How corrupt is your country? We see some corruption here and there, but nothing like some other countries have

How corrupt is your country? We see some corruption here and there, but nothing like some other countries have.

Pretty much the same as your country.

no where near as bad as people claim

lol really

I un-ironically don't think the federal government is that corrupt, I know that's an unpopular opinion. But I do live in NJ and know our state government is pretty corrupt, it basically functions through under the table deals

Most of the stuff surrounding them are conspiracy theories.

I want hard evidence of corruption.
Oh wait you can't find any without linking to fucking Breitbart or RT

Also this
State gov. are corrupt as fuck.

Local can be even worse though

Its not that this country is more corrupt than anywhere else, its that we are all so rich that the people in charge can't steal it all.

USA has corruption out in the open, lobbying, campaign funding, gerrymandering, government legislating for monopolies, none of this would fly in australia

I can't believe how corrupt our country use to be

love it when people always say
>that wouldn't happen here!
no one cares

The majority of academia, media organizations and government institutions are controlled by jews.
Of course it's corrupt.

Not inherently corrupt.
And for the most part it rarely affects people, except maybe lowering someones wage every couple of years or so

>campaign funding
How exactly is this corruption?

That's just state level corruption. Everyone knows they're dirty as all shit. I'm talking federal

>government legislating for monopolies
What the fuck are you talking about?

>none of this would fly in Australia
It's almost like we're not the same country

it's all about accountability, and it's gotten worse at the municipal and county level than it has been historically owing to the decline of local newspapers. NJ has always had a pretty shady business culture intermixed with politics that I wouldn't be surprised if it could be traced back as far as Carteret

>used to be

I bet you only think the government is corrupt when the media tells you it is.

The same bureaucrats working there now have been working there for 30 years.

Nothing changes.

You already let them take your guns. What the are you gonna do if your government tries to fuck you? You'd take it bc austrailians are cucks.

>muh jews
Sup Forums please go


Right. I bet your politicians don't fuck you over on a regular basis.

They took your guns. How can you get back at them?

Schlomo please go

The mafia is sicilian. The criminals in our legal institutions are either jewish or given marching orders from the jews. Sorry if I'm making you nervous, champ.

I don't think you understand, in the first 20 years of Canada's existence it was extremely full of corruption. In those days votes were still publicly declared so massive bribery took place. The comic i showed alludes to when the Prime Minister kept asking for more money from a railway company to fund his party

>"Wah wah" "My country isn't a white supremacist utopia!!" "That means Jews control everythintg"

What the fuck does the Mafia have to do with anything? They haven't held influence in the USA since the 30s

you will never do jackshit with your guns regardless of what the gov does

so corruption in the US is institutionalized

>buy ar-15 to fight the gubmint
>get droned from 3k away

we get taxed 32% but we literally got rob of a least a million dollas.

You can admit that the mafia is sicilian, yes? You can admit that the cartels are mexican, yes? Now why can't we admit that our insitutions are controlled by and cater to the interest of jews? I wonder why?

Find me a single USAF soldier that would willingly drone strike an American Citizen on American soil.

Also it's completely illegal for the president, or any other government worker, to order a military strike on the US soil.

the Mafia weren't controlled by Sicily, they just came from Sicily, and they hated each other and infighting all the time. They weren't some huge conspiracy to try to disenfranchise the legal system of the USA, like you seem to think.

The same goes for the cartels.

Now tell me exactly how US news sources are constantly catering to jews.
Are you claiming they've never been critical of Israel? Are you fucking retarded?

It's big news if someone corrupted gets caught here. Even if they're just a lowly clerk. But it's not 0.

>Find me a single USAF soldier that would willingly drone strike an American Citizen on American soil.

police already do it

>it's illegal for the elected official to make laws

>police already do it
Prove it

A little

Very corrupt with no signs of improving. All spics need to be purged from the face of the Earth desu.

are you fucking retarded

>Also it's completely illegal for the president, or any other government worker, to order a military strike on the US soil.

if it's a civil war scenario which is exactly what having guns to fight the state implies you are going to get rekt by the military anyway dumbshit

There has never been a drone strike by the police. Nor has there ever been one on American soil.

You're making that bullshit up and calling me retarded so that you don't have to admit it.

Also if there was a civil war it'd take a lot more than anything that has happened up until now.
And if there was one the military would likely have a coup on their hands if they started ordering military strikes on civilians.

There's a reason the US military is organized like it is. And it's like that to prevent strikes on citizens.

The only reason yankee army didn't coup in 1860 was because they actually cared about the Union. And they saw the south as traitors to her.

More than any of your honest ass countries.

every country is corrupt, some are more corrupt than others
like eg, we have communism dynasty here


So bad I avoid reading news for mental health.


Cute! :3

People here vote for the most corrupt crooks because they admire them. Not even joking, people believe that stealing public money without getting caught proves "being smart" and that they "would definitely do it too" if they were in the politicians' position.

Latin America knows where its political culture comes from.

I wish I could do this. I feel like a piece of my soul slowly dies everyday when I read the news but yet I keep doing it.

Corruption doesn't exists.
Mafia is not a thing.
Keep on posting.

So corrupt we're among the top 10 least corrupt.

>campaign funding
>government legislating for monopolies
>not flying in Australia

Very corrupt, nepotism is more rule than exception.

I'm from Illinois, so every state in which I've subsequently resided has seemed fairly uncorrupted.
Yeah, she didn't win, and now her own party members are turning on her for corrupting their party. This is like racism; it's not as big of a problem here as it would seem if you believe our news media. I really believe that a lot of our problems are not unique, but we just don't try to hide them as much as other countries.

This is our fault. More people need to get involved in local politics, because, like most of the meatheads who become cops, local politicians are often in the game for all the wrong reasons.

everybody is corrupt, the difference is when you make so much money, you take "your" share and there will be still enough in the common pot

this is why western countries seem so "clean"

He said corruption, not logical business practices.


I was referring to nepotism in politics.

Politicians killing people and people killing politicians have become the equivalent of forcing people into retirement.

Well, they made it pretty much legal there...

Americans will defend this.

I think the worst part here is the fact that practically no private person pays a professional to their electricity/plumbing/building because it's too expensive. Instead they get a relative or friend to do it under the table. Only businesses are forced to do it the legal way, because they are closely watched. I know an electrician that makes more illegally than he does legally. He makes almost twice as much as me a month. It's not fair desu, and I wish it would be cracked down upon.

*he doesn't make more than me illegally, but combining his legal wage with his under the table money, he makes almost twice the amount I do after taxes.

>I wish it would be cracked down upon
Kill yourself fucking commie.

>"Citizens united is about free speech! corporations should be free to spend billions of dollars on politicians that they like! There are no negative sides to allowing infinite amounts of money to be used for political advertising!"

>upholding the law makes you a commie

>defending unreported employment
literal third world shitskin

>evading taxes make you a shitskin

this attitude is the reason why your country is fucking shithole and mine is prosperous.

Laws occasionally get completly ignored and law making processes just jump over after convinience of a few.
Otherwise just massive "donations" from time to time to important politicians.

America has Romanian-tier corruption i.e. it's not corruption if its legal. Americans itt literally defend rampant lobbyism and gerrymandering.

Corruption? What's that??

rromani-a is on the edge of financial collapse
At least Transylvania will become independent

Very corrupt. It's just that it's not your typical third world 'manila envelope with banknotes put into a sweaty government official's hand' type of corruption (except in the southern provinces), so people generally don't refer to the Netherlands as being corrupt and we're somewhere on the top of the list of least corrupt countries in the world.

The type of corruption here is a lot more refined and therefore even more immoral. At least in the third world everyone with a couple of dollars/dinars/rupees can bribe his way into what he wants. A sort of egalitarian corruption, if you will. Here, if you aren't already in the clique, you can forget it. Corruption is a rich man's game over here.

>South Africa
Place all in Google search and see what comes up.

Nepotism in Politics isn't corruption. But it hinders political progress, and removes the voter blocks influence on the party itself.

our eurovision contestant lost multiple times during voting so they decided to fuck the voting and have her represent finland in the eurovision anyway, our tax money pays for that

Absolutely no corruption in the blessed Greek state.

>makes more illegally than he does legally
Is his legit job working for someone else, or is he self-employed? Most shops here will fire you with extreme prejudice if they find out you're taking side work in the same or closely related trade. Oddly enough, they're usually cool with you leaving their company to start your own and compete against them.