I'm Bryan Silva. Ask me anything for the new year.
I'm Bryan Silva. Ask me anything for the new year
Other urls found in this thread:
You still gay? You used to struggle with that question
Timestamp, faggot
I was never gay bitch ass nigga. Come at me ill smack you like a bitch
Who you calling a faggot bitch ass nigga? Ill take yo bitch. Swag bitch
So cringe
Yo mama cringe nigga. U just jealous ill take yo bitch and fuck yo mama pussy ass nigga
Tell that to your husband.
Who's this dick?
Tell that to yo bitch cuz she on my nuts nigga
Im the realest nigga on this site nigga
you should have paid someone to tat your chest
I paid my og nigga. Dats realer than any1 u ever got nigga
Well, no...
Yeah nigga u niggas jus jealous of my swag
OP is a faggot
U a faggot bitch nigga. Das y yo mama on my 10 inch dick
OP sucks dicks like slurpees
My dick enough to satisfy yo mama nigga
Yo mama suck my dick like a slurpee
The gay is blinding with this one.
My cum blinding yo bitch and my swag blindin yo mama nigga
why do you choose to wear your pants lower than normal people?
Swag bitch
I'm not a Negro, and my mother died in 1999.
So you are incorrect with your statement
>> Yeah nigga u niggas jus jealous of my swag
Swag? I'm pretty sure it's called an overbite, or receding chin. So, no, I'm not.
Also, you talk funny. Maybe it's the overbite.
Ray pist
Yo mama love the way I eat dat pussy doe
I apologize for my incorrect statement and further hope to educate myself on your ethnicity as well as your mother's current state.
you are one goofy looking motherfucker
you surely will get your wigger ass beat soon
I'm shredded nigga aint none of u bitch niggas gonna try me in da hood
Are you still in the closet?
OP is a literal faggot.
why are you such a nigger faggot
nobody respects white boys who think they are thug
grow some more brain cells
Since you were a viner, whats your tiktok? Also gay but I respect the Hussle bodybuilder
I bet you your tv dinners that's not your car
Are u still a bitch nigga?
Jesus. Literal mouth-breather, look at those teeth.
Look at those toothpick wrists. Delicious. Good bottom.
Das not me bitch nigga. U a faggot
My hood respect me and deez no kno when to fall back. Pussy nigga
Thanks fam. Love yo ass nigga
I bet yo Mama's pussy it is
explain this faggot
I can still fuck yo bitch
Das what yo mama said last night
ah, but it IS you fucking homo
you hate your past don't you?
I said das not me nigga. Fuck mo you want?
......you don't read well do you?
you've been informed my mother is deceased
why do you continually bring her into this conversation?
that's you bitch boy
>I can still fuck yo bitch
Oh! You meant "your bitch". My bitch is currently Miss Palmer and her five daughters...
but, we all know it is you
stop pretending, now, tell us all how you love a big cock up your skinny little white ass
I apologize for bringing your mother back into the conversation as well as my ignorance to her passing. I hope to learn the education of your ethnicity as you are not a negro
can I get that vid
>OP is a literal faggot.
kek. Look at OP smirk. McLovin it
Cum at me bruh 15598035496 west coast
It's not me nigga
I apologize for my lack of proper grammar. I want to inform you that I can still have sexual intercourse with your partner.
It's not me bitch nigga
>I can still have sexual intercourse with your partner.
You wanna fuck my hand?
OP out nigga. Gratata. Swag bitch. Stay real Sup Forums
dubs aside, it would appear you lack sincerity due to the cut and paste nature of your feeble reply. BTW, you have a very attractive sister. I'm sure most of the anons on this thread would concur.
Still waiting for ya tiktok gratatata man
Shame that chick looks desperate. Needs to take a look in the mirror. Worth more than Slim Chipmunk over there.
>gratatata man
Ooooh shit. Don't know how, well, probably irrelevance, but I'd forgotten that face. I remember who he is now. Fuck sakes.
"gay for pay" the worst kind of faggot
>I was never gay bitch ass nigga
hmmm... pornhub.com
So what is the deal with your cheek? Is it a broken bone or just swelling?
Jesus, Sup Forums. An hour and a half with this asshole? Jesus, Sup Forums.
You still make gay porn?
You were in gay porn.
Bryan Silva
How sad does OPs life have to be to larp as fucking Brian Silva on b
You just slurped on a dick.
Farkin hell, I haven't had this good a laugh in a while. Sometimes I'm reminded that Sup Forums still has it. Regularfag since 2006.
How much cum have you guzzled thus far in 2020? Do you ever wish that you could stop smoking so many cocks? ty in advance for your kind answers into my queries.
boris johnson is a fucking idiot
Show your dick.