Did all the dragons have the same endgame as Smaug?

Did all the dragons have the same endgame as Smaug?


>posting the fake image
Someone post the real image please

Superimposed against a modern city for scale

The city is actually the thing that is superimposed in that image.

This is why no one invites you to parties, user.

I wouldn't enjoy them anyway.


>being invited to parties

Begone normie.

i wanna see a movie about ancalagon wreaking havoc.

I get invited all the time. I don't have facebook but people will go out of their way to invite me to stuff. Doesn't mean that I go. I'm not a party person.

You mean. You are to scared to go. Faggot. Smh

more realistic desu senpai

he's a big guy.

He was big enough to block out the sun so imagine a really large cloud.


*blocks your sun*

Imagine the size of Ancalagons' dick. It'd fill half a football stadium

>being afraid of normans

why? I genuinly don't like spending time with new people. Maybe that's a kind of cowardice, but it's mostly because I can't muster up the energy to act like I give a shit about what they say anymore.

whats the point of wings if the dragon is that big

>what is the point of wings
to fly user to fly

Parties are for faggots. Going to bars and clubs alone is easy picking. Literally find a girl in under an hour

>What is square/cube law

Was Tolkien fucking retarded?

user, you know this is all pretend right?

You're telling me THIS isn't stupid? His head would be in the atmosphere

why do you think you know where the atmosphere is?

Dragons don't have dicks, they're reptiles.

>Dragons don't have dicks
Thats not what my collection of dragon dildos would imply.

>Its magic
>I dont got to explain shit

i want to fuck a dragon

The atmosphere is 70 some miles above ground level.

its irrelevant thats earth, Tolkien never said how far up the atmosphere is. He did say the world is lit and warmed by the light of two trees so that might give people some idea what tolkien thought of physics in ME

Hate to break it to you , but I think the dragon would be fucking you, not the other way around.

In the first age the world was still flat.
Eru broke the world into a globe when the numenoreans threatened to land on the shores of aman. Valinor still exists on a tangent to middle earth reached by the straight path. If you watched an elven ship sail west you'd see it get smaller and smaller as it approached the horizon, but it would never cross the horizon. Its following the same path it would if the world wasnt round.

You should play some trials in tainted space. You can fuck ANYTHING.

yea, kinda my point real world physics don't apply to middle earth even after the fall of numenor