


beanie in la

loose skin's so visible. he's fucked

he probably has such a tiny wiener

Dayummmmmm Jonah Hill looks like THAT?

still something off about his proportions

well yea he's white

would you rather be enormous? loose skin is definitely the lesser of two evils. not to mention you can just wear layers.

>got so BTFO he unjusted himself

what the fuck, I love the French girl now

>not to mention you can just wear layers.

Will he do that while having sex as well.

and circumcised. ew

wtf I love Jonah Hill now

Let's see that French slut make a joke at his expense now

probably. but at least he'd be having sex.


fat funny people stop being funny once they get skinny, why is that?

He'll have to gain it all back for any roles again - like he always does.

Would feel bad for him, but it's funny watching jews ruin other jews in the name of the almighty dollar.

He's only marketable as the funny fat guy.

Do American men really going shopping for clothes by themselves?

Yeah that's blatant as fuck but desu he's loaded so he con most likely afford the surgery to remove excess skin.
The fact that he HASN'T yet makes me worry that he's planning to keep it in case he needs to balloon up again for another role.

Start getting viewed as sexual competitors. Fat people are likable because you know they'll never take your pussy.

you only buy yours online right? most stores don't carry your size, is that it?

What, does your mommy take you in the third world you faggot?

Heh, I bet you won't even post pictures of her.

looking good but theres something awkward still about the way he holds himself

haha yeah, he's probably too scared lol haha

Watch it user, my mother is a saint.

His nips are weird

do you think he throws away his fat guy clothes or knows he will put the weight back on so just keeps them


the beard helps so much, that was what was a bit off-putting for me in his first attempt at losing weight.

good on him, i hope he doesn't yo-yo after this and just maintains a healthier body

its from being fat, everything is sunken

>Jonah hill looking like he's fresh on the Dublin rave scene

The diet is back

Because he'll never lose the low self esteem and bitterness he got from being fat. Now he's mad at the world because now he'll demand people to respect him and find him attractive but they won't. Just look at his face now, he tries to look tough but just looks angry and pissy.


Yeah she was martyred by my DICK

>you all thought of bill murray immediately

What is the French weather whore thinking right now?

The Life Aquatic of Jonah Hill

Probably got run over by a truck last week

>that loser really took what i said personally kek

That she buried him so good that he made a lifestyle change ?


>is this it? was insulting some shitty actor the high point of my life and career? i should have had kids, i wish i had married ahmed

its fat walk

that's some top tier chav fashion

i'm liking his look 2bh

That she has the power to physically transform insecure celebrities.

tough love can only do good

It's not the cost that stops people from getting it, it's extremely painful, leaves you with terrible scarring, and doesn't make you look any better (just weirder). He's better off looking like a deflated balloon.


>its extremely painful

eh, jonah is a pretty big guy, he can handle it

I refuse to believe that he unintentionally dressed like Steve Zissou

- Hey there, weather girl!
- Who is this?
- It's Jonah.
- Jonah who?
- Jonah Hill, I was on your show, remember?
- Oh hey, Jonah, how's going?
- Great, wonderful in fact. So I was just wondering what do you think of my look?
- Your new look?
- Yeah, I lost tons of weight.
- You did? That's wonderful, Jonah, I am really glad for you. You see, I am real busy right now, gotta go, bye.
- B-bye.

he has better posture compensation now that's he a little more fit. he isn't used to it.

it probably involves George Clooney and Brad Pitt

They're hungry senpai.

what timeframes are we walking about here? how fast is he losing and gaining?

hard to believe its same guy from wardogs

Did she really hit that much of a nerve with you you fat fuck?

What a gay walking


The beard operates as fake chin, works well.

Basically. Can't fault him for working with what he's got. Beard density isn't too bad, but he needs to take better care of it. He looks like a bum.

>loose floppy mantit skin hanging all the way to his stomach

you'll never be free

>the fat guy unjust himself and Sup Forums cant take it

kek faggots

Agree to disagree.
It still looks like you're wearing someone else's skin as a costume but at least your nipples aren't were your belly button should be.

you're supposed to lose weight slowly so the skin readjusts but these mongoloids lose weight way too fast after an eternity of trying and failing

To be fair I think that's only true to a reasonable extent. When you get to the point that Jonah was at, I don't think there's anything you can do for your skin to readjust. There's only so much it can take and once the damage is done there's no going back.

I knew a guy that was as fat as him and lost weight over a year and he looked ok, but people like Jonah just get an expensive personal trainer and lose it all over a summer and end up like that.
Yeah if you look like those fat monsters from reality tv then it's harder but Jonah wasn't that deep down the hole.

Its not loose skin dumbass. Its excess body fat.

Skin is thin.

It will go away if he loses more fat.

>Jonah wasn't that deep down the hole.

Look again retard. His nipples are 5 inches lower than they should be.

if you think that's deep down the hole you haven't seen shit friend

Maybe by American standards. In the rest of the world this is way into morbid obesity territory.

Placement of the ol nips is permanently shifted. Thats too bad. I guess he can have sex with a shirt on for the rest of his life or get surgery, which - as stated - gives a perma fucked up look in a different and potentially better (?) way than saggy skin. But then you can't get fat again or its pretty much over. Gastric bypass ftw

i'm not even american, like i said you haven't seen shit

if he put on another 25lbs of lean mass he'll look good

finally took the iron pill

Just because there are people that have literally left humanity behind doesn't mean this isn't grossly obese.Jonah was really fucking deep down the hole, it's just that the hole only applies to humans.

he should just get ripped after the surgery

Nah like i said you haven't seen shit

>But then you can't get fat again or its pretty much over.

Honestly you bitter autists are fucking wankers

The chap lost some weight, good on him. He's not trying to flaunt it, he's just walking around fuck sake.

Stop finding excuses and go for a run fatty.

Preparing for 23 jump street ?

t. fatty who's scared of having hanging skin
And like i said, you haven't seen shit

Good job on not being a lardass

He will only last 6 months and will get fat again

this look only works if you're a broke sailor from the 80s

why's he still dressing like a minimalist cuck in 2017
even /fa/ is done with that shite

isn't this the second time he stops being a fat fuck?

>And like i said, you haven't seen shit
Well I mean you keep saying that like it means anything, but it really doesn't. Yes I know people like pic related exist (not for long usually), but just because you can point to someone worse off than Jonah doesn't mean he wasn't pretty far gone.
He was incredibly fat, and surely fat enough to destroy his skin forever regardless of how he lost the weight.

wow he's 'only' overweight, like me!

Black makes you look thinner and hides the bumps from the loose skin better.

Channing Tatum looks like THAT?

He uses them as bedsheets in the meantime

>Black makes you look thinner and hides the bumps from the loose skin better.
A more important thing to ask is why doesn't he wear a compression undershirt and a looser t-shirt, instead of wearing a skintight t-shirt that reveals everything?

how many subway sandwiches do you think he's got in that overlarge bag?

>why doesn't he wear a compression undershirt and a looser t-shirt
It gets hot in commiefornia.

Then just a looser t-shirt. He's wearing a shirt that's only meant to be worn by roided up bodybuilders, maybe he thinks that just because he's on all kinds of chemicals now he actually looks good?