Reddit is Bernie

Reddit is Bernie
Sup Forums is Trump

Are we gonna end up like reddit in November

Woah there lad, you're truly causing me to engage my frontal lobes with this one.

we have never won an election since Sup Forums started.

Left-wing ideologies will become politically incorrect if Trump wins.

We just won Brexit last month retard

Well... We're already /r/the_Donald thanks to you faggots who think Trump is a God Emperor.

Of course he is going to lose, remember when you guys though Romney was going to win?

We certainly did.

Spooky trips
You definitely are wrong

That's a good thing

Falklands in our hands.

Reddit is Bernie, Sup Forums is Erdogan

There's no way Trump can win after picking that Cuckservative Pence. I'll be voting for Johnson.

And that's relevant because...?

So Aussies shitpost is inherited of you?

It's only the nurtured seed of our Second British Empire.

Why you heff to be mad?

reddit is Bernie
reddit is Trump

>a fucking leaf voting in another countries election
Fuck off faggot

I thinking in a more medulla oblongata sort of way.

obvious shill is obvious

you really think you're going to try to break up Trump's support by saying you're voting for Johnson? nice fail leaf

I'm looking forward to this board after the Trumproaches flee in November. It's become a pathetic GOP circlejerk, bunch of half-wits hanging on every word Fox News tells them. These kids are as thin-skinned as their orange hero and they won't show their faces after he loses. The quality of the board will improve immensely literally overnight.

Johnson only needs 15% to get on the debates. Face it racist, Trump is going down.

>implying Sup Forums was ever anything but right wing

Could we please just fucking nuke Canada

But pootine

It's not a question of right wing, it's a question of not going along with whatever the TV set tells you to, which is what Sup Forums is now doing. Just believing whatever they're told to, obeying the people in power.

>B-b-but muh culture, muh curdled cheese and gravy

Quebecers are scum. Fuck they are an embarrassment to Canada.