Only 33% of french people trust the government in the war against terrorism

They were 50% before the Nice attacks.

Trust in the government is becoming rarer day after day...

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That's nice and all Morocco, but to be quite honest, the amount of hashies available up here is falling rapidly, so please go back to work instead of shitposting


Its too much I don't believe it, just watch this

I know how much of a dumbfuck Valls is. I never knew someone could be worse than Hollande at politics.

Hope Macron or FN will be elected. Just don't re-elect Les Républicains, please. (the left has no chance of winning.)

Nigger, me and my social circle have probably funded several of your family members' education, the reason why your economy is still existing but in the shitter, is because you havn't realized that your shit rivals that of lab grown flower, and you sell it cheaper than fucking dirt

The real reason our economy is in the shitter is that our only stable source of revenue, tourism, is going away (both due to terrorism and Morocco itself being less and less attractive)

twas just banter m8

We'll never turn hash into a real business anyway because that would go against islam's principles (and it would be horrible for the monarchy to have Morocco officially viewed as "the hash country")

>post with Moroccan flag
>Danemark butthurt^2

Your country literally is the hash country, my friend. All I'm saying is, fuck the establishment, work towards something you are fucking good at. Your have the climate and soil that can produce billions in revenue a year, but your people is too weak willed to understand that this is a legitimate market. Hell, that's the case for most of this planet.

Bants aside, I hope shit doesn't burn entirely to the ground down there when the purge comes, it would be a wasted chance.

We're a country whose stability relies entirely upon religion being at the heart of our political system.

State-sanctioned hash production will never happen. The population will never accept it, even if I do. The government will never accept it, even if I do. The monarchy will never accept it, even if I do.

I'm getting the fuck out of here as soon as I can, anyway.

>getting the fuck out of here as soon as I can, anyway.

Please don't come here. I know you probably have a dozen cousins here already, but still.

>Please don't come here.
Sorry, I will.

>I know you probably have a dozen cousins here already, but still.
3 connards de banlieusards que je n'ai pas vu depuis 10 ans (et j'espère que je n'aurais jamais à les revoir).

Sorry for our arab trash desu

In what way is that poor .gif of a japanese rhino relevant to the topic at hand?

The numbers surprised me, which is why I used a .gif of a slut who pleases old men for money

>Sorry, I will.
Can you bring a few qts with you ?
The few moroccan native grills I know are waifu-tier, I dunno why the ones who were born and grew up here are so trashy in comparison...

>French Prime Minister On Nice Terror Attack: ‘France Is Going To Have To Live With Terrorism’

>33% of french people trust the government in the war against terrorism

How stupid can the 33% be?

Shouldnt you be raping women in Cologne right now?

What are you doing staying at home and shitposting?

Rin is shit so is fate/stay night as whole.

I hope she gets ficki ficki by dirty muslims like you.


I'm not into 3d desu

Literally leftists

That's because they've never lived here and got educated by parents that wanted to spoil them in order to make up for their strict childhood back here

Those are the kind of shitters that consider themselves "fully arab" (whatever the fuck that means, Moroccans are amazigh/berber) but have only been to Morocco for 2 weeks during a holiday to Marrakech

It indicates op's reaction/concern on inconsistent poll readings. Op might also insinuate corruption of opinion data.

german welcoming refugees, shit i thought only women did that over there but damn

>you know what would be a good idea, pierre?
>if we let a bunch of the niggers that we colonized into the country
>but doesn't their holy book give them a reasonable pretext for violence?
>I don't know and I don't care
>sure, whatever. more wine, lover

Niggers aren't the perceived problem in France, though

second generation North African immigrants are

>implying I'm not talking about their Algerian parents

morocco pls

Sorry, sometimes I take the term nigger a little too literally

33% is still too high considering how fucked that country is. It's probably only the Muslims, since they know they'll be pardoned.

Well, 20% of france isnt white, so...

I like you.

Also prisma best fate.

>Vouloir émigrer en France quand la guerre civile est sur le point d'éclater. T'es sacrément con mon veau.


Well, to be fair, they were brought here by the right and were supposed to be TEMPORARY cheap labor to build back the country after WW2.

Which was already shitty.

And then the left got into power, let them stay here, and let them bring their family too.

>French """"""""""people""""""""""""
Who gives a fuck at this point? It's already 25% Muslim. They're a lost cause. Just let them go.

ça va, j'ai pas l'air arabe et j'ai nulle part d'autre où aller pour étudier

Déjà que je suis resté ici pendant un bon bout de temps sans rien foutre à cause de problèmes financiers, je vais pas prendre un crédit de 10 briques pour aller étudier en Angleterre ou chez les ricains

that's pretty fucked up, france

M'ouais, je veux tout de même pas comment faire des études dans ce pays qui est dans une impasse économique et qui tournera à la guerre civile au moindre éternuement est une bonne idée. A moins de faire des études de médecines, je ne vois pas ce qu'il serait intelligent d'étudier ici pour toi.

You got it wrong and I falling down the leftist non sense again. African immigration started in the late 60ies, and really happened in the 70ies. France already was rebuilt. The reconstruction after WW2 lasted about 3 years, between 1945. and 1948.

Je vise prépa MP puis Centrale Paris (ingénierie informatique)

Y'a un gouffre incroyable au niveau des écoles d'ingénierie ici

"impasse économique"
vraiment, mais alors VRAIMENT pas autant qu'ici
m'enfin, c'est pas vraiment comparable j'avoue

Bah putain tu vises pas de la merde...
Comment tu compte t'y prendre pour entrer ?

>prépa MP puis centrale paris.

A part les bonnes prépas parisiennes, les prépas ne préparent pas suffisement bien pour viser Centrale. Si tu n'es pas dans une telle prépa, il faut en gros que tu sois l'unique gars sur 45 qui a une école parisienne à la fin de la prépa.

J'imagine en effet que l'économie au maroc est bien pire, mais je vois pas pourquoi tu viendrais pluttôt en France que dans un pays anglo saxon. T'auras plus d'opportunités et moins de risques.

Comment ça?

J'étais à la mission depuis la maternelle et j'ai de bons résultats (en tout cas assez bons pour pas vraiment avoir de problèmes)

Les études sont bien trop chères aux USA ou en Angleterre. Faudra ajouter la barrière de la langue (que je maîtrise bien, mais avec vraiment très peu de véritable expérience orale), et le fait que je ne puisse compter sur personne (j'ai de la famille un peu partout en France, donc je peux me faire dépanner s'il arrive quelque chose)

C'est pas comme si la France m'était inconnue non plus

>A part les bonnes prépas parisiennes, les prépas ne préparent pas suffisement bien pour viser Centrale.
Et c'est justement ce genre de prépas que je vise