Uh, hey, chapo, Corbyn lost. Now what did we learn?

Uh, hey, chapo, Corbyn lost. Now what did we learn?


Nothing, because you're bougie shitheads and none of this shit effects you personally? Exactly.

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Other urls found in this thread:


Labour is too racist. They need to talk more about race and the threat of free speech. Also, higher taxes on the working class to combat climate change.

Not following this closely, but wasn't Brexit already tried and it failed?

What's different now that this can be possible?

Oh the UK is utterly finished as a country. The left needs to learn two lessons if it ever hopes to win:

1: The system was created for the right to keep power forever. Change within the system never works. All significant change in modern history has taken place through direct action. Republicanism is a false god and a distraction.

2: Liberalism is a right-wing philosophy. It is antithetical to leftwing policies. As long as the left continues to race-bait and give trannies the largest megaphone ever constructed, they WILL NOT WIN. If the left continues to conflate SJW idiocy with popular policies, they will continue to poison the chances of those policies ever becoming a reality.

what did we learn? we learnt that most of the voters are fucking idiots with stockholm syndrome for voting these tory cunts in again

I'm not in the UK, so that doesn't make much sense to me. What does that have to do with Brexit?


Brexit is very much rooted in globalist left vs conservative nationalist right.

>we only have 2 choices

Europeans desperately want this. Endless minority governments means nothing gets done and elections happen every 2 years.

So you just learned how a republic works? Congratulations on babby's first lesson in politics. See point #1: It's relevant to Bernie's campaign and why there is literally 0 chance he can win in this system. So much effort is being flushed down the toilet that could go towards some end that might achieve results. Why do you keep asking about Brexit? Nobody is talking about Brexit.

I know, I know. The bourgeoisie can't learn. This is where "read theory" gets you.

I can't wait til britshits learn about the marvels of American-style healthcare lol.

Or maybe they just reject a radical leftist agenda?

They already have to deal with the NHS.


GET to. Get back with me when brits are literally dying because they can't afford medications.

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There are actually quite a few deaths and lifelong illnesses due to long wait times with the NHS. I should note that I am not defending the American healthcare system as it is garbage, but pointing out that the Brits don't exactly live in a healthcare utopia. Like anything else, you get what you pay for.

No there aren't. That's just kleptocrat scare-mongering. Now, AMERICA, on the other hand.

Yes, there absolutely are people who die or face life changing but avoidable medical issues due to long wait times. We have the same problem in Canada. It's a system that is better than the US, but you are fooling yourself if you think this kind of thing never happens.

Name ONE.

Also, I don't know where you fucking corporate shills get this "muh wait times" bullshit. Good luck getting in to see ANY fucking doctor in America within a month's time.

You want me to name a person who has died due to wait times? I know some personally, I am just clarifying your question.

Like I said, you get what you pay for. If you have the money you are seen immediately. If not, you wait and hope for the best. And it bears repeating: I am by no means defending the American healthcare system here. But I am pointing out that socialized medicine is not a perfect system that many people seem to think it is.

>Like I said, you get what you pay for.
Then why don't Americans have the best healthcare on the planet? You are a retard and a shill. Capitalism does NOT result in "what you pay for". Capitalism results in people paying more for less.

"united by the strongest bonds of organisation, always in closest and quickest touch with one another, situated in the very heart of the business capital of every state, controlled, so far as Europe is concerned, by men of a single and peculiar race, who have behind them many centuries of financial experience, they are in a unique position to control the policy of nations"

Sound familliar?
Now, I'm not too fond of jews, but when you go putting your name to the praises of a book with this stuff? Not the best look. When you go getting all buddy-buddy with muslims too? Well, that really just shows off your true colours.

Shit like this is exactly why nobody can have nice things.

>Then why don't Americans have the best healthcare on the planet?

They do. It's the reason rich people travel to the US for case. It is simply incredibly expensive which is why it is out of reach for most people.

The best healthcare exists in the US. It just isn't for you and I.

>They do.
Yeah dying because you can't afford insulin is a real great system. You do know congress made it illegal for Americans to seek treatment or buy drugs from Cuba because so many were doing it because the American welfare for doctors system is broken, right?

No loyal Labour voter likes jews, we don't talk about it, but we all know it, they're the types the party was founded in spite of. Thing is, as bad as they are, ackbars are worse and selling the party's lot for their vote is a knife in the gut.
The publicity of Corbyn's views, the highly visible meeting with muslims, message was clear who's vote he was fishing for.

He should have quit after the last election. Sir Kier Starmer or Tom Watson would have been far better leaders.

You are confusing quality with accessibility. The US has the world's best healthcare, but most people can't get access to it. That does not change the fact that for those with the means to do so it is their primary destination.

Think of it like a car. You would like one that does fast. Porsche, Ferrari, Lamborghini, etc. Those are incredibly high end vehicles. They are among the best money can buy. Yet you and I can't get them. They are still among the best money can buy. We do not have access but that does not diminish their quality.

I've had first hand experience of the NHS.

I had a mild heart attack and had to stay in an extra day to wait for my angiogram due to them having to perform life saving emergency care on more severe cases but I was in on a Thursday night and out on the Monday with a blockage cleared and a stent fitted. They can take their time a bit with routine or non life threatening stuff but when it's life and death they are usually pretty on the ball.

The UK is going to splinter as the Scots declare independence and the North Irish join the Republic.

England/Wales will be left isolated by a stronger EU, and a trade-policy with the US that will beneficial only to the US.

It is absolutely better than the US system for the average person and something to be held on to. Again, my point is only that it is not the perfection that many Americans think it to be.

Glad to hear you're alright.

It was over three years ago and I've just had my check up for my HGV licence so I'm all good!

absolutely. It's coming. Nicola already said she's going for another independence referendum and the scots are really pissed off this tiame!

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>Porsche, Ferrari, Lamborghini
Impractical shit money pits? I'll take my Toyota Camry..

I'm a long term council housed neet, on benefits and physically disabled. Judging by Twitters meltdown and all the people praying for me, you would imagine that I voted Labour. No chance.

This is what happens when your candidate despises his own country and its history. He hangs around with Hezbollah, Hamas and the IRA. He namby pambies about giving fair trials to the leaders of ISIL after they command tens of thousands of horrific, savage slaughters of men and boys and rapes of children across the Islamic world. He refuses to back action agains these people when the opportunity arises.

He refuses and has his party refuse to back the outcome of a democratic Brexit vote, instead encouraging them to delay eternally at neverending cost to the taxpayer who voted to leave. He spends decades promoting his amazing idea of making the UK the "new Venezuela", as it is such a heavenly paradise. Meanwhile in Venezuela 2019, you need two trolleys of cash to buy bread and most people who are fit enough are dying walking to the US border with their kids.

His whole manifesto is based around borrowing huge amounts of money to pour in to bottomless pits, as though there is no such thing as interest or having to pay things back. He wants to nationalise an internet system that is already slow enough at peak times for those using it, so that every single person in the country can be on and we can all share one awful 14kb connection monitored by our extreme left overlord government. Him and Diane Abbott, who couldn't count to ten on a Fisher Price abacus.

I am working class, I left education at 15 years old, I was born and raised in a Labour stronghold. I voted for Boris Johnson because the alternative is a mentally unbalanced traitor to the people he is supposed to serve and a legitimate threat to the prosperity of the country that my forefathers died to fucking build.


What I've learnt is that comfortably middle class kids like to falsely represent me as though they somehow know precisely what people such as myself what and need. They like to patronise people like me all over social media by "praying" for me and all the awful things that are going to happen to me now that "Hitler 2.0" is in charge. In the real world, there is literally nothing different today than life last week, under the same PM.

These extreme leftist students are narcissistic, spoiled and have never had to live the life that I have. Not to mention they are simply full of shit with their accusations about homophobia and racism. I voted for a very flamboyant homo with an actual tramp stamp tattoo on his back yesterday (Heywood and Middleton constituency). I voted for a party whose second and third in command are a Paki from Rochdale and an Indian woman. None of this matters, and neither does my background because to the social media left, THEIR way is better, THEY are smarter, THEY know that I'm a xenophobe and uneducated. In the same way that Corbyn knew we needed a new Brexit vote because we're all so stupid and he and his millionaire cronies are infinitely superior.

More memes!

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This is why I said the goal was to go fast.

GB2 ur containment board


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I actually liked the anti semitism of Labour but that was everything i liked about Labour.

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What's that you said? I couldnt hear you over the sound of socialism failing

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Did you have to make changes to diet or lifestyle?

Right glad you confirmed that uneducated morons vote Tory. Prayin' for ya.

Anyone who voted tory should be drowned on live TV. Or blown up with plastic explosives. This is a fact.


Don't worry, the US will start pumping the NHS full of overpriced opiates and export our drug problem to you. Those voters will be the first to become addicted, just as our Republican voters did.

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labour lost because its leader was shit, you know you fucked up a leader when towns and citys that have voted for you for over 70 years vote for the other side because they dont like you

so ghey

socialism didn't fail, it just wasn't chosen

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The tories are hated by the populace, that's why they've rigged the electoral system in their favour. This time they got 56% of the MPs with 43% of the vote. That's not democracy.

I'm sad :(

Like, REALLY sad....

Meh, no matter who gets in they're all useless. I have been alive through conservative to Labour to Conservative rule and nothing ever gets better. they're all lying sacks of shit and democracy is pointless.

What radical leftist agenda?
It was a left wing agenda, nowt radical about it.
Might only seem radical if all you’ve known is the slightly left centrist Blair agenda.

British are so afraid of brown people that they're gonna lose their healthcare. Lol, what a bunch of morons, enjoy paying 5000 pounds for insulin when your NHS is given away to Boris' rich friends.

No and no. The PM has to allow for it, which he won't.

Imagine writing this and believing it. How you can be so braindead yet simultaneously so mug amazes me.

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