How the fuck do you depressed assholes get through every day?
>Be me >Prior military (8 years fuck off with specifics) >Dealt with 6 suicides from troops in 8 years
I hate fanbases, I don't belong to any particular group or organization, I can't get it up so women are out of the picture. I drink like a fish, I feel nothing but numb detachment.
Seriously, wtf do you faggots do to cope with this? Help me, please.
I masturbate to flutter shy from MLP, that really gets me through the tough times
Brayden Thompson
You could, you know, be an hero OP.
Ayden Fisher
weed tbh
Samuel Parker
Where the fuck would I even begin with this sort of shit. Nitrogen? Helium? Buy a canister and steal a walmart bag?
Angel Baker
cocaine and porn/hookers works like a charm
Xavier Cooper
I have minimal hope that my degenerative nerve disease will miraculously get a cure. In the meantime I spend my efforts to learn more about it and try and figure it out myself. Would try and go to med school, but its not going to happen at this point.
Lottery would be nice. I could just fuck off to middle of forest and stay there alone. Sadly i have zero money now.
Nathan Torres
you seem like not a faggot, just try drugs or some shit. An heroing is gay tbh but generally most who do don't have a decent reason to go for it.
Grayson Perry
William Smith
>I hate fanbases, I don't belong to any particular group or organization, I can't get it up so women are out of the picture. I drink like a fish, I feel nothing but numb detachment.
1. Get involved with a particular group or organization (you need social interaction)
2. Stop drinking like a fish. (Alcohol obviously makes you hate yourself more)
Sounds like your choice of lifestyle is majorly contributing to your situation. Change your lifestyle and you'll change your life.
Daniel Lewis
I like cocaine because I'm suicidal but I'm too much of a pussy to kill myself, so I just use cocaine secretly hoping I have a heart attack
Adrian Morgan
crippling depression boi here. nothing helps never goes away kinda just deal with it haha..
Hunter Wood
do you honestly think you are helping anything with this post? You might as well tell OP to be someone else. I never get advice like this because clearly something is impeding OP from these things and just restating what he should have doesn't do shit for OP at all.
Jace Martin
Do you still PT?
Ryan Young
I have a rare manic day that i get shit done, but its like once a month.
How do I get through it? By trying to make you glorious bastards laugh. Also cat videos really make my day.
Cooper Sanchez
Forget it man accept doom. We are all sealed to die by inevitable fate. I like to watch people suffer for their arrogance. I become the world in it's relentless cruelty to sentient beings. There are those who are arrogant. They have hubris and hope. Fuck them with a rusty hacksaw. It's a breath of fresh air when someone advocates honorable suicide instead of some "just smile" garbage. If humanity is going to improve they need to suffer for their sins and hubris. They need to cast aside hope and exchange it for grim determination. I know they won't. They're too pathetic. So I ruin them to sate my loathing. I would love to live forever just to watch people break apart from the misery they've earned so well.
Jacob Gonzalez
Nathan Johnson
walk 30 minutes erryday outside, be friendly
Andrew Phillips
Honestly, taking to someone will help a fuck ton. There are good therapists and bad therapists, like good and bad people. Find one you vibe with and start feeling better. Psychiatrist might be a better fit as they can prescribe to help with your issues
Thomas Clark
smh i feel bad for saying im almost jealous of those with bpd. I hardly have any manic days ever now and i need to clean my fucking room desperately lol
Jaxson Ross
hello op, so a few things: 1. thank you for everything you have done, if i could trade places with you to take your pain away i would. 2. Sup Forums is not a place to ask for this kind of help because Sup Forums is full of a lot of people with little to no real understanding of how the world really works. 3.without sounding demanding, you really should look into joining a group that helps veterans who are having a hard time finding balance. 4. stop drinking alcohol or your thoughts will just get darker and just so you know, heavy drinking makes you limp so if you were to sober up within a week or so your body should normalize.
Carter Moore
Fuck it VA crisis line just tells you they'll get you into contact with "someone" at an "eventual" time wtf is the point. They're not even fucking veterans just on-call workers making an easy buck reading a script fuck this
Lucas Nguyen
You deserve to be made to laugh too user
Camden Russell
>1. thank you for everything you have done, if i could trade places with you to take your pain away i would. This is probably the gayest post i have seen in years, nice cringe
Ryan Turner
>There are good therapists and bad therapists so you are supposed to window shop for one like a hooker? Do you realize how fucking batshit insane this is especially assuming you have mental illness? Psychiatry is a joke.
Joshua Cruz
im 30 years old and because of my health i cannot serve, my best friend served as an 88mike for 12 years and was blown up three times. he has mental scars and i have a great respect for everything hes done. this man put his life on the line for us and sadly you lack any form of empathy to understand gratitude.
Jose Torres
ive learned to try and get as much shit done in those moods as possible. My later depressed self will follow up on whatever i get going manically.
Opiates make me get shit done, but i get gay garbage doses so it barely does anything to help motivate let alone stop pain.
Blake Foster
if you think some random faggot on Sup Forums would trade their life experience with you you are really retarded.
Nathaniel Cooper
you should suck his dick tbh
Charles Williams
Drink more. Fucks these pussies, it solved all my problems. It will create some problems, but solve more. Like a 70% return. If you have the means, I highly recommend it. Yes, I am serious.
Grayson Bell
I mean, I do have a mental illness. It's not ideal but it is what it is, you either pull yourself up and take action or you rot in a pit of miserable toxicity
Liam Evans
taking action is getting fed pills that do nothing and running in hamster wheels with people who do not give a shit about your well being or the fact that their treatment is laughably useless. TBH you are fucked either way.
Adam Reed
I kinda feel if most of us had the funds to spend a week with a team of doctors/surgeons/research specialists that we would get a solid plan for success. Sadly we aren't rich so that will never happen. Usually when i see the specialist, he/she wants to prescribe some useless placebo and get me the fuck out of there since i don't need an expensive surgery.
Anthony Butler
I'm not a fucking moron. I know everything I do in 50 years is a moot thing. I'm not vain to the point where I think I "matter" because I don't . Nothing anything we do matters in 500 years, let alone the next thousand or million years.
I just don't want to feel, literally, nothing for the timespan I'm here. I can look at anything and bite into my sandwich as easily as anything else. I don't feel anything. I don't feel lust or hate or disgust or happiness.
I'm so fucking dead. I'm literally dead. I just want to know how OTHERS deal with it.
Nicholas Reyes
I was gonn say drinking and drugs but you already half beat me to it. Try Opiates/oids. They will make you feel good while numbing you to everything. But that means you cant feel ANYTHING. Even positive emotions, unless you're on the drugs. Its pretty much replacing your internal feel-good chemicals with external ones. If you can get a stedy supply of dope, you'll be good. But hey, I'm just a junkie. You dont have to listen to me. Here is some ELf for your sadness.
its obvious you are autistic and cant seem to understand what it is i wrote. you seem to be quite defensive and rather bothered by my post and you seem to be taking this personally. i don;t care what you or anyone else thinks i never have and never will. this thread was started by a military veteran who is struggling to get his life back on track and because of some form of mental illness you cant seem to understand how serious this is, i think you should get off Sup Forums and actually leave the house for a bit besides for getting food or meds and really ponder that there is more to the world than just mlp collection.
Luke Garcia
cope harder, you are a faggot user, vets giggle at dudes who dick suck this hard.
Mason Carter
Shit tons of drugs, but honestly, this is just buying time because i know that i will eventually die by suicide.
Adam Jackson
What branch
Nathaniel Fisher
You. I like you. Can you hook a boi up? I can suck a good dick ;)
Easton Edwards
Mason Long
Air Force
Egress mechanic for 8 years. Fuck off with any of your chairforce bullshit I worked 12's for 8 years on a flightline colder than the damn surface of titan.
Jace Jackson
why do faggots like this always dick suck vets when they decide they wanted to join retroactively but never did because muh physical problems?
Colton Thompson
OP leave this place and try to build yourself back up without resorting to these unstable sheltered fucks, they want see you torn to nothing and they dont care that you feel isolated, you've been through hell and deserve a good life and its sad that my comments are seen as gay to people who dont even know what a vagina is. if you stopped drinking your mentality would improve dramatically. dont bother with calling hotlines, look for a local lodge and try to connect with other vets.
James King
you are so mad lmao
Colton Perez
i worked as a DOD contractor with air force colonels to get missions approved. They knew their shit and we never had a a launch problem in my time. AF was solid at getting launch vehicles into orbit with Defense contractor help.
Xavier Williams
Video games and helping others who ate feeding the same pain.
Hudson Reyes
I go out for a late night walk randomly around the neighborhood. The more depressed I am, the later and longer the walk. Quiet dark roads with little traffic, houses with dim lights under the stars. Calming and strangely soothing.
Noah Morris story?
Josiah Rodriguez
not mad at all boss, im just not going to argue with people who are giant children. you dont know me or what ive done and you clearly are mentally not well because you cant seem to grasp the message im trying to convey. all you want to do is hijack this thread and keep going lol gay gay gay lol because you know nothing and lack any sense of respect for anything other than yourself. you lost your shit over the fact that i thanked this guy for what he did and that put you into a bad mood because you keep trying to attack me thinking im going to get mad and start slamming my keys. i dont know you and i dont care who you are and you can think whatever you want. happy new year kiddo's
Jordan Cruz
wow you are faggot, keep it coming
Leo Cooper
OP i wish you the best in anything you do, dont stop moving forward and dont bother looking back. thank you again for everything man. i hope this year gets 100 times better for you.
Andrew Evans
I dunno. I waited around in relative solitude for about 5 years before the feelings of depression just sorta faded. I think it takes a lot longer to process some things than we realize. On a subconscious level that we aren’t even aware of when we’re going through it. Til then, I think you just gotta find some hobbies, and pointless shit that makes you smile, even if only for a moment, and grit your teeth through the rest of it
100% success rate of getting rockets to desired orbit over a 6 year time period. Mostly did work with other engineers, but we;d have meetings with the top brass and they'd approve the launch. It all worked great until congress decided to use the "lowest cost, technically feasible' launch approach. This meant the shitty cheap contractors did the work at low price and missions failed due to shitty engineering. Glad to say all my missions succeeded. I think under Trump its changed to get the launch at whatever cost, so we haven't failed since then.
Military/NASA shoudl always have these contractor check to ensure mistakes are mitigated. Losing a 2 billion dollar flight based on trying to save $50000 is gay. NASA and DOD have luckily been given better chances under trump.
Thoug I will say Obama's goal of SLS to the moon and father is a good decision. Glad Trump kept the program going so we may reach mars in a dozen years.
Ryan Adams
cool story bro
Isaiah Morgan
well i play video games, being good at them helps, makes me feel better about myself too, last for hours.
i got really happy when i built my pc a few days ago, and when i get anxious at work, i think about high framerates and i get a lil smile :)
Ian Davis
NASA this decade has been fucking a gold mine. If we get James Webb up and SLS to the moon works, we are on another space frontier not seen since the 70s. I urge constituents to support it with thier reps. This is how we learn new science and develope better tech for all mankind. plus its top tier nerd results. I basically fapped when we saw pluto.