Why is Capitalism considered the best economic system?

Why is Capitalism considered the best economic system?

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Where capitalist throw the bread out because it's easier to manipulate the market, socialism has less waste.

Not like we have infinite resources...

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>considered the best economic system
by the significantly minor number of people who benefit from it? yes. by literally everybody else on the planet besides them? no

Capitalism is the dominant economic system because of predator practices. 'Best' is subjective so at the least it's called the 'best' because it's indisputable from an fact based viewpoint.

Capitalism is the least efficient, except for eliminating competitors.

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>waiting is evil
>greed is good
This is why Steve Jobs should be given sainthood for all his humanitarian aid to the 1%.

Because humans need incentive. Simple

People starve under capitalism, but it’s ok because it was their fault I guess?

Capitalism doesn't reward mediocrity. It rewards intelligence and collaboration. This is why you see poor folks lean heavily toward socialism. They usually aren't smart, and typically are physically and or socially lazy individuals. Start with a good education. Smart individuals eventually promoted and thus are given more opportunities to participate in capitalism. Survival of the fittest.

theres as much suffering in capitalism
its just concealed from u

except that's not exactly true.

the reality is for the great majority of people, they were better off when there was COMPETITION IN IDEOLOGY.

capitalists couldn't get too greedy because if they did they feared communism would gain followers

the fall of communism hurt the middle class because now capitalists can be assholes with zero consequences

most of it is in other countries, which compounds the "who gives a fuck" attitude

It's more a matter of WHO suffers.
Under Socialism/Communism it's those that excel and produce that suffer.
Under Capitalism it's the stupid and lazy that suffer.

Capitalism encourages Evolution.
Socialism takes us back thousands of years to where the whole tribe shares the warthog.

Because you reap what you sow. Not everyone else reaping what you sow!

white girls really prefer this?

It isn’t. Capitalist economies don’t even exist. The state has always had influence and always will.

Please go outside

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white girls aren't as deeply satisfied with getting everything on a whim as you think. That's why they settle for niggers who beat them and put them in line.

Yes, its their own fault....but to put in into perspective, over 1000x more people die under communism...Capitalism has fed more people on earth than all other forms of government combined...imagine if the US only fed US citizens, not africa, europe or asia? No one in the US would starve and food would cost next to nothing...communist nations would die off.

This though, survival of the fittest. Stop living life hoping it will get better. Life sucks because people who should die try and find a way to continue existing by leeching off society basically having done nothing to prove themselves. Not every human has a right to life anymore, there are too many of us. Either there will be mass extinction or we can cull the wilting buds.

Lonely cope

Because rich people donate to educational institutions in exchange for certain things being included in the curriculum.

You think teachers want to assign Ayn Rand? No, they do it because banks donate to universities and require it.

Bump for facts

A lot of where you end up will depend on where you started though. i.e. if Steve Jobs had been born in sub-saharan Africa would he have gone on to create anything resembling Apple? Possibly, but the chances are substantially lower. Those who are born with a leg up usually continue to get more and more opportunities thrown their way. A good example of this is found in the book Outliers by Malcolm Gladwell - a vast majority of the greatest hockey players of all time are all born in a certain month (not remembering it off the top of my head, think it might've been December) which is kind of odd right? But actually it isn't because that particular month is the close to the cut off for junior leagues, so what ends up happening is the oldest boys - who would also be the strongest, biggest in that subset will get more coaching, more attention, etc. they go on to become the greatest players - because they simply had the advantage of being born in a particular month. Similar things can happen in a capitalist system, where we could be missing out on great minds and intellects simply because they weren't provided adequate resources and support. This is a good argument for adopting a more utilitarian approach to societal organization, because who knows what great thinkers we are leaving in the dust because they were never adequately supported, born in the wrong place at the wrong time, etc.

>over 1000x more people die under communism
Not true at all

White girls are fucking retarded, basically. I don't think of Asian girls when I hear 'BASIC BITCH'

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op does not know what the words he's saying mean.


Because the urge to make money drives everyone and innovation forward. Its an incredibly bleak outlook but it has some truth to it. Do you think medicine would have advanced this far if there wasnt as much money in it?

Because it's like Trump -- flawed, but much better than the common alternatives.

Capitalism is currently the best system because it is centered around voluntarism. Since humans are naturally opportunistic, that opportunism allows the majority to rise to some level of success through hard work -- at least enough success to siphon off a portion to put away toward numerous social programs that allow people unable to work hard to live relatively comfortably more often than not.

Capitalism has it's flaws, but capitalist systems tend to just provide more for the people under them.

Bitch, you sound like a commie that cries how "communism was never truly tried."

Fucking hell, man. Half the shit reigning corporations in are like quality control in food and drugs and shit. Heaven forbid we don't allow snake oil competitors that grind up cow feces and piss and sell it an insulin replacement only to actually do something about them after a few hundred of people needlessly died tried to save a buck.

You dumb commie fucks are going to deserve what happens if you ever get your shot at 'doing it right'

Christ this is cringey.

Wolves are pack animals. They only really spend the winter alone.

Like burning the planet to the ground.

We could have done it in HALF the time as Capitalist, for a quarter of the price.

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This. You implement socialism in a society today and you will see how quickly the educated skilled workers in that society get the fuck out of town.

real? Can we troll her with this?

It's brought the most prosperity and innovations to the world

Capitalism isn't perfect. It's just a reflection of general human nature which is inherently flawed. Keep in mind that economic theory up until about 20 years ago innately assumed that humans are rational. It took Kahneman and Tversky to introduce behavioral economics (which led to a nobel prize) to shift economics away from that assumption.

In other words, all our economic models telling us that capitalism is great were wrong for 100s of years.

That being said, when people act rationally, capitalism leads to economically efficient outcomes (e.g. everyone gets more stuff). But at the same time, capitalism leads to exploitation of resources and the environment (the tragedy of the commons problems). So we create laws to reign in the negative aspects of capitalism.

For example: American banks before the great depression were kind of free-reign capitalism. And then people acted irrational. Rushed the banks. Drove most of them out of business. Lost all their money in the process. Etc. Seeing this, Canada created a strong central bank that regulates banking (which is not pure capitalism) which prevents bank runs.

Socialism (in respect to communism and not Canadian/European socialism) is actually a more efficient system when run well. However, humans don't want to be equal. People are interested in relative gains, not absolute gains. In other words, you want to have more than friends. So an economic system that forces you to be equal isn't going to fly. The only way communism could ever work would be in tight-knit communities (e.g. communal farms), or if we colonize other planets and are cut off from earth (e.g. a new culture/religion without capitalistic influences that overrides human nature)

TLDR; Capitalism is considered the best economic system because it's most in line with natural human desires. But it isn't technically the best economic system that exists, because our natural human desires aren't necessarily efficient.

They would be the first to go to gulags and concentration camps

Dude, if you need to find nudes of girl to send her a death threat, you're doing it wrong. And people think porn is damaging the youth.

>They usually aren't smart, and typically are physically and or socially lazy individuals
Stalin got a scholarship, He regularly read 400 pages a day and studied Byzantine history. Ambassadors described him as smarter than Winston Churchill and Roosevelt

Ya but when you're measurement is 'BEST' and nothing else it's impossible to disprove.

My foot is the 'best' foot in the world. prove me wrong.

Cause Capitalisms failings can be blamed on "personal choice" and many in the Capitalist system are uninformed about its major flaws.

Homeless people
Those who die of preventable disease
Those who are hungry
Children that receive a better education than others.

These are failures of capitalism, yet they are almost never attributed to the system, only to the individual.

That Homeless person needs to get a job and work harder.
He couldn't afford his insulin because he did not plan for his future
Those who use food banks are leeches, getting a free ride of your tax dollars.
Of Course my children deserve a better education, my school district is in a wealth area and we all worked for that wealth.

Every economic system has strengths and weaknesses of course. Socialism has many flaws, and I'm not a socialist myself.
When Socialism fails it is easy to blame on the system.
When Capitalism fails we blame the individual.

Not to mention charity and humanitarian organizations are the furthest thing from capitalist, and no one seems to be death threat Salvation Army for spreading 'socialism' at christmas.

You're just wrong. Innovation isn't a product of a specific genius coming into being with the right tools and circumstances to be a genius. Innovation is a product of continuous emergent niches that require filling that any old genius can and will fill when applicable.

Had Steve Jobs been aborted, in his stead there would've been someone else and instead of an iPhone you'd have bought a different modeled cellular phone.

A right winger in brazil is burning the amazon to the ground and you want to suck his dick because you hate oxygen. lol

Right and the reality is that every culture/civilization/nation is going to have its own unique problems that will demand unique solutions. So there is never going to be 1 ultimate "right" economic theory.

But if you ignore the side effects of capitalism (like pollution), capitalism would be the most mathematically efficient form of economic organization IF (and thats a huge IF) people were ration (which they are definitely not).

Because humans are irrational, the most efficient economic systems are likely a mix of diff theories. Like "managed capitalism" or "competitive socialism".

Socialism has been sold to idiots for over 100 years. Always failing. Yet they never learn.
From Russia to Venezuela. There never seems to be a shortage of idiots who think they're gonna get lots of free shit. And they always end up regretting it in the end.

Capitalism differs it's failings to the individual instead of taking responsibility for its own failings.


I mean gaming companies are the best example because they're literally just profit based from work, as pure as can be. No one ever talks poorly about gaming industry. We all want the world to be run like EA games for a true paradise and let all the communist suffer for not realizing how amazing paywalls and day one patches are.

>left is probably real bread made with real ingredients using traditional methodology

>right is genetically modified bleached enriched flour, sugar, dough conditioners, and preservatives formed into a mushy sweet loaf of sticky sponge that goes way too long before going stale or growing mold for a food item made of grain.

eeeeh. capitalism has its merits but...

the thing is there has never been a socialist or communist nation. If you go by Marx's version of communism, there would be no major central government. Local communities would self-organize and central governments would mainly act in a defensive role.

Every socialist nation has just been a dictatorship with a class system using socialism to justify it's existence. Which proves the point that capitalism succeeds because it allows people to be "better" than others. And deep down, that's what people desire.

>capitalists use false scarvity to secure power
>we need to use threat of scarcity to implement socialism

Our Founding Fathers knew this which is why they constructed the Constitution for the retards. I'll give you that our Founding Fathers were retards in some areas but that's besides the point.

social dawinism is a fallacy.
cronyism exists which completely invalidates "survival of the fittest"

Ya, but socialism tries to take that into account, capitalism just blames you for not having more money.

I mean pollution and the entire conspiracy to cover up the facts alone is not even a 'side effect' but really the final boss of humanities evolution.

Look up where America ranks in education in the world compared to socialist countries like Denmark. Moron.

>completely invalidates "survival of the fittest"
Actually, it doesn't.

It also best adheres to human nature more than any other economic system and creates competition, innovation, and progression. However, if left unchecked, like any ism, it will fail tremendously.

That's why we have cookie-cutter economies and government rule of law to help try to balance the negative effects of the "free" market like pollution or harm to people's health, using kids as workers, etc.

There is no pure capitalistic economy, just as there is no pure socialist economy.

That's why Danish schools are world known, and no-one's ever heard of Harvard or Columbia

False equivalence. Denmark is tiny compared to the US.

My argument here being that with more utilitarian and equitable support, we'll be able to receive the benefits of more high caliber people.

So wrong by what count?

I thank Raptor Jesus every day that I'm not as dumb as you are in this post.

Denmark isn't even big enough to be a country. It's more like a commune.

Right but we live in a competitive world. A country that subscribes to socialism and protects everyone's well being will be destroyed by a society that exploits resources. Short-term oriented societies will always come out on top, because they will prevent long-term oriented societies from growing.

Consider the tragedy of the commons example of a shared communal field for cow grazing. People who follow rules will get fucked. They will only be able to raise so many cows. People who break the rules will be able to raise significantly more cows. They will get all the money and power. And they will pass laws to fuck over the people who played fair.

In the end, competition makes socialism impossible. Which is why it would only truly work on another planet cut off from earth. Or in tiny communities like communal farms. Never for an actual country in a competitive world.

Because all governments started out of abundance???

Threat of scarcity is the mother of invention. But false flagging scarcity is literally the basis of capitalism. BUY NOW, SUPPLIES ARE LIMITED, OPERATORS ARE WAITING TO TAKE YOUR ORDERS.

There is always a predator in capitalism model, without a fucking exception. Either as the employee or the buyer you're on the losing end.

That is what 'capital' part of 'capitalism' comes from. The profit of what is needed and what is needed to produce it, and both the employee and the end consumer pay to the same person for the legally mandated right to be the only person that can supply the service or product using legal rights or claims arbitrarily declared to end any innovation or invention and stagnaget the evolution of a species.

Not like anyone else has the name McDonald, so why would you want to name your restaurant that? It's a very unique name.

If you think the way the lower classes live is worth the opportunity for some individuals to succeed. Then you are either ignorant or unempathetic.
Whichever it is, I can see why you would chose Capitalism.

>Under Socialism/Communism it's those that excel and produce that suffer.
No, its not, in reality they end up running the government and printing their own money.

>Under Capitalism it's the stupid and lazy that suffer.
No, its not, in reality its minorities and unlucky people who suffer the most.

>Capitalism encourages Evolution.
No, it encourages stagnation like how McDonalds wants their burgers to taste exactly the same forever so that people know what they are buying.

>Socialism takes us back thousands of years to where the whole tribe shares the warthog.
Capitalism is still about sharing the whole warthog with the tribe, it just takes a bunch of extra steps that leads to 70% of the warthog getting spoiled and being wasted.

Socialist countries in Europe have the highest concentration of productive millionaires in the world, though.

Because people in powerful positions benefit from it and use their power to influence advertising for capitalism and demonization of non right wing goals.

So is genocide and weapons of mass destruction. Have you raped your family members today? It's only nature, so what's wrong with that.

Oh ya, every law ever fucking made was to prevent human nature because we're fucked in the head and would eat babies if you marketed with the right song. Not like sex with children was manufactured by robots.

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You either misunderstood and/or misconstrued what I was getting at. I'm not saying that without him we wouldn't have modern smart phones, what I am saying is that we collectively benefited from him being born at the right place, at the right time, where he had a number of advantages - all of which culminated in him becoming who he become - so understanding this, if we set the preconditions for other people to benefit, and provide more advantages to wider swaths of people the net outcome will be greater for all of us.

Because everyone has an intrest in self preservation and capitalism thrives on people working in self intrest where socialism says no matter how hard you try you only get what everyone gets. That's where the guns come in.

1. Checked.

2. Yes, still wrong. For all we know Steve Jobs had 1,000 replacements that would've gotten the job done had he and each of their peers failed to enter this niche. Your notion of "great thinker" is rooted in baseless hero worship.
Worse, your hockey example doesn't actually operate on "great thinkers" anyway. These better players are probably just as statistically average as any other players out of the year. They're just getting more mentoring and more training in. Therefore there's nothing special about them. In fact we have another 11 months of perfectly adequate replacements that would've been trained up and mentored up in their absence.

>So is genocide and weapons of mass destruction. Have you raped your family members today? It's only nature, so what's wrong with that.
>Insert extreme view point way off topic here.

>Oh ya, every law ever fucking made was to prevent human nature because we're fucked in the head and would eat babies if you marketed with the right song. Not like sex with children was manufactured by robots.
Totally. You're right, we should all just live in a glorious utopia and just love one another, fuck it, lets just all link together and create a hivemind. Because that's realistic as fuck, isn't it? Lol, you're obv trolling, but I feel like you kind of want to make a point.

We might have 'cookie-cutter' economies and laws because human condition is kind of universal because we're all the same race. Kids in Africa drink water and eat food just like you and me. Why would some laws work only in Spain but not Mexico? Because of a hiearchy of other laws that developed differently. China is the best example because the progress of human rights coincides with technology. China is 100 years behind with coal power but also more advance because of nuclear power, this is why no one else is like China but they have the antiquated technology that needs massive population like coal miners with their dozens of kids but also have the technology to sustain them too.

If you don't understand the correlation of technology and civilization, this is why human society must seem like magic to you. It's more complex than anything else, but this is the simplest resource to explain it properly.


>we collectively benefited from him being born a

So our solitary relatives that no longer exist, dead thousands of years before us are the wise?
And us, with our cooperative civilizations are the weak?

This is some highschool cringe that loners tell themselves to feel better about being alone and misunderstood.
Cold hard truth is there are people who are better than you in every way.

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this is exactly right

>If you think the way the lower classes live is worth the opportunity for some individuals to succeed.
You're missing the point. The bottom of the lower classes shouldn't live at all. We don't need them anymore. They are just a drag on society.

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And I am telling you that we didn't. Had Steve Jobs never existed it would've been someone else and history would've gone on without skipping so much as a beat.

Furthermore you're operating under the erroneous presumption that the preconditions for others to benefit aren't already in place -- the very fact Steve Jobs exists implies they already do.

Just because you're fucked up in the head doesn't mean everyone is, your explination also isn't human fucking nature. It's a duranged projection guised as "human nature". That's not what he meant.. like what so ever.

Yes, killing off long-term goals will sustain short-term goals. This doesn't mean long-term goals are not better. It's just the bias of the emotional side of the brain, what's called the lizard brain.

Now you see why the 1% are called lizard people.

They're not in control because they're really smart and can predict the future, but because they're just really good at being assholes and shiting on all hope for humanity.

The risk-reward of crime predates civilization. It justifies nothing, but making bad laws reward criminal intent, but what you're talking about is more about implementation of rules, not the validity of the rules themselves.

If I steal all my neighbor's money I will have more capital. This doesn't justify theft, because once caught I will have significantly lower capital, and even less chance to obtain legal capital because of my felony charges.

Short term tho, I could of had my needs fulfilled beyond my means, long term tho, I will have limited right and a poorer life then before.

In the end competition only works with transparency and knowledge, anything else is more like the purge.

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>I only get off when people hate me
We have a specific place for you and you get three meals a day and an hour to exercise. Ultimately the true capitalist get treated like communists, is the ironic part of the prison system.

>If you don't understand the correlation of technology and civilization
When did I say I didn't?

Also, I visit China about 4 times a year, they're heavily advancing thanks to capitalism under a one-party rule. They are communist, but a cookie-cutter of communism and capitalism. I'm surprised you didn't define that at all.

But this system allows them to move faster with technology because there is no check and balance, just authority. This is why they are advancing so fast and will surpass us as the global economic leader. But who knows how long authoritarianism will be sustained for. Probably not too long looking back at history.

> this is why human society must seem like magic to you.
Wut? I think you're responding to someone else dude.

>It's more complex than anything else, but this is the simplest resource to explain it properly.
How economy, government, and technology go hand in hand? That almost goes without saying. I don't see the point of your post at all lol. Are you rebuting my argument for capitalism?

>violence isn't human nature
If it wasn't human nature, we wouldn't make laws about it.

No law was made to prevent you from putting salt in your eyes, because THAT is not "human nature"

So its unempathetic then. With a bit of edgy cringe.

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I'm so lost lol. So now capitalists belong in jail? Uh... I think you might be on one.

1. Which part is wrong. Be specific.

2. Exactly there is nothing special about them, you are literally reiterating my point here. But they went on to be the best because they were given the extra attention, more time playing in games, and thus advantages.

At the end you actually highlight the problem - correct we missed out a whole range of players who could've been elite IF they had been giving those advantages. That is striking at the heart of my argument here. That we all, collectively benefit if we strive to be equitable in giving advantages to others.

So you think living in heaven in peace and harmony is some new age thinking that hippies made up.

Merry Christmas. I hope you charge your family for the wrapping paper too.

So easy to spot the jews....

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Lmao this. Humans are social creatures, and this is a large part why we survived as a species. Cooperation

>violence isn't human nature
Way to dumb all that crazy shit you said earlier to "violence".

>No law was made to prevent you from putting salt in your eyes, because THAT is not "human nature"
Laws are there to check and balance human nature... I don't get your point. Everything needs checks and balances when it comes to humans. Especially capitalism. I'm just saying capitalism is the best ism for humans at our current point.

>whenever anyone days something about how smart trump actually I'd I can't help but remember him staring at the sun

Based user.

Ya, but technology will make everyone obsolete.

What do we even need CEO's for when a computer could model the market for them and can even e-mail everyone for them. There is more jobs for people to screw lids on toothpaste then there is for managers and supervisors.

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Early stage capitalism is probably the best thing on earth, wealth everywhere for the taking really. Unfortunately it's inevitable it gets fucked up because the winners use wealth to change the rules to make sure they never lose again. But also unfortunately any form of statist government that has retards infinitely dumber than I am telling me what i can eat, where i can live, and what i have to do, would make me go on a mass rampage.

>So you think living in heaven in peace and harmony is some new age thinking that hippies made up.
No, I think it's been around for a while, and sound extremely boring.

>Merry Christmas. I hope you charge your family for the wrapping paper too.
Merry Christmas to you, I'm actually non-religious, I think this is all a simulation. Which makes capitalism a fun part of the game.

>So easy to spot the jews....

Not at all.
Do you think it's right to hold back a society for the benefit of the most useless 10% - 20% when that society could accomplish 50% - 100% more without them?

I don't think he comprehends what "adhere" means. It probably doesn't exist in his limited vocab lol

There aren't laws against that because you can't hurt other people when you use Visine and it can actually be very beneficial to people with certain conditions.

because when it's properly regulated with strong social welfare it produces the highest standard of living in the world

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