews was alleged to have occurred early in the war, not at the end. Look up Treblinka, for example. Watch the documentary One Third of the Holocaust. At the end of the war, the jews weren't exterminated. There are many documentations of how the jews were marched away from the invading Russian and US armies so they wouldn't be killed in the fighting for the front line.

They tried killing them like that but it took too much time, and also took a psychological toll on the soldiers, at the end they found that the easiest way was to starve them out on the ghettos and then when the war started going to shit they put the chambers in turbo mode.

Goal was not to kill all Jews. Goal was to destroy Communism.

Hitler was the devil, he wanted to make them suffer

There wasn't a mass extermination program for Jews.

Most of the concentration camp casualties came from starvation or disease towards the end of the war. All of those pictures you see of skeleton mode jews are from 1945.

Treblinka is another bad joke. Not one mass grave was discovered, nor anything that remotely looks like a gas chamber or anything like that.

>Why? America had concentration camps, Britain had concentration camps and so did Russia. Why would the Germans be afriad of anyone finding out about their labour camps. If it is as you say that they were afraid people would discover their fiendish plan to kill all Jews, then why did they set about doing the exact thing they were afraid of people finding out about around the time when they were just going to loose the war?
>Even the basic internal logic of your story is faulty. Retard.

They had epidemic typhus and other diseases spreading like wildfire though the camps so they started mass executing the sick to stop them from spreading. Several hundreds of thousands died after the liberation when the americans forced them into the woods so they wouldn't spread the diseases to the towns before the allies had set up temporary treatment camps.

Or that's one theory anyways, based on what we know.

>Not one mass grave was discovered, nor anything that remotely looks like a gas chamber
despite the fact that the site was sweeped with GPR (Ground Penetrating Radar) and other technologies which indicated the earth had no signs of ever being disturbed

No, the jews goal when creating anti-zionism, was to get the christians to believe it was Hitlers idea.

Also, every war have working camp, and no one would profit from killing the slaves.

>they started mass executing the sick to stop them from spreading.
1. There are plenty of accounts from jew prisoners at the camps, including Auschwitz, who were sick and nursed back to health by the Nazis.
2. Women frequently arrived pregnant and gave birth in the camps' nurseries, despite the Holohoax narrative lies about children and infants killed on arrival.

Kek. So it has gone from
>de ebil nazis tried to murder de six gorrillian
>they might have shot a number of sick people to stop desease from spreading. But we have no evidence that they did shoot them, because this theory is late in the day.

Slow clap.

>1. There are plenty of accounts from jew prisoners at the camps, including Auschwitz, who were sick and nursed back to health by the Nazis.
>2. Women frequently arrived pregnant and gave birth in the camps' nurseries, despite the Holohoax narrative lies about children and infants killed on arrival.

Look there's actual moving footage of the mass graves and piles of dead bodies so there's no denying there was mass graves or a shit ton of dead people. It's all in Alfred Hitchcock's documentary footage.

But there's also the not so insignificant narration about the typhus epidemic. And that's probably why the footage was banned.

Imo the truth is somewhere inbetween the two extremes. There was indeed an extermination but the question is "why?". When you learn that hundreds of thousands of sick died from the handling of allies after the liberation it's pretty obvious why; the nazi's supply lines had been cut off, things were getting out of control and they killed the sick.

One main problen is that our history books are being written with heavy influence from Jews themselvs.
Are they going to tell the whole truth.
Or a grandious version that sticks a hot coal in the eyes of Germany.
Using sympothy from Americans to gain financial support for Isreal.

The goal was deportation to Israel.

Just doesn't make sense how any survived if the goal was to kill them

I would have put a bullet in them
Immediately and used the troops/supplies at the camps as part of the war effort

>Alfred Hitchcock documentary
>there was indeed an extermination
The experts are in agreement that Belsen was NEVER a death camp, so I don't know why you're even trying to claim that it was.

They let alive those who could be useful to them.

>Why feed and house them?
Yeah, 1 plate of pea soup per day, nice caring.

fuck using bullets. all you have to do is put them in a camp and not feed them. instead they thought it would be a better idea to be hollywood villains. really makes you think.

oy vey the stormcuck gets upset when he's confronted with facts.

I'm going to give you a serious answer. It has to do with various factors involving both logistics, psychology and justice/military practice. The first thing you have to realize is that the camp guards at the death camps weren't permitted to kill the inmates. They would of course use deadly force to prevent them from running and so on, but they weren't allowed to perform executions. This is because the camp guards and other staff were just regular people with just some military training.

People arrived to the camps by train. Many people arrived at a time, and shooting them would have required a lot of executioners and even more security personnel. Instead, it was more efficient to force them all into the gas chambers. Whether the people knew that they were led into their own execution doesn't change much, since if they attempted to flee they would be shot either way. Humans will generally do whatever a person with a gun says, even if this will lead to their own execution. Once they were locked into the gas chambers by the regular staff, they could not escape. This is when the executioners were called in. The executions were administered and performed by the SS. SS agents would be the ones to deliver the gas canisters into the gas chambers. Once all the victims were dead, it was easy to simply vent the chambers. Then the regular staff would transport the bodies to the crematorium. Easy, simple, efficient, requiring little staff with little training, little cleanup, and causing relatively little trauma for the staff involved.

right around the time that supply lines and agricultural centers were destroyed by allied bombing? now that is interesting..

Here come the chimp outs.
>Use ovens 10 times more advanced than modern ovens to burn 6 million corpses in the middle of a war between nations.

Priority goys.