Is homosexuality wrong?

Is homosexuality wrong?

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Well it isn't right...anatomically and what not..but I have no issue with faggots


Yes, it is morally wrong.

Homos need to fucking die.

No, it just needs to stop being shoved down our throats.

Yes, it is a mental illness.

Unless they are being total faggots about it, then they don't bother me.

It's not normal but i don't really mind gays if they behave like everyone else.

You gonna post the same six pictures you always post now, Georgios?

Only when you pretend to be in straight relationships. You're throwing everybody under the bus in that scenario. But I guess that's a popular fantasy, being a straight man's "mistress" and giving his wife AIDS by proxy.

Yes. It's pagan degeneracy.

Where was this?


No, it's natural.
You can find a lot of exemples of homosexuality in nature...
Trangendering is wrong though, it's antinatural.


Hedonism is wrong, an incredible percentage of faggots is hedonist.
Love is right.
Loving without purpose is morally ambiguous.
Having good genes and not procreating is wrong.
Spreading this ideology is a deadly sin that should be prosecuted. Trapping boys as young as 15 in these faggot nets where they are groomed to become disgusting aids filled faggots warrants the death penalty.

Actually if you look at it this way, the prostate is to make buttsex pleasurable. You should have yours removed so you won't be gay anymore.

If they are normal it's fine. Some need 100 dicks to fill a void that can never be filled

source: God

Pagan vikings drowned fags in bogs while your rulers were taking it up the ass, famm.

Evolutionary dead end.

Givve me some examples of non-human animals that have exclusively homosexual sexual activity.

fees bad man. feels really really bad

Literally BTFO'd

Coup city.
Don't be retarded spain. We see cannibalism, incest and asexual reproduction in nature as well.
Does that sound normal ? You are indoctrinated bruv. What if you had lived in China, or in the same student city you live in now, but 100 years earlier. Don't be so impressionable.


HAHAHAHA faggot got rekt

Anglo-Saxob pagans hung gays on Thunor's trees then buried them in bogs.



>first the flag, then the fag.

Bisexuality is common among bonobos, exclusive homosexuality is not known to occur.

What do you make of those fags that say Anderson is a repressed homosexual

there are lots of
just use google my friend

Culture is diferent than nature my friend
HOmosexuality is natural and doent hurt anybody not like cannibalism...

I'm not going to look for it. I remember seeing two male lions fuck too but that's more of a dominance thing I suppose

>not known to occur.
Not true. It has been observed.
Monogamy in general is not common with them.

makes as much sense as telling someone who's arachnophobic that they're secretly a spider.
dude has 9 kids.

Sure, but their rulers were still secretly fanooks.

Mel Gibson told me so.

I'll take that as an admission of defeat.
Source? Remember, this is exclusively homosexual sexual activity, not homosexual sexual activity.
Homosexual sexual activity is what we're talking about, not homosexual activity.

Is every straight man who takes issue with gays a closet case?

I guess every adult who takes issue with pedophilia is a closeted child molester then.

Ausbro stop the trolling.
If you are too lazy to search in google: animal homosexuality, you are too lazy to be on Sup Forums

Meh, I've known lots of Gays in my life. They're just normal people. Fags are fine and their sexual preference doesn't matter whether they're a good person or not.

I hate the stereotypical, dramatic and crazy fags. But there's tons of based faggots out there too.

I could care less if two men or two women love one another, it's just when gay culture is shoved down people's throats is what annoys me. Some homosexual relationships don't do this, but a good amount act flamboyant or parade their orientation and want people to know they are gay.

If you're so certain you're correct you should have no trouble citing conclusive evidence of exclusive homosexual behaviour in multiple species of non-human animals.

>HOmosexuality is natural and doent hurt anybody not like cannibalism...

Sounds like you're in dire need of some Sam Hyde in your life.

>Actually if you look at it this way, the prostate is to make buttsex pleasurable

What no. Thats just a consequence of its location. Its meant to help sperm survive the conditions of the vagina.

Living a hedonistic lifestyle by sticking your dick in another man's asshole and creating new kinds of disease does not contribute anything to society and in fact it is detrimental to the stability of civilization. Faggots should be killed

There are 3 exemples in the thread, and noone is mine.
You want to play stupid, go for it troll.

Two guys have consensual sex behind closed doors, what had it got to do with you?

They are not examples of exclusive homosexuality.

cant wait for the new MDE show in adult swim

This is the worst kind of attitude.

Only if you enjoy it.

humans aren't exclusively homo kid

>this is exclusively homosexual sexual activity, not homosexual sexual activity.
Not exclusivity because bonobos use sex to solve conflicts. But nearly 60% of females do have lesbian sex and do it more often than heterosexual intercourse.

Are you retarded as fuck ?
A case for cannibalism can be made from an evolutionary principle, the same can not be done for homsoexuality.
Besides, if they are both observed in nature, they must have a natural starting point.
We just eradicated them with culture. Homosexuality has sadly been more persistant around the world than cannibalism. Although in some communities its the other way around.

Then it isn't exclusive. Next.
Some humans are.

The overwhelming majority of people never contribute anything to society friend.

There is absolutely nothing wrong with gays or hedonism. The only arguments against it are moral absolutes that stem from muh xyz sandnigger god said it was bad.

They create diseases
They are a public health hazard

>Then it isn't exclusive. Next.
What do you mean by exclusive? Humans aren't exclusive.

Wrong? Eh. But some kinds of it are way more fun to watch than the other kind.

The origin of HIV is with the bushmeat trade.

Does this look like something wrong to you?

Is it actively affecting you in any way other than the thought causing you to fly into an autistic fit of rage? There are thousands of gays having sex right now. Do you see any of them? Are they trying to get you to join in? Why do you care so much if you can just pretend they don't exist?


I'm asking for examples of individual animals who engaged exclusively in homosexual sexual activity in the wild, not in captivity. If you can't find an example then you can't say that certain non-human species are homosexual.

Homosexuality is a disorder/disease. It replaces normal sexuality with something that doesn't work. Being a homosexual is not wrong, but attempting to have sex with a person of the same sex is wrong. I'm gay and want to suck dicks day and night but if I could make myself heterosexual, I would.

ITT: We play "Spot the Shill."


I dunno man, I've tried butt stuff by myself and it doesn't feel good. It feels more weird than anything.

Nothing comes close to a nice tight vagina.

This kind of attitude kills communities.

Looks like a fresh case of AIDS.

>The overwhelming majority of people never contribute anything to society friend.
>There is absolutely nothing wrong with gays or hedonism.
This is why our civilization is collapsing. We no longer have religion giving people morality and a reason to contribute to society. The only hope is a total police state.

Human beings are cattle. If they are left to their own devices they won't do anything meaningful and ultimately they'll all live miserable troubled lives. Cattle need to be lead, they used to be lead by religion but they foolishly abandoned it and now they need to be controlled by a totalitarian police state that cannot just be ignored or abandoned

Do swans count? Swan males sometimes feign a relation with a female to have a child. Then they abduct they child and run off with another male.

They're straight solely for the purpose of reproduction - just like humans.

What if they're both nonHIV?

Looks disgusting as fuck


Like who? Don't tell me you're one of the people who think the romans fell because they had a few orgies.

Being gay is fine as long as you're not a flamboyant fuck who uses it to solely define their personality and brag about it like people should care.

Transgenderism or whatever though is legit mental-illness, feeling insecure is fine but if you're going out of your way to mutilate yourself chances are you've got bigger problems.

TIL that unless a species is exclusively homosexual then it can't possibly be natural. Fucking idiot.

>Sup Forums is still debating something that doesn't cause damage, doesn't affect society at large and has no scientific answer
I mean if the discussions were about how to stop slut culture, hypersexuality and liberal brainwashing I could understand, but those threads are so useless.

How does that differ from female anal to which you degenerate masturbate to?

>something that doesn't cause damage
Yeah using your asshole as a petri dish for new diseases doesn't do any damage

Do you know what exclusive means?
You're alienating yourself from your community and fostering a permissive, cold, and uncaring culture of indiferrence toward your neighbours.

The animals are not homosexual if they engage in sexual activity with females.

>doesn't affect society at large
Nice try

>Do you know what exclusive means?
Do you understand that exclusivity in nature isn't all too common.
Mating for life isn't the standard.

Why do you want to contribute in the first place? Human evolution has finished. We have completely explored the earth. Unless by advancement you mean colonizing some space rocks in the hope of finding an actual purpose in life, there is nothing left to do. It will take thousands of years before we're ready to leave our solar system, if that ever actually happens.

What is the ultimate goal of this police state? You understand you almost certainly wouldn't be a part of it, you would be one of the sheep being herded right? What have you contributed to society?

Accept that there is no purpose in life. Stop trying to kill yourself in the pursuit of some vague purpose that doesn't even exist and enjoy your time while you're here.

>doesn't cause damage
>doesn't affect society at large
Zika really does fry your brain

How so? Why does liking dick alienate you in any way? It seems to me you're trying to forcibly alienate them in the first place.

Anal sex is not what you see in porno. In porno they never let you hear the "bottom" flushing his bowels out with an enema so it won't smell like shit when he's penetrated. However, they do often show the bottom squirting the semen out of his ass with fart noises some times.

You talk like anal is something new, OR an exclusively homosexual practice. Even worse you're forgetting that we used to do this before we were able to clean our asses with enemas.

It doesn't, that's why I mentioned things that actually do. Homosexuality isn't going anywhere.

Go on tell me how it does then.

>Animals rape, kill and act in the most savage ways possible
>Leftists: we are better than that.
>Animals fuck another animal of the same gender

It isn't among homosexual humans either.


What IS wrong is letting your personality, actions and self image be defined by your sexual acts. Thats degeneracy.

i don't care what you are doing in your bedroom, just stop acting like a fucking faggot in public.

>it's found in nature
>therefore its normal
Do you get how stupid this argument sounds?

I'm talking about your permissive attitude. Do you remember what post you replied to?

>how does the complete breakdown of even the most basic society structure like family can possibly negatively impact society
It really makes you think

>animals sleep, eat and drink water
Appeal to nature doesn't work, period,stop using it.