Every nation gets the government it deserves

>Every nation gets the government it deserves

-Joseph de Maistre

We the Frenchs people deserved to be under the rule of Emmanuel Macron, the reincarnation of Jupiter on Earth because as France is the only true successor of Rome, we the French people are the only true successors of the Romans
We the French people are the sons of Romulus and therefore sons of MARS who will guide us to glory when we will conquer the land of the digusting smelly Russian barbarians, Emmanuel Jupiter and his b*rbarian bitch called Merkel will unite the whole Europe and create the new Roman Republic, whe shall exterminate the Russian oligarchs and their eurosc*ptics dogs the same way our glorious ancestors exterminated the Etruscan kings of Roma, we shall exterminate the britons and enslave their ugly little kids, the Helvetian confederacy will be turned into a nuclear wasteland. Our roads will be decorated with crucified eurosc*ptics, President drumpf and his army of goblins will shit in their pants when they'll saw the might of our glorious European army


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Did we deserve this one?

Hollande was a challenge for the sons of Mars

Jesus! what terrible pain they've been imposed... 5 years...

>Germ*nic surname
Yes horrible pain for us to have this disgusting man as our leader


5€ have been deposited to your account. A well made post as usual, Pierre.


Imagine getting conquered and the becoming so subservient that you wish to be a reincarnation of the society that conquered you.


American tier post

Yes he is probably from the country where people believe chilvary and princess are fantasy things

Les idéaux de liberté, égalité, et fraternité tombent. Le temps est venu pour un roi en France, le roi de toute la francophonie
>Ave Jupiter Macronus
>Vive le dieu-roi

Step 1 : let's have gladiator games again

step 2 : let's have cart races again

We will put eurosc*ptics in the arena and watch the lions eating them :)

>four asian tigers

Did you know that Georges Clémenceau was called the tiger ?


>In Nimes arena
fuck off putinbot

no,forgive me my ignorance