Friendly reminder that this is the chink year of the perro

Friendly reminder that this is the chink year of the perro.
Say something nice about him.


Tell me about perro why does he caca?

doggo foodo

Id eat that caca if it would get /myteam/ a championship

My dog died a month ago

love perro
fuck janitors

perro muerto :'(


das ist keine gute

RIP in perro

good thread

May your cacas be blessed in the coming year, perro

Fucking hell man

My condolences
Its the closest thing to losing a child that most of us will feel

>two hours and still up lmao
perro caca is truly blessed

perro no more caca ;_;

Cats or dogs? No contest imho

why didn't the lions kill that dog? Was it their superior patience and dignity?

all cats are kinda retarded

Afraid of getting dog venom from a bite

>it's been 3 hours


Men with cats are either autistic, homosexual, or both.

gou shi