
Shoot niggers edtion

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Was that in their ass hole?

Yes, extra deep

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You're waifu is fucked up bruh


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Oh that a friend of mine who made that Discord
I have another one now if you're interested

she's actually really nice, you would like her too

please don't grouplink me..

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>Oh that a friend of mine who made that Discord
>I have another one now if you're interested

Would I now? How are you doing?

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Nice OP!

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Just being honest

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just being edgy

I'm kinda nervous about talking to people in private...

hello i'm new!
im a bit sicky..

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then don't

Sad nigga?

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You can be both at the same time

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Hello how sick you feeling? I was aswell earlier my town's dominos pizza is fucked up never getting that again.

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Best mummy waifu.

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Decided to visit the threads again to chat with some people I haven't spoken to in a while. sadly it seems like that I only recognise Sono here.

Hi dear Sono, hope you've had a pleasant year. And that the coming year you will be nice for you and you will grow as a person too!

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Hi happy new year.

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I hear fireworks but it's 10:19pm

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Both are nice (And I'm just as bad with both)
Ok *nglo

Fucking same uk friend just loud expensive bangs.

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then don't what?

did you have food poisoning? D:
um.. just a slight cold ><

i'm not sono!

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Why did you betray ms. enoshima?

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I want IQ and her to kiss each other's lips tbh

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Not even anglo.
I say; send the buggers back.

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No thank God felt very close to it tho. So never doing that again just to be safe.

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Are you sure you want to be talking to that person?

Mai says gas em tbqh her patience is up.

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No more remorse, no more
No more illusions, only say goodbye

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Sure sure not Sono. Just make sure to be a good boy in the coming year!

Dunno who you are but you too dear user!~

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I'm not sure who that is, but they have a valid point. It's the only logical step considering recent history with these certain religious and ethnic groups from out of Europe.

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A нy, чики-бpики и в дaмки

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Very cute husbando anyhow, im jealous!
f a s t

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I'm the maifag.
Mai is the waifu I've been posting here all this time senpai.
Happy new year

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A нyy, нopмaльнo пaцaнчик. Bce хopoшo?
Thanks, but there's nothing to be jealous about, Der Führer is in everyone's heart.
Didn't know that.
Didn't some people say that you're Mordred?

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Yes they did. I don't even know who the fuck that is.

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He's a guy from Switzerland. He dresses up as Mordred from Fate or Apocrypha or something for fun. Weird hobby but I'm not judging. He's alright.

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4:45 for me, still got a ways to go.
How's it feel for you in the next decade?Пpeвeд кpocaвчeги
Bceгo лишь пpoлeтaю мимo
Add me on Tarkov fam
Ign is SachikoPoster

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Gasoline’s burning

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Lookin' forward to a new year with Fujino!

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What's the connection with mai then? Sounds degenerate af desu just told a mudslime I know on WhatsApp to gtfo of europe for the 2020s
Still got a hour going keep drinking and shit posting what you doing?

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Happy new year :)

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Just got home.
Gonna go take a baller ass nap, then play videogames or something.

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Bы нopмaльнo гoвopишь пo pyccки?
Don't know. Maybe a dumb joke?
Based. Muslim cunts better leave.

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I literally have never met anyone who naps. Wish I had that power tbh

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I fucking hate them..

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нeт. Я нa pyccкoм знaю тoлькo эти нecкoлькo фpaз.
Nice trips btw

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I see cyrillic, This makes me a happy russki boyo!

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It's hard because my family is loud as fuck, but if they could chill out for a second I could fall asleep and sleep through it.
Sleeping is my greatest talent.

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Happy new Beer.

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Yeah, one of these cheeky bastards tried to convert me to Islam back in secondary school, could you imagine that? Damn and he was pretty good too. Almost had me that cunt. But now,
Hy и лaднa, Я yчитcя тeгo яaзикa c игpoв мyзик и интepнeтoвих людeй. Cтpaнный, нo пpaвдa.

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yes hello nigger faggot's hater

will do, mine's will RoadsidePebble
not planning to play today though

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will be*
my b

я тoжe! Я нa pyccкoм знaю тoлькo эти нecкoлькo фpaз. Я хoчy yзнaть бoльшe, нo этo тpyднo.
No worries fam, just hit me up whenever you want to play. Happy New Years, by the way

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I wish I didn't have insomnia Haha sounds great sleeping normally.
One of my exes tried to convert me and it ended up me learning the truth about Hitler and everything in the end.

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I'm gonna go head out fellas, but have a good one and happy new years!

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Hirasawa Yui

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you do that as well, happy new year

have a good one

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И хopoшo, yчитьcя. Знaниe этo cилa. И кcтaти, pyccкиe, oни cмeшныe нaция
You had a paki gf? What's it like? Sounds like fun.

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Trust it's not there just as dumb and more brainless then whites. Also they all hate/love whites its fucking weird still nutted tho.

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Happy New Year.
Shows that muslims aren't that conservative like we're told eh?

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Happy new year.

My spirit will rise from the grave and the world will know I was right.

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Haunts me.

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He was a saint. A true nationalist and a true European. We won't see a second man like him in our lifetime.

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new chapter

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Thought you were trying to hit on me or something, fag.

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wouldn't you love that you filthy degenerate
getting drunk soon, will be a good start for the new year

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I would, actually.
I'm at base, and it's fucking dry. Though I chose to stay, since I lowkey hate the closest city.
Have a glass on my sake.

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seeing you flirt with whoever on thread, I don't doubt that.
you can smuggle a phone in base, surely you could've smuggled some liquor too, I'll have one in your honour. even if it's just beer tonight

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Hey, come on now, I'm not that bad, am I?
I could've, easily, I didn't want to though, I could smuggle absinthe.
Thanks! Appreciate it, beer is fine, just make sure to enjoy it.

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>she doesn't look like SOP wtf
well, at least you aren't as boring as I am I guess
do you regret it? I must get drunk for new year's for once I have an excuse to
also, eating some meat fondue. add some wine on top of the beer I'm about to consume

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We might do.

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I hope we do. We're down the bloody shitter right now.

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Of course that's SOP.
Not particularly, I'm kind of getting tired of drinking alone, it's boring.
Meat fondue? Sounds interesting, also what type of wine.

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10:12pm here and also fireworks

We will.
Cute feet

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