It's a nice sunny Sunday, here in the Bahamas

It's a nice sunny Sunday, here in the Bahamas.

I think I might go to the beach today.

What are you guys going to do?

Did you stop pretending to be a woman now?

Thinking about cocks... and getting ready for my A-level math exam tomorrow.


What are you talking about?

Are you white or asian?

It's -7 Celsius, snowing and windy with a chill making it closer to -17c. Also dark outside. Even though it's just 4 a clock in the afternoon.

So I'm at home playing PUBG and drinking since I ran out of vodka.

Drinking rum.

Living the life my négro. Dont you have responsabilities apart from gaming and drinking on a Sunday afternoon??

Op who is she?? She thicc

May I come to sweden

I'm studying digital controllers in front of my fireplace, outside it's raining and it's 9°C.

>Dont you have responsabilities apart from gaming and drinking on a Sunday afternoon??
No not really. I work contracts so I'm off the clock until Thursday. Then I have 8 weeks of non stop jobs lined up.
>May I come to sweden
No. Yes. No. You may visit.

What about for uni?

studying biochemistry

six years of being a slave in medschool will be worth it once I open up my small GP practice in a small rural place among the baltic shore right


Asian, I'm Chinese

Sure why not mate. May I recommend Umeå university, it's where I went. Greatest uni in Sweden if you ask me.

If I come to singapore would you be willing to take care of a cute paki twink a tutor him on his Alevels?

sit in my room and be sad and lonely, like every day....

do you have a penis?

how is that even possible in a culture like yours

don't you have some akhis that you can go out with

I'm coming to Bahamas and i'm gonna marry you.