Hi, I'm Forrest, Forrest Gump

Hi, I'm Forrest, Forrest Gump.

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Forrest Gump books? WTF?

those are probably limited addition tapes

i'd snap those the fuck up

Those are VHS you fucking illiterate slime

forest gump was a novel...

I gots to go pee pee!

Why have a stack of Gumps when you can have 1000+ Jerrys?


Da fuck is that?

>ywn have new home media with the comfy paramount vhs typeface ever again

Will VHS make a comeback like vinyl records did?

Never. You could make the argument that vinyl's superior in some ways to compressed digital files, but VHS has been superceded by other formats.

VHS is literally the most durable storage medium bar none

it's comparatively difficult to break, and easy to repair

so: yes

What the actual FUCK is this

>not jurassic park tape collecter

There's a group planning on building a pyramid out of Jerry Maguire tapes.

I mean, cassette tapes still have somewhat of a current market. But yeah the quality argument is definitely more pronouced for movies.

I wonder if they could make a HD VHS

>Tfw you have 5 copies of The Phantom Menace on VHS and you don't even know why

Please help

>magnetic tapes
>the most durable storage medium bar none

not sure if bait

There was D-VHS in the early 00s, which was slightly better than DVD but rendered obsolete within a couple of years.

threadly reminder that Sup Forums is an HD-DVD board

Is she this woman's grandma?

Every day we stray further from the light of God

newfag. DIVX patricians only

>bashing VHS like the typical atheist new generation
>implying they aren't building a pyramid to G-d

>kids these days will never know the simple pleasure of pushing peanut butter and jelly sandwich into a vhs

Pfff. Get on my level.

The new generations have to be content with putting a slice of bologna into the blu ray player.

I pity them.

they look a diamond dozen to me


There already is such a thing as HD VHS bizarrely enough, it only lasted like 3 years though.


there not i got the same one mass market

> watching a video with that big glasses jew hipster

the fuck out

They DID make a HD VHS
It was very niche
They re-engineered it in the early 2000s to put out full 1080p HD movies on VHS tapes
Some of the last players even had hdmi

It wasn't slightly better, it was better. It was 1080p, full bluray HD quality

I never said I condone it. simply that it exists

HD VHS was around a while, they re-engineered it into D-Theatre - they added a whole lot of copy protection to it so if you'd already shelled out for a HD VHS you would have had to bought another one lol - which yes lasted through the early 2000s until bluray came along

Not really, it was capable of 720p but anything 1080 was interlaced. A big step up, but not as good as BD or even HD-DVD.
