Is acid worth it? Is it safe? Is it gunna make me a schizo for the rest of my life?

Is acid worth it? Is it safe? Is it gunna make me a schizo for the rest of my life?

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Nah dude, I wouldn't consider acid a safe drug.

It's not unsafe in that you could overdose, it's unsafe in that you may lose it strip your cloths off and go running down a snowy road at 2 A.M.

also gtfo underage b&

It depends, trip with someone you trust and know wont bug the shit out of you, if youre in a bad mind set before taking it, no matter hours or days, you will be confronted with it. Its 12 hours of euphoria and shape/color changing, or hell and confusion, weed will usually mellow out your experience or make it more intense which isnt bad unless youre inexperienced, go on and look lsd for some more specific info and stories

Do not take weed if you try acid first time, might aswell get ready for 12 hours of paranoia hell if you spiral out of cpntrol lmao

Also that guy above is wrong, you can't really overdose and die unless you take like over 1000mg+, and that in itself is dumb if youre taking over 500

basically this

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>Is acid worth it?
if you want to learn more about yourself or the universe or just to take a vacation from normal reality, sure
>Is it safe?
100%. You cant OD on actual LSD.
Bad trips aren't necessarily bad either; they're negative things in your life or mind that you can learn from to better yourself.
>Is it gunna make me a schizo for the rest of my life?
Only if you take full-retard amounts and take it too often.
Take normal responsible doses and only trip once or twice a month and you're good.
With how "set" and "setting" work you'll likely only drop a couple of times a year anyway. When I last had tabs I spent up to 6 months sometimes just waiting for the right circumstances and the perfect weekend
listen to this guy, but where he says "12 hours of shape/color changing" it's more like 3-4 hours.
>2h of come-up, rising feeling
>3-4 hours of peak
>5-7 hours of comfy comfy come-down with blankets and a good movie or two.

you wont be able to sleep until at least the 10 or 12 hour mark.


i would suggest shrooms over acid for a 1st timer if possible

Just take a small dose user. Acid can be great and acid can be terrible. Start with like half a tab. Warm up to bigger trips. Trust me, I’ve had a few bad trips and they suck ass.

Also sex on acid is absolutely incredible.

Do you have a history of mental illness in your family?

Acid can provide intense, vivid emotional experiences that as you ratchet up the dosage can become horrifying (if you have a bad trip). The danger isn't the drug itself, but the extreme experience that can potentially be scarring.

The bigger worry is getting real acid--while LSD is nontoxic and super fun, it doesn't have a great profit margin, is super fragile chemically, and is a pain in the ass to make. People who make it tend to be driven more by ideology than profit and you are very likely to get fake acid--if it tastes like anything, toss it. Real LSD is tasteless and odorless and after your trip will leave you mildly euphoric--fake acid will have you feeling like shit.

If you're really interested, you might want to break yourself in with DMT or salvia. Unlike acid, these both come on extremely quickly and are over in fifteen minutes (acid builds over a half hour and can last for eight to ten); the benefit is that you can get used to the disorientation and if you have a bad time it'll be over quickly.

Doing acid during a particularly bad snowstorm in college was possibly the best time I ever had in my life. My whole outlook on life changed and I became a better person for it.

1. Hide the car keys
2. Don’t drink or smoke
3. NO SCREENS. Turn em all off
4. I’d advise against playing any music in the background, but that’s just me. Fucks with your head
5. Don’t have sex. Isn’t good at all.
6. It lasts a while and you’ll be tired as shit the next day, make sure you got a couple days off.
7. Only do it if it’s been vouched for by someone else. Don’t take more than a tab or two your first time.

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Just drink a few beers and do a big bump of ketamine.

i find issue with 2-5

Very interesting and informative responses guys,thanks. I think I will try a small dose with some friends. Is it better to stay indoors or venture out? What are some things to do/see while on acid for the first time?

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How so?

I’ve done it four times and the best time was the first, followed all the rules. During any of the other three times, I broke one or more of them and the experience wasn’t good.

Stay indoors for your first time, do it with a couple really good friends, preferably someone who’s done it before

Venture out for sure! Make sure to have at least one good friend with the group who will kick it for the duration. As my friend used to say: Keep in mind, cars are real and you can't fly.

have fun and happy trippin'

Acid is fun. Advice:
>get it from a very trusted source
>only bad chemistry or obscene use will fuck your brain permanently
>but normal use can cause occasional flashbacks
>have enough sober people around to corral anyone that's tripping
>maybe stay locked indoors the first time or two
>keep positive
>and use when you're in good health
>know that the shit you're seeing is fake
>unless it's a normal and dangerous thing
>don't mix with other drugs
>be prepared to feel completely used up the next day. all day.
>don't overuse it, the effects diminish if used too often
I wouldn't necessarily do a small dose at first, as long as you are in a very safe place. I took a sugar cube with a couple drops the first time, and it was an irreplaceable experience.

Sex on acid can be magical. Getting stoned on acid can boost it, especially if you're coming down. Screens are... weird, but there's some videos that are awesome on acid. And I can't imagine an lsd trip without music.

honestly this.
shrooms and LSD are really similar, just a shroom trip is only about 1/3rd as long.
LSD can be hard to schedule in without any interruptions, not to mention the trip is so long that often i find myself forgetting that i'm even tripping

Best advice in this thread.

Basically take it easy, don't expect to feel ok interacting with people in public, have fresh fruit, and do what feels good and doesn't make others uncomfortable.

Guess everyone is different. I was hooking up with a hot blonde neighbor girl around the same time and we both took it together and thought it was a good idea to fuck, totally wasn’t. Felt awful actually.

Music probably could be sweet but it has to be exactly the right music, or I feel uncomfortable with it. Idk

Never tried watching trippy videos, but screens in general distract you from discovering the world around you I guess

all this shit advice
1. Hide the car keys
2. Don’t drink or smoke
if you're a smoker you'll need a pack or two on standby to chainsmoke. if you roll your own you'll want to roll them before you trip. light beers are perfect for sipping during a trip, especially if you're nervous. avoid weed the first few times but it synergizes well with LSD
3. NO SCREENS. Turn em all off
phones, yeah. you need a PC on for music though and the occasional movie, funny videos or whatever are fucking great, especially during the comfy come-down.
4. I’d advise against playing any music in the background, but that’s just me. Fucks with your head
Terrible advice. Music helps determine the mood . If it's fucking with your head then change the music to something else.
5. Don’t have sex. Isn’t good at all.
Lol sure whatever. Sex or even fapping on LSD is fucking amazing.
6. It lasts a while and you’ll be tired as shit the next day, make sure you got a couple days off.
Yeah, but not that much of an issue if you drop early enough in the day. shit lasts 12 hours, so I drop around lunchtime or 2pm so I can watch the sunset during the peak and so the trip is finished around midnight.
7. Only do it if it’s been vouched for by someone else. Don’t take more than a tab or two your first time.
yeah fair enough advice. anyone who takes drugs harder than weed should have a test kit anyway. they're like $20 on amazon or at your local bong/pipe shop.


Guess everyone is different. I was hooking up with a hot blonde neighbor girl around the same time and we both took it together and thought it was a good idea to fuck, totally wasn’t. Felt awful actually.

Music probably could be sweet but it has to be exactly the right music, or I feel uncomfortable with it. Idk

Never tried watching trippy videos, but screens in general distract you from discovering the world around you I guess

Billy Shears didn't need acid, he just needed chicks to believe he was Paul McCartney.

retard who has never done acid

actual good advice

ignoring art is bad advice imo, music and film can be especially incredible on acid. music is especially cool because other stuff will start to sync up with the beat and it's incredible

Best answer to all 3 questions

One trip and you're declared legally insane under US Law.

autistic friend of mine took some and literally lost his mind. Ended up in an insane asylum


I must have tripped about 13 times in a 4-5 month span about 6 summers ago, it was enough to give me x-ray vision when dealing with people.

There is virtually no way to lie or bullshit me without me knowing, also I can get a super good and almost creepy read on people just from there appearance and movement.

I had a shit ton of fun tripping also, but you will also have fear trips mixed in with the good ones.

>acid--while LSD is nontoxic and super fun, it doesn't have a great profit margin, is super fragile chemically, and is a pain in the ass to make. People who make it tend to be driven more by ideology than profit
XD, as you see its going to make you believe you have superpowers

Currently naked and tripping..