So question for all the Sup Forumstards. How racist are you really? Like unironically and memes aside

So question for all the Sup Forumstards. How racist are you really? Like unironically and memes aside.

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im just a realist.
Some races are good and some are bad.
mine is the best tho, unless trump gets elected.
Then mystery meat is the best.

I'd be more racist if it wasn't for my Spaniard genes

I hate beaners, but I can't be against "Hispanics" because well, Spaniard genes.

i absolutely hate the way 97% of black people fucking """"speak""""
wiggers that act fucking ghetto piss me off just as much
i want literally nothing at all to do with them and when i encounter people like that i ignore them and try to get away as quickly as i can
thats the extent of my ""racism""

i dont believe race is as much a factor in why some people are spinning their wheels as much as culture

i do know that there are a ridiculous amount of jews in control of the media, banks, & porn, but i dont necessarily think its a conspiracy. in terms of results, theres very little difference between a conspiracy & a group of uncoordinated but likeminded people in power.

so a little i guess

Southern man racist I guess? I interact with blacks on a daily basis, some are okay, but most are up tight niggers. I live in a 73% black community and the mayor is always elected because he is black, corrupt or not. I've only voted for a black mayor 3 times, because the other two candidates were corrupt blacks.

Not at all unless you count hating people who willfully avoid being educated and behaving civilized because it goes against their "culture".

i hate niggers, chinks, spics, wiggers, weaboos, mudslimes, poo in loos, slavs, pols, and turkroaches.

i like dont mind people of color or other cultures, as long as they are educated and well spoken.


i hate niggers, but not black people.

The only person who would ask that question is someone who already assumes I'm a racist.

Sounds like Birmingham.

A lot of people here confuse race and culture.
in a few centuries the Scandinavians went from sea nogs to ultracucks. Same people different culture.

Sup Forums isn't one person, user. If you aren't racist, that is also an answer.

Memes aside, I genially think there should be a test or something that the few good blacks pass, but few poor whites and 90% of the blacks fail and have to leave the country

I genuinely hate niggers with a passion , honest to got I want another mass killing/deportation of them

Memes aside

Im actually pretty racist.
I worry people will notice because im pretty much an asshole to everyone except black clients.
I treat them extra nice because inside my head im screaming nigger .
Some blacks are cool but most I deal with try to milk everything and willplay the race card at any opertunity.

i judge people on an individual basis not from what race they are

I treat everyone equally based on their own merit and try not to judge anyone without knowing them first.

However, when it comes to structuring societies/nations, I hold realist generalizations about populations/races which influences how I would expect a given society to look and function based on demographics.

I hold all of humanity in contempt 2bh.

used to be not racst, cuck white guilt memes and sjw blm bullshit slowly turned me into a racist

funny how that works

I'm not very racist actually but I've had it up to my ears with anti-white bullshit.

At the end of the day my allegiance is with my people. We've seen that multiculturalism doesn't work. So if they want to make it us vs them so be it.

Didn't you know all white people are raysiss because BLM says so?

I treat everyone with respect, but i acknowledge there are racial truths that are extremely important, and I believe niggers and spics are generally scum.

Only race I prejudice against 100% of the time are arabs.

Asians gets the benefit of the doubt. Same for niggers, spics, poo in loos, redskins and whatever else. Even jews.

Arabs are fucking inbred trash tho.


Spics as in Mestizos or Spics as in Spaniards, aka, the colonist?

Be specific

I am more classist than racist tb-h
You objectively are, dr. Goldberg.

look at my flag, fuck niggers, imagine your whole parliament and government full of primary school educated chimps

I acknowledge race exists, but I don't hate black people. It's not their fault they're stupid and violent and ugly, that's just the way they are.
I don't want to live near them though.

Memes aside? I judge people by their actions. I hate you if you act like a subhuman. That is it. Remember, one of the most important redpills is that black people aren't niggers, but there are still a fucking ton of niggers.


Mestizos are more indian than legit hispanic

I personally called them beaners

Where do you work?

i completely forgot about the redman.

those guys im openly friendly with, strangely the only group i find piece and no ill intent towards.

the colonists and pragmatic Aztec natives.
they need to just stfu 99% of the time.

the whitewashed ones i can hang out with. they are generally good fellows to hang out with.

Ehh I don't like blacks unless they're dressed and act like a "Uncle Tom", but I treat everyone the same, any race/sex/religion

Pretty racist tb h

I'm a white guy from fucking Rio de Janegro, niggers made my city and my life shit, it isn't very fun getting robbed 2 times in one week coming home from work

Is all Rio de Janeiro like that, or you live in a dangerous sector?

Gypsies are absolutely subhuman and need to be genocided
Abos are subhuman in a factual way, bu i dont really hate them. I honestly feel they are beneath me.
Blacks, spics and jews are avoid-until-proven-otherwise

I don't hate black people, I hate niggers, if that makes sense.

>the colonists and pragmatic Aztec natives.

Those are two different things

I'm fairly racist, but I want to be wrong about my beliefs. I would much rather live in a world where blacks are respectable, productive members of society. This, sadly, isn't reality.

Inaccurate statements, Juan-. Are you still trying to compensate for the Umayyad conquest of Hispania?

Not racist at all.

I have no problem with any particular race as a whole, I just acknowledge the fact that there are differences between races (for example blacks being, on average, of lower intelligence).

I don't necessarily hate any race. I'm definitely biased against Brazilians and Arabs, though.

black people don't seem to exist in the areas i frequent
i've never talked to a black person that wasn't employed by the health care system

they seem hit or miss
but the white ladies in the same job position are also hit or miss

the blacks in media seem like terrible people

as for the ligher dark pigments, my poo in loo dentist is the cutest little thing
wetbacks are fun to hang out with and really impressive and picking up metal on the side of the road
and i've never met a sober native

so basically just natives seem like piles of shit

I live in a very safe area (Ipanema) but work in the city centre, and it's pretty shitty there most of the time, it's getting better now though because the army is there for the Olympics

I don't trust brouwn people. They can be cultured and act normal in a society, but somehow they either live in complete shit without families or any sort of functioning community or follow some sort of death cult.

Hm.... really makes you think...

Not really racist at all. I don't like dealing with black people personally though, god damn is it a fucking pain in the ass usually, I've met literally like one that I actually liked. Maybe it's because I live in mostly white area with blacks that exclusively come from ghettos.

I'm not racist at all. I have principles that prohibited me from treating others poorly unless they absolutely deserve it. I like Whites because Western civilization is cool as shit and I want that civilization to be preserved. My closest friends in highschool were Asians, and Latinos are alright. And I grew up Black around Blacks, though my neighborhood was shit and dangerous, most Blacks aren't bad people. I'll admit, I'm only bigoted towards leftists. Fuckem

But we are nice people, aussieanon. Trust me.

>i absolutely hate the way 97% of black people fucking """"speak""""

Btw, that is entirely US problem. British blacks sound british. We also have some half-blacks (and even full blacks, but rarely) who were born here and who speaks normal russian, cyka blyat.

What I've never understood about white supremacy is that they say you know, "whites are the best race"
But then they complain about the jews, saying that they secretly run the world and/or control the banks and/or the media.
Wouldn't that make the jews the best then? If they were able to do all that without everyone knowing?

i love al da people. dont mater rac or all eye kolor. all pelopel are inteligent

I just hate ghetto fuckers, and the rapefugees

As long as someone is decent I have no qualms with them

Black people are as bad as you think they are. A lot of latinos are pretty cool. This is for those who don't live in a majority Black and Hispanic area. - California

I judge my peers on merit

I'm keen to watch myself in nasty neighborhoods because it would be stupid not to

I'm really not racist at all.

When I see poor people I discriminate at them not because of any race, but because poor people are most likely to steal shit, and because they have done it before, and everyone knows poor people assault you with knife or something, so it doesn't matter the race.

Many times these poor people happen to be black, and for their skin color, I tend to get very scared at them.

I hate people that speak "African American Ebonic English", so I discriminate based on how they speak, no matter if they're black or white, or asian. so I do not discriminate agaist race, nope, not racist at all, you can't call me racist.

I judge people based on abilities, and skills, if I employed people, I wouldn't put a black just because it is black, his success must be supported by previous achievements, JUST LIKE ANYONE ELSE, I'd do a colorblind/raceblind screening, process, based on achievements, no matter their race.
It is not based on race, therefore it is not racist.

In women, well, I'm not attracted to black women, or black-looking skin coloured women, they don't attract, they look ugly. On the other hand asian or white are very fine. But I don't have any control of what I choose to be attracted to, do I?

Nice. One good thing about the Olympics then.

I think I might be a little racist, I dont even like finding out my GF has been with a mudslime...

Try being a white person on a multicultural hellhole, you'll wake up pretty fast.
Race realism is the way to go, fuck the politically correct.

I'm more of a realist and culturist than a racist.

I don't like Indians because they stink and are dirty... but that's because of their culture.

I don't like most blacks because they are stupid and violent... but that's their culture.

Not relaxing around blacks isn't about being racist... it's about reality showing that black people are more prone to crime and violence.

I used to say "there a lot of good black people in the world, look at bill cosby".
Not trolling.
On my grandmothers grave I used to say that and believed it.
Then I woke up and saw negros for the plague that they are.

enough to get by. it's pretty retarded to willfully accept every person just because they are different from you. that is a weak and borderline suicidal way to think.

not enough that I sit around raging out worrying about mexicans and blacks. I just relate to them in a friendly way when it is warranted and if my wetback/nigger radar goes off I ready myself or avoid them.

I'm a national consernative but Im not nessecarily racist, I definetly fucking hate koons, dunekoons, slavs & catholics but I dont mind poo in the loos that much though they've been pretty loyal to the Brits.

Aha let me give you the number to my human resource manager while I post all the things that will get me fired

i'm a bit apprehensive around brown or black people. but if they prove they're decent people, then i have no qualms with them. growing up in a state that's roughly 95% white probably caused that.

I meant what kind of job, burger.

Not even. Even Brits have their form of "Gangsta/Hood/Street"-talk which is quite noticeable.


Not racist at all Id say.

wait, so discriminating against race, racism.
And against culture, culturism?

Oh shit then, I'm a culturist!

Sup Forums is a board of peace.
peace, peace and more peace.
There is no racism here. We are victims of a system that oppresses us and hates us and unfairly stereotypes us.
Any perceived racism on this board is purely a social construct.
Sup Forums is a board of peace.

Can anyone make an argument against casual racism ? Racism isn't hate, it doesn't even mean you can't be friends with people, it's just a bias you have for your own kind. And let's be honest, not all races and cultures are equally valuable. Abos are shit and will always be shit.

A little racism is healthy. It's normal to feel more comfortable with people you can relate to, what isn't normal is to blindly trusting strangers and valuing their culture over your own.

You wouldn't be there and have a culture of your own if you ancestors had not been racist, they would have been wiped out or subjugated by another people.

Anti-racist marxist have a death wish and it's part of their plan, they need to destroy everything before they can deliver their commie heaven.

I only really dislike islamic shitskins. Thats more based on a religion though. Its just that the pair together ticks all boxes.

Hello Jewfriend.
The word "racist" is meaningless these days.

define "racist".

how can someone be more or less racist?

Here's what I consider the facts:
>There are measurable biological/genetic differences between distinct populations ("races")
>A population should stay in their geographical location of origin
>Even though members of distinct populations are able to produce offspring, that is not desirable
>populations can only be distinguished when there is enough distance between them (i.e. race is a spectrum)
>except niggers and abbos, they're completely disconnected
>genetics determine culture, which is why long-distance migration should be minimized
>Which culture (or race) is "better" is somewhat subjective. But it's pretty clear that today (and throughout most of history), european civilization has been the best

Temporary employment agency.

Not racist at all. I just hate muslims. If someone who looks middle eastern says they aren't muslim, I have no issue with them.

Well, my high school was roughly 1:1 in Whites to Blacks, I'm a molecular biologist by profession, and I grew up in an extremely liberal area that really emphasized diversity.

So really, really, really racist.

All Blacks, Hispanics, Arabs, and Indians need to die.

There are no good ones.

There aren't.

Abos are fucking gorillas, achieved absolutely nothing and has contributed nothing to the world.
Jews are parasites who scheme behind the backs of others and have fucked the world so badly.
Niggers are the same as abos.

This is what diversity does to kids.

Anonymous Proxyman, we meet again

>Fact, opinion, opinion, fact, opinion, opinion, fact (Although asians are getting better).

not quite "1488, race war now" but whites are clearly the superior race

Honestly i dislike brown skin because (i think) is ugly, just ugly.

I can say the same about: anglos, slavs, native americans, asians, arabs...

I mean, you have to be blind to see "beauty" on those people.

EVERYONE here understands what you mean.

I had a black friend in college who I thought was decent. Around the time this BLM stuff started happening he bought into it and started talking about our white friends behind their backs. I tried correcting him on a facebook post about Michael Brown I think, he blocked me and then I happened to catch him driving by my house really slowly the next night. I even escorted my girlfriend to her apartment and stayed armed in case he made a move.

Haven't had any other issues though. If I met a decent AA, I'd definitely treat him/her with respect though.

Abos were legit classified as fauna until recently

Identity politics are cancerous. Judging the individual wholly based on their actions/environment has absolutely nothing to do with race/gender/what the fuck ever else. This is not to say that there aren't trends based on these factors that one can take into account when first meeting somebody, but to outright deny further evaluation is foolish

4. I generally don't hate, just don't want anything to do with those who aren't my own.


I'm sure all the chubby brown gnomes who jabber in Spanish while panhandling outside Homeless Depot are true descendants of Cortez

you're a shitskin yourself, beaner.

Oh, that explains it then. Thank you for answering.

Hispanic isn't a race faggot

The main hispanic is Spaniard

Are you shitting on the white colonist you injun shitskin?

he is attracted to what he isn't

I don't have any problem with black people if they are normal and don't act ghetto. The only reason people are racist is because of the violence and stereotypes in the black community. If blacks comported themselves the same as whites they would get the same or at least significantly better treatment.

After hanging out in discord with fellow Sup Forumsacks (e.g. during the Turkey happening) I'm 100% sure the vast majority of people aren't actually racist. Out of the dozens in the voice chat there was exactly one guy (appropriately named Drunk Redneck) that was a racist. Pretty much everyone started making fun of him when he unironically said he hates niggers

green eyes and I can't speak spanish

fuck off, not all hispanics are brown mexican mestizos

Holy shit are they human or not Wtf?

>The only reason people are racist is because of the violence and stereotypes in the black community
I'm not sure I believe that.
There is still tons of racism in the world outside of the black community in the US and there were long before it.

Define racist

Don't judge an individual negatively by their race (dictionary def)?

I don't do that

I judge them on their individual merits

If they are Spanish genes, from Spain and not Mexican genetics then you are European my brother.

Very I

1. adj. Natural de Hispania. U. t. c. s.
2. adj. Perteneciente o relativo a Hispania o a los hispanos.
3. adj. español. Apl. a pers., u. t. c. s.
4. adj. Perteneciente o relativo a Hispanoamérica.
5. adj. Dicho de una persona: Que es de origen hispanoamericano y vive en los Estados Unidos de América. U. t. c. s.
6. adj. Perteneciente o relativo a los hispanos de los Estados Unidos de América.

You spaniards need to chill down.