Asses you want to fucking destroy

asses you want to fucking destroy

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Rate my slut

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need to work on body and tan

she has a hank hill ass

Rate my latina Gf’s thick ass

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10/10. Does she ride like a soldier?

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She can use more practice

I volunteer as tribute

Kill yourself.

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More thoughts?? She loves the comments

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Friend of mine’s ass

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u ain’t big enough

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I would rate her not your gf.


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I've destroyed many asses.

There's something about self-help that I think does more harm than good. I'm a big fan of self-improvement or as I like to call it "getting good at 'shit'". What I believe in is building skill sets and aptitudes. It's very important to me when I'm working on something that I be working in a specific area where growth is a goal and measurable. The problem I have with self-help is it's very nebulous and not very tangible or correcting a specific problem or it may even be finding a lot of problems that may have not been there before.

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fine fine ass...

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Got Kik?

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got damn

no, no ass

holy fucking shit.

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Any takers?

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This chink looks like my roomate from California

Any asshole pics of her please
GF or wife ?

already did

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Desperately her ass

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Wish I had a pic of her ass. I nutted in her from behind at a party. She was fun and her ass was great.

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What else you got?

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Keep going more ass


discord yall BkuX6vA

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When she was pregnant, not with my child thankfully but it could've easily been since I blew my load in her

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Fuck keep going

More ass and asshole pics of her please
GF or wife ?

God keep going

Someone already destroyed it.

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Fuck yes keep going

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Ew i take it back. Go get something better and report back fag



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Any asshole pics of her please
GF or wife ?

no nudes but I got bikini shot

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Fuck yes bend her over?

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It works

I got some pole dancing webms if you want them.

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