Start talking to a girl

>Start talking to a girl
>She doesn't give a shit
>Gave up
>Post a photo of my italian passport in instagram
>Hey user, where did you got that passport?
>Umh... in the embassy maybe? i mean, i'm italian.
>Wooh, you never told me that! are you moving to italy or what?
>Yes, the next year... why?
>Oh nothing, we should see us more before you leave haha or you will take me with you? HAHA *haha intensifies*

Are girls in your country like this?


pathetic shitty losers? Yes.


same as you but with a car.

yes, and men are way worse don't act like you don't know it

>talking to girls (female) instead of girls (male)

i don't get your point.

those are gold diggers, or at least fame diggers
depends which part of the country she's from.

solid blogpost

you should fuck her raw the night before you leave to italy

Holy shit yes

I'll let you know in 6 months time

That poor animal. Now you made me sad ;_;

Y tho? Kitty's living the high life

Every Latin American girl, same in all the countries.

It wants to climb trees and hunt rodents in the jungle with his friends.

It's not a housecat, it should be free. Feeding it properly isn't everything.

I hope they didn't declaw him.

>backwards 777 get

>tfw from a developed country so this wouldn't work ;_;

can i use my british passport to get pussy?


Yes 100% like that they all are obsessed to run away even to some sandnigga shithole no need to say about EU. Though I wouldn't blame them a lot since life here indeed sucks.

>I hope they didn't declaw him
Wouldn't want it to scratch the rolls user..


fuck her and leave lad

the vast majority of girls are cunts, and its clear she's one of them


Sure, if you are willing to bang Chinki or Indian pussy. You don't even need to have a passport, just be mayo and not a hambeast.

Christ you're a dumb fuck.

Does this work on 2nd world guys too? Or just women

>about half the economic growth in an age where physicality is less meaningful comes from a group of about 50% of all people pursuing careers and money over all else because they’ve been given all kinds of incentives to do so while the former producers are being treated like shit.

>plot it on excel and publish this break through data

>Sure, if you are willing to bang Chinki or Indian pussy.


>You don't even need to have a passport, just be mayo and not a hambeast.
