Redpill me on stealing speeches and thinking nobody will notice

redpill me on stealing speeches and thinking nobody will notice

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They're barely even close. Nice try, Jeb.

Holy shit, they said the same vague platitudes. Amaze

beat me to it

You can't be serious. It's word for word plagiarism.

>muh trump safespace

Reddit needs to leave.

Literally another Joe Biden, her political career must be over.

It's not word for word. It's all just really vague stump speech shit.

the only one here who's reddit is you

Gulen wrote the speech, we need to send him back to Turkey

I can't believe you're accusing her of stealing just because she's an immigrant

They are both very vague, but very similar, you are right and people who deny it are just delusional. It's pure incompetence to just copy a speech like that, they should at least try to disguise it

>2 sentences
>out of a 20 minute speech

oh no, its the end for drumf this time

I don't think you know what word for word means.

wtf i hate language noweitu90iop4mw;rsfxv

Welp, it's been fun but looks like Drumpf is finished now

I'm now a #ShillaryforHillary

No kidding, I've been hearing that same generic speech all my life. It must be public domain.


HAHAHAHA. Its so good

to be fair the lines taken are stupidly specific. It would have taken anyone 5 minutes to re-write that speech so it wasn't an obvious copy. Did their speechwriter seriously not learn how to re-write academic articles for essays at university lol.

fucking amateur hour

All the phrasing in both those speeches has been repeated thousands of times before. It's all just rehashed vague platitudes that sound nice.


i bet you argue that led zeppelin stole stairway to heaven, faggot

Maybe try reading the bolded sentences and stop acting like actual delusional retards

no more graduation commencements i guess

michelle owns the word "values" now

jury is still out on the words "hard work", "respect", and "dreams

I did and I'm actually sick of hearing those same damn key words over and over again. Every Oscar speech, every graduation fuck it's like aids.

that is why it is especially lazy that they had to copy it. they could have easily done the same shitty platitudes, but not used the exact same specific words.

interestingly her dress was from a yugoslavian who also moved away from communism.

it would be neat if there were many things like that within their campaign.

>stop acting like actual delusional retards

We wouldn't be posting here then.


>exact same specific words
what word should be used instead of children? small adult?

dream? sleep illusion?

values? ethics?

Start with MLK

I'm voting for Obama now.

when was the last time you heard someone say 'children in this nation' ?

merely coincidence

>Trump purposefully does this to get his wife free publicity
>he specifically chose Michelle Obama to plagiarize so they will be shown side by side in the media
>people start subconsciously considering them BOTH first ladies
>he gets the whole nation "thinking past the sale" and subconsciously presuming he'll be president

Wow. Guess #ImWithHer now. It's over wrap it up.

Meme copying hill shill. You suck.


Redpill me on this: When was the last time the First Lady did ANYTHING important?

Hard mode, no Hillary defending Bill through the impeachment process.

MSNBC is saying it, people will be looking into other speeches to see if it originated elsewhere

There's going to be dozens of similar speeches

google Nancy Reagan youngfag

Betty Ford was an alcoholic and brought it to the attention of Americans

>launched "Just Say No"
Pretty cool. Thanks, oldfag.

She did a lot more than that, squirt. Maybe read about iran-contra and Donald T Regan sometime. Maybe read anything.

Every fucking day you stupid leaf.

This is SJW tier delusion

This is some Bernie reddit supporter level damage control.

Control yourself Sup Forums