How would Disney handle this scene?

How would Disney handle this scene?


>Luke, me am daddy.

>Vader chops Luke's arm off
>"that was Luke Skywalker everybody, give him a hand"
>reaction shot of cute dog/alien thing covers eyes with its paws

>Does anyone have any orange slices

>No Luke, I.. am... transgender.

holy shit

Luke, you are my wife's son.

>No, I am one of your fathers

>Luke you are my second wife's son

>"AHHHH! I dropped my fake hand, give me a second."

No, I am your genderfluid parent.


>I'll never join you! You killed my mother!
>No Luke *takes off mask, revealing Vader to be Felicity Jones* I am your mother

>Luke, I am your mother

would pay money to see

Luke, I identify myself as your father.


>Dance off Dad!

>Luke, I am your father.
>Considering you just cut off my hand, we won't be playing catch any time soon.
>Your jokes aren't nearly as painful as your wound.
>Hey Vader? Time for my exit. Smell ya later!



Why does this movie from almost 40 years ago look more tangible than nu-Star Wars? Is it a difference in camera tech?

>Luke flies down the pit and catches his hand
>Reattaches it with nonspecific space item
>"phew, that was HANDY"
>Catches a rope and swings back up
>"Miss me pops?"
>Does a backflip and kills Vader

>No. I am your father!
>You motherfu-
>Vader and Luke look at the camera and wink

Shooting on film with a lens with a shallow focus makes characters pop in scenes like this.
Disney uses Alexa 65 digital recording camera I believe and does shitty color grading and overabundant CGI so everything looks bland as shit

There was no post production color tweaking available back then.
At least, not digitally.



I can imagine how it would go with Rey.
>cuts off her hand
>tells her he is her father
>she gets super pissed and force tackles him
>wrinkled orange Yoda throws her lightsaber back up
>beats down Vader like that scene in RotJ
>platform rips apart
>Rey fall down and lands outside
>uses the force to control the Millennium Falcon from miles away to where she is
>flies off, fixing the hyper drive and evading the Empire all on her own
>builds herself a new robotic arm with some spare parts in her spare time