Even CNN is reporting about this shit

Even CNN is reporting about this shit.

Other urls found in this thread:


>I am not obsessed

go back to Sup Forums, I'll make you a comfy interracial porn thread in ~10 minutes, I'll promise.


>literally who?

That said, people throwing shit at her on twitter should get a life, unless she tweeted some pro-blm shit then she deserves every bit of it.

You guys really took this way too far she was actually really nice and even responded to Sup Forums users, how rare is it for a celebrity to respond to normal twitter users and for her kindness she got nothing but hate from you guys

Agree. She didn't deserve this abuse. I genuinely feel bad for her.

>some fat leftist gorilla gets trolled online
>wahhh so sad

Yeah, this. The fat one deserved the abuse a lot more than she did.

>muh racism



Step1: Don't check twitter for racist remarks about you
Step2: Profit.

I don't understand how this is hard


>someone from Sup Forums plants memes and plagiarized text in Trumps' wifes' speech
>kike in hollywood realizes he can get free advertising by race baiting here about some sheboon
>Trump is throwing his own wife under the bus, and handing the election to Hillary, having let her off the hook completely while she was at her weakest in the weeks before today

It's about time people realized who was doing the jewing and who was getting jewed. It seems that meme magic works both ways, and people saying Kek was a god that would favor the kikes more than us were right.

Congrats retards, you played yourselves. lmao

>this drives the ticket sales


They're acting like its a new thing.

if she doesn't want racist remarks maybe she shouldn't have played such a racist character





>when that kush hits you

I aint fraid of no spook


Yeah I knew that was gonna happen.
I'm pissed none of my tweets were featured anywhere yet.

>unless she tweeted some pro-blm shit then she deserves every bit of it.

she did. twitter.com/Lesdoggg/status/755208606501527552

She replies to it with genuine asshurt. Just like indians used to, which is why they were targeted for pooinloo posting, and why beaners were being WALLposted at

trolling stops being fun when the person being trolled learns to ignore it

like just close your eyes nigga hahaa


It's because she's ugly, not black desu. If she were smoking hot the gorilla comments would be directed at the fat one instead.

gorilla force-fed bananas

tonight on CNN, the objective news network for leftists who believe there politically neutral

Omg she was being trolled not receiving death threats. She was too dumb to even know the tweets were shopped. She thought someone hacked her account kek.

>spawn camping

She belongs in a zoo, not on the big screen

>Abuse on Twitter

>I don't really like your last movie
>Wpah maza fukin as cracka nigga bish ass dun u dare say dat to mu

You're forgetting it's a nigger that looks like the living relative to CoCo the monkey

>usefull idiots get co-opted by TPTB to serve their narrative of "poor blacks constantly targeted by neo-nazi racist hate groups all the time in life!!!"

fucking tools played right into their hands.

Very definition of useful idiots.... go back to

So the studio hired a bunch of people to hurl racial slurs at a black actress to try to generate sympathy ticket sales in a desperate attempt to keep their crappy movie that they promoted by inciting a gender war from flopping on it's ass.

Looks like a gorilla
acts like a gorilla
then she's probably a gorilla

That's the thing, she isn't a far leftist.

She was just cog in the machine, she was in it for the paycheck/exposure to make her stand up career.

She didn't have an agenda, like the people who made this movie and shilled/defended it, aside from making money.

Honestly, she was just an actress in a shitty movie that wanted to get paid. And let's be honest, she's not exactly very smart, so she jumped on all that bait.

Point is, there was nothing to gain by baiting her, she isn't part of the SJW problem, and all that we get from this is media shitting on us. If it was shitting on Feige or McCarthy then this whole thing would have been far more productive.

Nobody wins here, not sure it was worth the lulz either.

that's like saying we should be nicer to muslims, because we don't want them to get pissed and attack us.

you're a literal cuck


These filthy jewish animals are pushing hard for this, they will use it as an excuse to exert even more influence on twatter and purge accounts for even the smallest wrongthink, guaranteed.

God she's so ugly

It probably wasn't even actually her, probably a ghostwriter. I mean, this shit lasted like 13 hours. In reality, she was probably out doing blow.

She's kind of dumb. I think it was her.


>racism is OK when we do it mup dop mudda-da bix nood :^)

you dont seem to understand what lulz means. it means that we do things for no reason at all just to see what happens

Have you read her Twitter? She barely speaks English. She should be happy for the free publicity.

Here is my advice: don't respond to anyone ever

simply epic Sup Forumsro. ANONYMOUS DOES NOT FORGET.

Agreed. There's a reason this place is called our containment board; we should make some effort to keep a lot of this shit in-house. Outside of the house we need to be better than our enemies. This is a bad look.

>She thinks white people would have used her for breeding


You can't be racist against white people you cis shitlord.

Fuck off back to wherever you came from faggot

You Faggots call it a containment board, fuck off back to Sup Forums you tranny loving faggot. Ideas can't be contained faggot.

I'm with you. Save the shaming for activists. She was just a dumb, fat black woman. If anything, she was making blacks look worse than (and different from) white people by just existing.

I feel bad for her. She didn't deserve the bullying.

That said, if she had been pushing progressive activism before this without me realizing it, then yeah. Sic the dogs on her. But I think she was just... just existing as a dumb, fat black woman.

Fucking disgusting, this is what happens when 50% of Sup Forums users migrated here from Sup Forums only a few months ago.

it was a brety epic meltdown from a high functioning retard

>she isn't a far leftist.

she supports BLM though

Oh sit the fuck down Shillary fag. This has been Sup Forums and this is how Sup Forums will continue to be.

You seem to have gotten spoiled with all the election talk. Which likely means you're new here, which also likely means you're a Hillary shill.

I told you, faggots. This shit is going to be bad for us. Fucking edgy neets.

You guys are dicks, this woman has done nothing to you.


if it bothers you so much go back to plebit you shit eating cuck


It's because the movie is bombing.

see that thing at the top of the screen that says Sup Forums not twitter? there was nothing happening here except lulz and bants

They are doing everything they can to cover up the empty theaters reports, they know that next week all the other movies come out and ghostbusters will sell worse than airbender.

This whole episode did make me realize something, though. Blacks routinely non-anonymously bully white people (celebrities or otherwise) on Twitter. Far more abusively than what happened yesterday.

It's frustrating that black hordes on twitter know they can mercilessly bully and shame white people without ever being called out by the only people with a megaphone (the national media).

Maybe I'm letting media shaming have too much of an effect on me. That woman has more money and institutional support than I ever will.

fuck that silverback and fuck you. If that nigger wanted to start some shit, then she has to live with the retaliation. It's fair game online and we aren't afraid to shovel shit in their faces when they try to fuck with us. I hope they've got good zookeepers in hell waiting for that monkey. You're no different from a muslim rape apologist




very edgy nigel

kek confirms


you all made her a martyr!! I hope you are happy.

and apparently Ghostbusters is a hit.

>tfw you use your sockpuppet twatter accounts to troll a famous negress, the sheboon explodes, and you make national news


>Even CNN


not Sup Forums users ha?

When is CNN not reporting on the hurt feelings of negroes?


When Don Lemon is the one hurt.

What the fuck?!

Cnn always jumps on the white hating dick. This isn't new. Personally I didn't get why everyone was harassing the woman her movie sucked dick but she didn't go out and tell people she was amazing for playing in it.

isnt that the nodding man with a new haircut?

I literally want to capture this """""human female""""" and have her DNA tested

>Hire social engineering company to make drama
>They harass Harambe
>Retards join in

Fuck it's brilliant.

You know from the thumbnail it looks like the ghostbusters logo is strangling her.

>48 year old failed single black actress gets trolled on the internet

>I'm supposed to care

I think it's funny. It's like she plays herself in the new Ghostbusters film.


Bring on the hate then, icgaf

she may want to hire a PR company to manage her twitter from now on, otherwise might end up as the next charlotte dawson

good, maybe twitter will clamp down on trolls

but then it will lose 95% of its users

Fuck her for looking like a monkey. Tough shit.

She looks like Kercheck

daily reminder she faked the entire thing.

Fuck, that's depressing.
