At least you weren't called a racist I guess lmao

Other urls found in this thread:

that axeman was a bavarian wasnt he?

Saudi national actually.



Can't you read? The other Germanbro already confirmed it was a bavarian.

now what happened?

just saw this in another thread

can a kraut translate

Top kek


*drifts slightly further north west*

Zeit der Vergeltung? Erdogan u die türkische Regierung scheinen den Putschversuch als Freibrief für Willkür zu deuten: Pkt 1 - Justiz.

Bavarian Minister says 17 year old Afghan...




Thanks, we try our best!





What one now?...

Not in my name, not all Muslims, pray for Germany, he was not a real Muslim, terrorism has no religion, he was oppressed by white man

>MFW Mexico is more safer than Europe.

Bei dem Täter handelt es sich laut Innenminister Joachim Herrmann um einen 17-jährigen Afghanen, der als Flüchtling in Ochsenfurt wohnte. Er könnte nach Angaben des bayerischen Innenministeriums "Allahu Akbar" (Gott ist groß) gerufen haben.

Don`t need to translate. You get the gist of it.


Can the UK laugh at Europe yet?


>be European
>wake up
>get shot
>go to school
>get bombed
>go to the movies
>get run over
>become fireman
>get axed
>to to leave EU
>get Anglo Merkel

I'm still learning German so I'll try.
"Bayer. Interior minister. Seventeen year old Afghani is killing people on a train in Bayern" Either that or "Zugtäter" means train killer?

sounds bavarian to me desu

*try to leave EU

Easy there Paco. It's always fun to laugh at yuropoors but let's not get carried away now.

KeK wills a massive German happening.

I swear to god, if that shit starts over here, i'm off to America.

Fuck these idiot SJW's, let them die denying the rape they're getting from Muslims.

You already blew it.

more safe*

And no, your country is still less safe than Europe, by far, kek.

It really isn't.

Scotbitch is trying to Veto the exit now.

congratulations on your unrivalled tolerance and diversity

At least here you're allowed to shoot these animals.

Encouraged actually.

Yes, senpai.

Laugh away.

She can try all she wants.

Excuse me shitlord. When a person of a brown complexion crosses into Europe they are immediately a New European. He's just as german as you. What makes you special?

>tfw you country has never had a sandnigger terrorist attack
>tfw your country has it's own terrorists to deal with them

at least our police forces don't get shot the day before.

Hahahaha!they really are a bunch of faggots!

I feel like Sept 11th was cheating on their part. Like we legit didn't even know what Muslims were until that happened.


What happened

>tfw never see sandniggers unless I'm in Dublin
>tfw live in Connemara and never see a non white face

Feels good to be in this country

They're police officers, it's their job to get shot.

Is it time for St. Paddy's day again yet? I need an excuse to get extremely drunk all day.

Doing it without a purpose just makes me feel like an alcoholic... I mean, I am one, but at least I don't have to acknowledge that for a few days during the year, St. Paddy's being one.

Follower of the religion on peace chimped out on a bus and axed like 20 people.

why does he have 3 arms

Some afghan killed people in a germsn train with an axe shouting allahu ackbar. I am waiting until its confirmed.

>The goys fell for the noguns meme

It's even more impressive because it'd be like if ISIS just became a political party one day.


>I swear to god, if that shit starts over here, i'm off to America.

The US has it worse for islamic terror though, both bombing and shooting

m8 it'all over the place, it's beyond confirmed

And people still say we're safer in the EU.

So this is the power of Islam, can't kill 1 person with an axe

Por que lo dices?

Cuando fue la ultima vez que hubo un atentado de bomba en México en el ultimo año?

Yeah Britbros are lucky, they just get systemically cucked

An extra one in case he loses one in an axe attack.

Thanks for the info in spanish

>nobody died

the horror

I do find it all too worrying this sudden influx of muslim-caused hate crime shortly after Brexit is really sinking in and people are understanding it's not a joke and it's not getting reversed.

Surely the Muslim barbarians don't think the people, not the government (who are too full of SJW's now) - the people are going to sit idly by and watch their daughters, sisters, wives and girlfriends get raped and have it covered up or feel forced to cover it up themselves to keep the SJW narrative going. To have their sons and fathers gunned down and the balls cut off of the living ones, and the vaginas stabbed of the women there for ISIS propaganda videos.

Or maybe Europe will.

How the fuck do you figure? We have a terrorist attack like once every year or two. Europe has one pretty much every other week now.

Nobody died, thanks to gun laws the agressif couldn't find anything else than an axe and was logicaly unable to performance à mass murder. Policers defeated him easily. Gun laws at work, lads !

Mad, white boeees?

Didn't one of your sandniggers just kill an american? Yours just kill in small doses. Kill someone here. Kill a homeless guy there and so on.


How exactly the brexit protect you from terrorists ?

Yeah, but Americans seem less PC thankfully.
More likely to just say what they want because you have the right to free speech.

We don't have that right over here, getting much worse in mainland Europe. They can lock us up for talking negatively about Muslims, even in private.

People keep coving up Muslim violence and sex crimes. How much longer before the Government starts to betray its people in the name of social justice?


We know each other very soon.
We are preparing our coats.

Oh, I wish, I would live in the States, a country free of muslism attacks.

>a truck

Remember when I got dubs saying Germany would be next while praising kek in the Turkish coup sticky.

I am responsible for this, I'm sorry Germany.

>implying you'd survive a Canadian winter

Just move to Guatemala

>go to Google
>type in Axe attack Germany
>results are "17 year old Afghani man attacked people with a knife and axe while shouting allahu Akbar"

Not surprised/10

Poor Germany.

Look out!, an axe!!!


A seventeen year old rapefugee wouldn't be able to buy a gun here either.

We are mexicans, not sandniggers.

Poor cucknada.

Irish people are the whitest cunts you'll meet, silly burger

Afghan refuge

"A teenage Afghan refugee armed with an axe and knife injured four people on a train in southern Germany before being shot dead by police, officials say."

>How much longer before the Government starts to betray its people in the name of social justice?
That ship sailed long ago in case you weren't paying attention.

I think you'll find that he was not a muslim and it will come out that he beat his wife, loved bacon and didn't even attend mosque.

Simple. Not being attached to the sinking ship that is the EU.

You don't all have to stick to this bullshit you know. You can leave.


I can pick out both?



Man.... Anyways, back to more pressing concerns.

>We are mexicans, not sandniggers.

>this imaginary distinction

Mexico has sand.

>willingly importing muslims

Can you answer the question ?



Good job Europe, you are so progressive.

>that pervy smile

You just know he is up to no good

Afgan with refugee status


And Mexico has snow tho,

Mom thinks she's going to get dat hot chocolate, but he's only got eyes for Aisha over there.