It’s sad nigga hours
ITT post why you’re feelin sad right now, talk to others about your doomer/gloomer feels
It’s sad nigga hours
I’m depressed because I made the Instagram comic page community mad at me for saying nigger in a non-racist context and then tried to defend the use of slurs in non-racist contexts but they just don’t fucking get it
They think I’m just an edgy white boy trying to get even more privilege
Fuck them, I did nothing wrong, I just don’t want to be hated
Aight ill bite
>graduate uni in May with a gpa thats just ok and literally 0 job experience. really scared I wont be able to find a job
>the girl I was simping after started dating a chad soccer player from her uni literally a week after I confessed and shes slowly starting to stop talking to me
>1 of my close friends is suicidal and I have to talk him off the ledge like once a month
>videogames are nowhere near as fun as they use to be and no game holds my attention for more than an hour
Just a combination of all those I guess
If that is what is bothering you than you really have it lucky. Feel blessed that you can be upset about such worthless shit.
I just got kicked out of my home, and I have nowhere to live
Well I’m also upset because my dad pushes for me to stay in college even though I don’t want to and on top of that I have to maintain a B average to get a discount on car insurance which he pays for because I’m a poorfag and don’t even own my car, and I pretty much phoned it in this semester and if I haven’t failed all my classes already I’m probably going to since the semester ended either this week or next week so when dad finds out he’s gonna yell at me for wasting $1600 of his dollars and possibly fucking up insurance deal, never mind the $400 I’m out because I contributed towards it since I’m not a complete leech, I just stopped going to class because it was too early and I kept oversleeping and I just wasn’t interested, but telling him all that isn’t gonna make a difference, I’m pissed at myself for blowing the deadline to drop classes, I would’ve just dropped everything I knew I couldn’t pass last minute, fuck
Hopefully the school doesn’t eject me for getting shitty grades one semester, it’s a community college so hopefully it’s fine but if I get kicked out I’m uber fucked
A school most likely wont eject you for shitty grades one semester as long as your overall GPA isnt garbage. The worst theyll do is either yank your scholarship if you have one
Well I had a gpa of 3.0 last fall and I took spring off so uhh failing all of my classes this semester might yank my gpa but I have no scholarships and my dad makes too much money for me to get free gubment money so hopefully it’ll be fine
I cant even go to a fucking bithday without picking a fight and fuck you
Today is my birthday. I would have spent it with my girlfriend if I didn't break up with her. I also would have finished my first semester of med school if I didn't drop. It's been crazy these last two months.
I think youll be fine honestly. Just depends on your particular colleges rules. I would say expect academic probation and make sure you ball out in the spring
I'm a film student at an "art school" and I have talked about getting so many productions off the ground for myself and others that I'd like to work with.
But here I sit now, typing a last-minute essay, with only One project under my belt from 3-4 of trying to socialize with the close people I really like. Also, I'm pining for an older woman who i know just sees me as "a friend".
I don't have to do all this. But outside of school, I have nothing. No plan B.
Imma bum it 'til I make it.
Failed all of my classes, hate my city, stuck in limbo with my relationship, hate my living situation
I’m planning on taking no 8ams in spring so I won’t oversleep and varying up my classes to see what I’m really interested in instead of just following business major transfer module; basically doing what I should’ve done from the very beginning, so hopefully it’ll go well, thanks user you’ve given me a decent boost to my confidence in the situation
Good luck user! I know you can do it
Like a qt with completely different social group but our interests are the same even before I knew her. New school year so won’t have each other in classes and I’m a shyfag so I’m to pussy to go talk to her
Also failed all my classes before graduation
fuck it
>Started uni this year, its not like how I thought it would be. Make no new friends and dont see old friends much anymore
>Video games arnt fun for me anymore, so not I dont have that escape
>When I do see my HS friends its not as fun as I would hope. They kinda talk shit and dont think ill go anywere in life
those kind of things. No friends, no hobbies, no interest in simping after a girl. Just uni work. Im going fucking insane
Happy birthday user. If you can, get back into school. Dont let your past failures define you.
After the past few months I’m not sure I actually love my girlfriend of 6 years anymore.
We started dating in highschool, which seemed fine until I grew up and she didn’t. She’s still like a child. She complains and cries about the most minor inconveniences as if they’re huge. She’s incredibly clingy, she says she has separation anxiety which might be true. She always wants me to come over at all times and spend time with her. I’m introverted and need time alone and it’s hard to get her to respect that time. I get 2 days a week to myself, the rest are with her. She always drags me away from spending time with any friends but her because she’s also awkward and introverted in a way, but I’ve been growing out of that myself. Any time we’re out/ near friends, I have to go be with her alone while my friends go do their own thing. To meet with some friends, I had to arrange to hang out for just 2 hours, and early before the time I usually come over. I once got to talking and spent a little longer and she had a fit and was texting my friend to let me go.
Everywhere I go, she goes too. Literally. Anything I do, she always tags along and hogs my attention. If she tags along for something where she obviously can’t have my attention, she’ll just sit there and fiddle with something the entire time. Everyone thinks we must be married because who else would even do that?
I understand loving someone and wanting to be with them but she’s taking it so far that it’s making me upset. It’s always been this way, and only now is it wearing thin at my patience.
To the point where I fantasize about breaking up with her and being able to actually do things I want to do, even if it’s just coming home to play a video game or read a book. These are things I rarely get a chance to do because of her. I fantasize about meeting an independent, adult woman who’s interesting, smart, and actually grows and can hold her own and has her own life. But I don’t even need that to be happy, I’m content at the idea of just being able to be alone when I want to and have freedom instead of babysitting a 24 year old child.
Next semester take a variety of classes to find something you’re actually interested in, user. Forcing yourself through a strict schedule of classes to get a degree in a major you aren’t even sure you want a degree in ain’t worth it.
Might have dead dick from jerking off too much
Gotta stop jerking off, gonna try 1-2 weeks
Sad because i had to put my dog down today. Was having a great day before she started to struggle to breathe and spitting up foam. She was one of the most important thing in my life. Life sucks man.
I’m weird and have trouble expressing myself, I’m working towards a career that is seen as noble but in reality is soulless
>mfw no friends
>I just want a wife and a lot of children on a farm somewhere Sup Forumsros
Any supplements I can take to increase rate of recovery? Just trying to bust nuts till I die bros
Thanks user. I am planning to go back to school in January hopefully. It won't be med school but at least I will be doing something.
Told girlfriend one of my kinks a few months ago
She promised not to make fun of me or think less of me, and she kept her promise
The only problem is she fucking forgot I told her and I don’t have it in me to work up the courage to tell her again
Honestly jerking off is overrated anyways. Rarely do you look back a month from now (even a week or few days) and think to yourself, “man I’m glad I fapped that day. What a good experience.”
The cons heavily outweigh the only pro which is pleasure. Your life will automatically be noticeably better if you stop
What is it tho
Its so interesting how recursive these emotions get
Gettimg sad about being sad
getting angry about being angry
getting anxious by getting more anxious.
It can’t have been a very abnormal kink if she forgot. Or she’s pretending to have forgotten because she doesn’t like playing into that kink herself
I told her I knew it was weird and I’d keep it to myself if she wanted me to but if she wanted me to follow through on that all she had to do was tell me, not pretend to forget
Am burpfag user
It’s weird and gross and I hate myself for it but at least it isn’t scat or gore or furry
Anyone else get extremely angry and depressed over time? Like time going way too fucking fast when you’re trying to get somewhere on time and you’re already trying your hardest to get out the door. Or you actually start enjoying something for 20 minutes and you check and actually several hours have passed.
Then when you just want time to hurry the fuck up, it’s painfully slow as if it’s taunting you.
I have some days where I feel outside of time, hours pass and I have no idea how unless I was moving like an actual sloth without realizing it.
Is there something wrong with me?
So you just like her burping? Not that weird considering some of the shit you see here daily bro
Well she agreed to that before she knew what it was.
What even is your kink? I’ll have a better idea on where she’s coming from
Any tips? I've gone a few days without but then usually have a giant jerkfest.
Usually I have issues lasting longer then a few days/a week
Yeah I know it’s not that bad but it’s still weird, the only reason I know she forgot or is pretending to have forgotten is because she still talks down on herself when she does it in front of me
See above
My gfs an alcoholic. She doesn't think it's an issue and blames it on being stuck at home all day. She doesn't clean or cook or do shit. Been limiting her alcohol consumption and she has been sneaking. Confronted her and she blew up on some dumb shit. Love her but there's only so much I can take. Life is dumb. Death is appealing. I'm a coward. Just waiting to die
Fuck your old friends, I went through the same thing when I started working on my prerequisites for RN school
Oh that’s it? Weird but definitely not horrifying. She may think it’s so out there that she doesn’t take it seriously then.
Or any time she wants to turn you on she doesn’t really know how to burp for you like you want. Get her drinking some soda or something
I mean it’s at a point where I don’t even care if she does it for me, I can find niche porn any day of the week with a quick google search, I just want her to stop being down on herself for being “unattractive” when she does it in front of me, that makes me feel like she forgot what I told her and it took a lot outta me to tell her about it so it just doesn’t do good for my self-image y’know?
You have it good. Be grateful you have anybody willing to help you with anything. Either wake up and earn your keep or make it on your own. Most only have the latter option.
t. actual poorfag
Basically think about what I said when you get the urge. You won’t look back and think of it as time worth spending, you only think so in the moment.
Immediately just go do something else you’re interested in. Your body can operate quicker than your brain. Just let your body get up and walk away and your brain will follow.
Also don’t let a recovering alcoholic live next to the liquor store. Meaning don’t browse porn sites, even stay away from NSFW Sup Forums a while. If social media does it too, stay away from it.
You can form a habit in just a few days, but breaking a habit takes about 20? So if you pay attention and stay strong for those 20 days, the habit portion will go away and you won’t really have to try or think about it much anymore.
IMO most likely a self esteem issue. Some people have a set of things they see as "not classy" and they have this mental block that makes them consider that a negative trait.
You might get hard when she burps but maybe she thinks she's being gross? Gotta just let her know to be comfortable around you and tell her you love that shit
I get that kind of user, every time I wake up at a good time and then end up snoozing a couple more hours and get up way later than I wanted, or if I oversleep in general, that shit pisses me right off
I think she wants to make it clear to you that she doesn’t like doing it because she finds it gross to her own self. It’s not a matter of how you feel about it, it’s about how she feels about it.
It’s not selfish, actually. Imagine if she told you she thinks it’s hot if you squat down and shit directly into her mouth. No amount of her thinking it’s hot is gonna change how you feel about yourself doing it.
Thanks bro. Will try, especially the staying away from porn threads. Don't think I've death griped my dick but jerking off tons has made it hard to finish during sex. So hopefully I'll do 2 weeks off and bust some fat nuts
You have a good point there user but c’mon that’s a little different don’t ya think?
It gets on my nerve so much becasue im decent at physics yet they still doubt me. Take this example
>go out on a monday night for a laugh
>most clubs closed
>Go to a bar
>We are all sitting together
>I get board and wip out a pen and start doing some derivations
>Girl notices me doing this
>Comes over to me and starts talking to me about what im doing
>I cant belive my luck, no girl has ever done this
>My friends imediatly start berating me for failing some subjects
>Talking mad shit to the girl
>They were just simping over her
Fucking pisses me off
Those aren't friends bro. If you're friends are still competing over pussy you're with dudes who never made it passed HS
Find out what you like/ are passionate about. Don’t think about school, just find that thing.
If you go towards the goal of “this is what I want to do” the classes become an obstacle for you to get around to make it to your main goal. You’ll have the drive to work past it. If you’re just doing things aimlessly without a goal you’re passionate about, there’s no way in hell you’ll have it in you to bear it.
If you seriously don’t have anything you’re passionate about, enter a trade school or look into an IT certification. If you know basic shit about computers, entry-level IT is a breeze. Or work with your hands with something from trade school. You’ll make decent money from the get-go.
If you don’t want to do anything at all, commit seppoku and hope the next level doesn’t have a stupid career system built into it and we can live as free animals instead of slaves for others to live off of
It’s unfortunate but you got to let them go user, I was doing my prerequisites while working at a restaurant and I basically had to leave all my friends including my best friend from there behind
My bf doesn't like my friends.
Gonna have to break up with him I think which sucks because he is otherwise nice but he has started trying to guilt me into not hanging out with them.
I'm fine with clinginess but he doesn't get to pick who my friends are.
Get outta yo feelins nigga
Thanks user, thinking about trying out CNC machining in spring, my buddy is doing that and he really likes it
Suicide has infected my mind and won't go away since my brother killed himself a few years ago.
I always thought about it but now I cannot stop.
It's like some malevolent entity is in my mind constantly trying to get me to want to kill myself.
I can't talk to my family because they are all so damaged from what he did.
I know I won't kill myself because I have a wife and daughter to take care of but this endless voice in my head is driving me insane. I came close once when I got pushed to the edge.
When I am calm and collected it is like a whisper in the back of my mind. I honestly feel like I am possessed even though I am not religious.
Youre friends arent fucking you or working to build a future and family. You need to rethink how things can work if hes good but just doesnt like your friends.
Do it you coward. You're too weak to go on.
This. No matter hoe close you are friends will fade. Once you have kids especially.
Does he actively stop you from hanging out with them? I hated my GFs best friend with a passion and she knew that but I kept my mouth shut and didn’t try to get between them and it wasn’t an issue.
Different in terms of how dramatic it is, but the relative truth is still there. She just may find the act of doing it gross no matter what you think about it, and I think that’s a fair thing for her to feel.
Or maybe she just wanted to hear what it is to better understand you, it doesn’t mean she’s necessarily going to act on it all the time. If you want her to, you should ask if she’s comfortable doing that.
You’re not alone, I had to console my girlfriend for fucking years to get her to give me a blowjob. Yeah, a blowjob. That was too kinky for her
Well user I’m a religiousfag so my advice probably isn’t gonna be great but you just gotta try your hardest to reconcile that with the universe and find the light, any light, the light of hope, the drive to carry on, I’d probably be dead in a ditch somewhere if I didn’t constantly tell myself “all will be well, don’t give up hope”
Don’t give up on yourself user, ending your life doesn’t fix anything, it just eliminates any possibility of it getting better, just try to find that glimmer of hope and hold onto it for dear life, I believe in you user
A very close family member that I lived with and loved very much died, and her family member is Monday. I’m now back with my mother who wants me to work some shitty job instead of getting education. Call me a faggot all you want, but I was independent and had an apartment with this person it fucking sucks. I was actually getting a shitty but somewhat education, now it’s all gone.
Funeral. Fuck I’m dumb as rocks tonight.
you sound like a bitch and the only thing that lasts in the long run are family, not your stupid friends.
Good lord user, that truly does make me feel a bit better
My girlfriend never gives me blowjobs anymore because she thinks I’m uncomfortable with it
I’m just uncomfortable with how I look down there and the fact that she constantly takes her mouth off of me during the act, I’m not trying to make a jizz mess that I then have to clean up, of course that would make me nervous
But y’know that’s life, you’re a G user, I hope life treats you well
Would you prefer to read a block of text? Not everything over a sentence has to be greentext. I’m sorry if reading more than 10 words is too difficult for your banana-eating nigger self.
if ur a faggy lib go watch destiny (streamer) n word controversy on yt. might help you realize no matter what you do the left is backbiting faggots who don't care about reality.
Incels thinking this is 1878 where men are the only source of income lol. Actually retarded.
Thank you. Trust me, I don't want to. I don't even like thinking about it.
It's like something latched onto me after he hanged himself. My power is my daughter and wife. Thanks for the words of encouragement.
Thare was a hit aND run on 2 cars yesterday morning one of them way my car thare was a witness but the gye did not whant to talk to the cops. And the gye that hit us just lieing and sa he did not hit use. And the cop say will sorry can't do anything if thare was no video or witness no joke
Not her but friendly reminder that family is who you choose, not what you’re born into, this can include close friends
69 FTW
I don't need him to build a future, I can find someone who isn't weirdly possessive.
Children are not in my plan either, not for a while at least.
We have only been dating a month, and I would say that him already doing the guilt trip shit is a red flag.
No, not actively but the passive agressive shit is worse than anything for me. My parents used to do it all the time and I notice it pretty easily.
I get where you’re coming from, but do you hang out with guys hotter than him? Whether or not they want to fuck you (which they probably do), it’s an easy way to hurt someone who’s insecure. Consider how you might feel if he was hanging out with a girl way more attractive than yourself.
Still, you should actually talk to him about this in person before going off on him and leaving his ass. He might be more considerate about it than you think, once he knows how you feel.
He probably hit your car for being such a fucking illiterate faggot, learn how to spell redneck.
I am a furfag and have a crush on a cartoon animal person and I told an internet friend about it. I want to be normal. I want to not care. I'm afraid I might have ruined our friendship.
It hurts to live.
Lmao as if user, she teases me for getting uncomfortable about her hand touching the skin of my cock but then turns around and gets fussy about me reaching my hand into her pants (not even her panties) to try and reciprocate
I can almost guarantee he is fucking one of your "friends" and that's why he doesn't like one or more of them. They got into a fight at some point behind your back
I'm sad because I am a fat piece of shit that can't seem to lose weight
My whole life hangs in the balance on whether I can muster the self respect and determination to stick to a calorie deficit, and I feel like it's almost impossible
I don't want to be the fat funny one and always relying on my personality, I don't want to feel like I am being looked at all the time
It's either I can do this, or I might as well kill myself
Just be normal then. It’s really not that hard. I bet if you stopped jerking off for just a week you could get off to normal porn.
Might have to get a part time job and share rent with any buddies/ family members you have. I can’t imagine a parent actually NOT wanting their child to get an education
What issue of losing weight is hard for you?
Lack of eating? the workout?
Whoo thinks was him..?! WHO!!??
That’s rough buddy
I’m not a furry but I still just want to be normal too but at some point we gotta realize that it just isn’t happening and realize that telling people what gets us off doesn’t really help anything in any conceivable way, fight that urge to over-share with people and save it for a community of like-minded individuals
Also remember that being a furfag isn’t the worst thing in the world as long as you aren’t fucking people in a mascot suit
Appreciate it user. Right back at you.
You can do this user. I lost 60 pounds this year. I was 230 in January I weigh 170 now. Find a hobby. Boredom is the enemy of weight loss.
good plan, clever girl for bailing quick rather than be around a douchebag. now show us your tits.
Just dive in bro. Don't give her a chance to get fussy. She won't resist with your tongue on their clit. They like it too much.
That’s what you get with parents who want there child to be like them. I might get a part time job and just share rent and move out.
I'm 33, just out from my last breakup in october. Other then being devastated, I'm afraid it's pretty over now. My ex gf was 25. I became too old to expect something similar to happen again. It's my fault because I've been so happy that living any ordinary day alone makes me feel like I want to kill myself. It's fuckin over from now.
Okay just stop eating and pick up some fucking weights, i dont understand fat people they always cry and feel sorry for themself but wont put in the work to do anything about it. Now go eat another donut.
I just can't seem to break the connection between food and happiness..
I know I'm garbage and when I feel that way, or when something reminds me of how shit I am my instant reaction is to eat something.. it brings me genuine joy and that is a serious problem
It happens to when I'm bored.
I'm trying to keep on tracking my intake and trying to take some responsibility for what I put in my body, but sometimes it's so hard with everything going on to not use food as a crutch
Eat what you want and cut out sugar. Avoid any kind of excess sugar (excluding fruit) and you'll lose weight.