How is capitalism bad

how is capitalism bad

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society sucks. i just want to return to nature

The problem here is it depends on the form of Capitalism. If you're talking Capitalism which strengthens and funds the nation state and population then yes Capitalism is good. If you're talking Neo-Liberalism where the state and the population are weakened, subverted or destroyed to strengthen private entities and globalism then it is bad.

Problem is Schlomos like Ben Shapiro take any attack on Neo-Liberalism as being "hurr-durr anti-capitalism" by claiming only privatization and globalism is actually capitalism. As a result retards rush to defend something which is actively working to make you slaves to Jew families like Soros and the Rothschilds or Crypto-Jew families like the Clintons or the Kochs.

It has some benefits. Capitalism destroys culture and art though because it caters to a mass audience. Artistic value is determined by what is most popular and makes the most money.

So what we get is watered down culture that tries to appeal to everyone. Even niggers and women who just like to watch good looking people dance.

So that’s a big problem with capitalism.

capitalism doesn't have any checks and balances to keep assholes from accumulating too much power.

just like any other system anyone can name.

this user knows

Anyone that believes capitalism doesn't have it's problems is a fool. Anyone that believes socialism or communism is even near as good a economic system is a absolute moron.

Gives me food and I hate it

That’s not an argument. You could have said the exact same thing under feudalism or slavery and those systems were eventually abolished

Fascism aside this is actually pretty based information-wise.

I don't have an issue with jewish families doing this. If you looked at a bunch of uneducated idiots obsessed with nothing but sex, their collection of things, and fighting, and had an easy scheme to make it so you and your family can profit off of it for the rest of your families lifetime would you do it? Obviously I have an issue with the state of the world, but are the people who ran it into this situation completely to blame when the people they were fucking over had every opportunity to stop it but chose not to?

I'm pretty sure everyone is at fault here, not just the jewish. You can't only blame the people who were fooling when the people who were being fooled knew what what happening, too.

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You couldn't say that under fascism or soycialism and they were abolished anyway

It encourages gross wealth inequalities by rewarding those who already have access to capital. Those who own the means of production are able to make excess wealth off the backs of their employees underpaid labour, and the system encourages unchecked growth because publicly traded companies must always make more and more money to satisfy investors. The system is designed to keep people from climbing out of their class position while allowing a few people to slip through, and then hold them up as the "American Dream" or whatever to sell the idea of capitalism back the masses who are living in poverty while billionaires live self-indulgent lives of luxury and pay no taxes because they make charitable donations when the reality is they donate to their own charities so they can still control their money. And why wouldn't they donate to charity, they have so much money they could never spend it on themselves and charity means no taxes that could actually go toward meaningful social change. It's a system that relies on the altruism of people that will always have more than they could ever need. One day soon most workers will be replaced by automation and those who own the capital will live lives of disgusting decadence while everyone else lives in abject poverty. The system sells itself as a meritocracy when in reality it's all dependent on social standing

we have anti monopoly laws to prevent too much power, the problem is companies diversifying too much like how google bought youtube and twitch and went from being 1 of many rich tech giants to the biggest. technically its not a monopoly because they arent buying competition they are buying up valuable businesses that have nothing to do with them

So that was just a long roundabout way of saying the anti monopoly laws don't actually do shit to stop assholes from accumulating more power

It’s not, people are.

Nah, the system makes them that way. If you tell poor people the only way to the top is slit each other's throats, they'll do it because they think they have no other option to survive. In reality humans are cooperative beings

team deathmatch, knives only

We have a future antifa retard in the making

having a monopoly means you produce a product and buy out all the competition so YOU are the only supplier of that product, thats not the same thing as buying other profitable companies that dont do the same thing as you even if they generate money the same way (ads)

it still allows for more accumulation of power though which is what the other user you originally replied to was talking about.

Because it rewards exploitation

Though on the other side, because google bought and Twitch and created monetization, you tubers and twitch streamers have popped up as a result when that was remote before. Capitalism still works even under blankets of equity accumulation.

>we have anti monopoly laws to prevent too much power

that don't work. the rich can buy politicians to get any laws they want passed.

not much different from the soviet union, where influence is substituted for money. or at least it used to be, before the criminal gangs took over.

Because it is completely unnatural. In most mammal spieces young, strong and healthy males are the ones who are the pack leaders. In human society,the old wrinkly senile men hold 100 times more power than young strong, intelligent males. Capitalsims main asset is private property, instead of strength, intelligence and resourcefulness. That is why capitalism will fail.

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>wanting to return to shitting in the woods and wiping your ass with your hand

>wanting to spend 7/8ths of your day finding food

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>there's a man running for president talking about how corporations have taken over America
>nope, everything is fine! America is fine! Capitalism good! Everything good! Ignore that man running for president!

This is why Americans don't even like each other.
in one ear i have a fat faggot sucking corporate cock and the other ear is a half mexican, half nigger, half white mutt babbling about 7 kids and their cocks.
muh kids, muh taxing the rich.

how about we just kill these mother fuckers? capitalism doesn't even matter in times of war.
we could just replace all these liberals with new humans, but we're not allowed to think like this because Hitler.

Capitalism is the single greatest distructor of culture and societal cohesion. With capitalism, the main driving focus is wealth accumulation not family values or cultural values. Thus every country becomes anericanized. If a population gains a high standard of living then that standard of living is reducing the ability for the top percentile to make more money. So the solution to that is to break social trust so that unions cannot form, import noncitizens, or export the labor itself to a place that has lower standards of living.
Think about eastern europe. Even though under the harshness of communism, they still retained their religion and culture more than any capitalist country has.