He still drinks soda and bottled water

>he still drinks soda and bottled water

I seriously hope you guys dont do this

Other urls found in this thread:

cfpub.epa.gov/si/si_public_record_Report.cfm?dirEnthttps://scholar.google.com/scholar?q=epa endocrine disruptor&hl=en&as_sdt=0&as_vis=1&oi=scholart&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwjdjea9tv3NAhUr7oMKHe7EB64QgQMIHDAA

So tap water only then?

Ok got it.

>He thinks his city's water is uncontaminated

>he still thinks that I give a shit

explain my fellow jew

I drink almost exclusively soda. Sometimes tea.

>(they dont filter their own water!)
>(huh? Isnt it 2016?)

>Not drinking boiled, triple distilled, steam purified horse piss


oh wow I fucked this image up hahaha

you think sewage plants filter everything? Purified sewage water still contains rests of the pill or other medicine. You drink female hormones.

oh my god SAUCE

cfpub.epa.gov/si/si_public_record_Report.cfm?dirEnthttps://scholar.google.com/scholar?q=epa endocrine disruptor&hl=en&as_sdt=0&as_vis=1&oi=scholart&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwjdjea9tv3NAhUr7oMKHe7EB64QgQMIHDAA

>cooking all the good bits out of the horse piss


Why would you load your body with unnatural amounts of addictive sugars and feminizing chemicals? Do you want to become a jew-slave tranny?

kek, that's not what he meant.

It tastes good desu.

There's that word again. There's no such thing as "unnatural." Everything exists in nature, therefore everything is natural. To say otherwise is just meme marketing.

I said unnatural amounts of sugars. Sugar and carbs are natural,yes. However, Your body is not meant to process that much simple carbohydrates in such a small window. It is not in your nature to get diabetes. It is unnatural.

So does fruit water, or home-made soda, or lemonade, or agua fresca, or tea, or infused water, or coconut juice, and tons of other drinks. Now dont get me wrong, love a good ginger beer, but it is a treat, not a staple of my diet.

>not consuming purely rehydrated rat livers and drinking magic 8 ball juice

>feminizing chemicals
This is tinfoil hat-tier even for Sup Forums

Even after being filtered, my town's tap water tastes weird. Must be something to do with how they process it, but it has a reputation for being the worst in the state. Bottled water is, therefore, kind of a necessity.

Actually, estrogen from birth control pills isn't removed when water is processed. That's not even tinfoil thinking, it's a fact. Look up the research, there's plenty of mainstream mentions of it over the years. It has really fucked with amphibian and fish populations, as many have ambiguous genitalia or are infertile.

>Your body is not meant to process that much simple carbohydrates in such a small window.

Grapes and Figs contain 4.5 Grams of sugar per ounce.
Your average soda has 3 Grams of sugar per ounce.

You're a fucking idiot.

Yeah but dr pepper is better than all of those.

Redpill me on bottled water

xenoestrogens are pretty established

binding coefficients of certain estrogen-shaped plasticizers (specifically BPA) to estrogen receptors are known


it's literally filtered municipal tap water in a bottle.

There's no value in it outside of the bottle. Get a fucking refillable glass or metal bottle with a silicone sleeve.

If even bottled water is bad then what the hell should we drink?I don't drink Tap since it has a wired after taste in it and the bottled water actually tastes nice

I just drank one of these an hour ago. Good shit

Nice, France