Würzburg attack

So the press conference just finished.
> 17 Year old afghan
> had legal asylum in beautiful Ochsenfurt

>had an argument with some random female friend on the train
> wants revenge against infidels
> goes to the toilet
> pulls out axe and knife
> attacks 4 random tourists from Hong Kong who enjoyed Rothenburg ob der Tauber 2 of them still in life threatening condition
> Woman calls cops
> cops have on tape that he cried ''allahu snackbar''
> passengers hit emergency brakes
> he gets out
> runs towards the beautiful river of Main
> 2 girls walk their dog
> he comes up from behind
> axe to the face, calls her a slut

> IS confession video
> bild.de/news/inland/isis-terroristen/bekennervideo-axt-terror-46894442.bild.html

In Germany we call this Einzelfall

Other urls found in this thread:


Leave him alone m8 he's just a kid.


> he got shot by the police

> green Politician Tweets

Wow so no premeditation..

>woman politician
i realize the men politicians are just as bad now in most of europe but please stop voting for vaginas

She should be the one getting shot.

>codreanu quote.jpg

>he killed nobody
git gud

>17 year old

That "kid" was at least 25.

he gud boi
he traumatized

He is not a real muslim, muslims don't kill other people, never. He was just a normal german with a mental illness. It's because his life in germany was so bad and the cops still killed him, he only had a knife, how can a whole SWAT team not deal with one single men with a knife. Thats the reason why muslim hate us, we kill them for no reason.

Aren't all muslims affiliated with ISIS?

Every fucking time, I swear. Women shouldn't be in leadership positions.

Greens are on the record calling for an extermination of ethnic Germans. Its hilarious that anyone cares what they say or that they can get elected.

Cool story bro!

Wenigstens hat der Bulle mitgedacht und uns ne menge Steuergelder erspart.
Mal abgesehen davon daß der Angreifer so niemals wieder jemanden verletzen kann.
Win Win.

The good part is he's LITERALLY the kind of refugee we're always warning about.
> random muslim
> dindu nuffin
> oh fug he's randomly radicalized

Germany in full denial like

how female politicians get elected:

some males vote for her based on platform and ideas being similar
large majority of females vote for her because she has a vagina

cancelling out reverse sexism females is the only reason why I sort of support Trump and will probably vote for him come November. I haven't registered yet, but I'm planning on registering when I have to renew my ID.


Is anyone who speak sand able to transelate?

Is Allah Akbar the new WORLDSTAR!!!!?

this ugly monster

he was provoked this has nothing to do with islam germany is at fault not all muslims

Yup and now isis has released his jihad statement proving he was is affiliated.
not that any of this self loathing, hip and super ironic left wing students would care.

when can we start the genocide?

Bro are you for real?
Mohammed soundso, you know the founder of the religion participated in wars and killed people.
Normal German guys are not mentally ill, nor do they axe people.
So this guys life was sooooo bad so he got on an Axe murder spree and now we should feel for HIM, because cops shot him in self defense?
And Muslims hate us because our Cops shot criminals?
Are you fucking retarded?
Get out of your reality tunnel, it is twisted and fucked, and so are you.

Why did he attack a bunch of chinese people?

Territorial instinct. Animals will become violent to protect access to resources from others and for a muslims refugee, the cucked german is their source of food.

They dont want to share cucked Europe with China.

What a piece of shit.
Waste of cells.

Dumb cunt.

come on thats low quality bait

>You are seeing this page because you have turned a Adblocker. Disable this for our BILD.de to be able to read our articles again.

lol fucking krauts



They were the only threat to him since every Germin is a massive c.uck.

>what is sarcasm

>how can a whole SWAT team not deal with one single men with a knife
They shot him in the face, I consider that pretty well dealt with.

go home and piss in your bed and shut up !!!

Because he was afraid the white nu-male Germans of today were going to try to suck his dick.

Le Pen disagrees. She's beautiful and feminine, but she also has bigger balls than every German man combined. Then you also have Thatcher.

The problem isn't women politicians, it's leftist women. They are usually sub-talented and get promoted because of muh equality and cuck leftist males. Rightist women are promoted on merit.

Do you really think a suicidal terrorist cares about the ethnicity of who he kills?

In Finland we call this Yksittäistapaus

worked pretty good so far

the region around Würzburg is full of asian tourists,
because we habe those old towns, the Residenz, Festung Marienberg and shit.
I don't want to know in how many asian family albums i am because of random fotographs.

Just end yourself, Unterschichtler.

kek, true
i live in the town center of Würzburg and im sure i'm in the foto albums of 1/10 of Asia

Ein blindes Huhn findet auch mal ein Korn.


oh mein gott :^)
> I hate fast acess to simple news
> this Hetzblatt is evil :'(
> i don't want to be entertained by some kind of newspaper
get off me cuck

poor kid. can't imagine what he was going through and what kind of difficult life he must have had. at least he's in paradise now, popping cherries

>police reported to have found several bootleg copies of "Babe: Pig in the city" in his apartment
>not a real Muslim

Fresh oc

Chinese people have hideous faces and if you're on a rampage, you just can't resist.

>falling for bait on Sup Forums

desu all of us here feel the same way. we just mask it with trolling, 'memes' and board culture. we have to laugh, otherwise we'd scream and cry non-stop.

I really can't believe this is happening in the West. It's literally worse than peak Iraq now.
>once in a generation
>once in a decade
>once every few years
>once a year
>once every 6 months
>a few per year
>once a month
>twice a month
>a few a month
>once a week
>a few times a week
>every day
>now multiple times a day

Who can keep track of this shit, my mind is spinning. in 24 hours we've had THREE (germany, france, spain)

Jesus Christ, how many a day is it going to be soon?
10? 20? 100?

looking like a gay gollum

Einzelfall. Plus, why did the police murder him? Couldn't they have just asked him to stop? Then he could get 50 days of social work and everything would be fine.

It will need 1000s of these Einzelfälle for anything to change in Germany.

Just kill yourself, retard. Your IQ is low even compared to the Sup Forums average and the Sup Forums average is at 90.

we really should make some refugee states and let the hipsters live in them, They can have soo much diversity and we don't have to deal with them, everybody wins.

> Einzelfall

I'm trying really hard to roleplay a sympathizer, yet this is one of those times I find it impossible.
Any Canadians around to help?

Sounds like.
Has argument with grill.
For sure lefty grill.

Blame the left for there libtarding.

Or more likly grills are used as messangers and weapon delivery.

Hide everthing under burka.

Rice of sack flips in china

>Daesh claims responsebilety

Must be a terror plot.

Buy lada and glue mercedes star on it

> hurr durr real mercedes.

> axe to the face, calls her a slut
Holee Sheet
I feel bad for her. Slut shaming souldnt be allowed.


Should have taken an axe to that haircut...

Its the sun.

Rainbow press.


Thats not even a real newspaper.

Yes you are the unterschicht trottel reading this. Or even posting links.

Whats next? Breitbart is a credibel source?

whether ISIS insipired it or plotted it is irrelevant. ISIS is just the current manifestation of an ideology that must be wiped off the face of the earth

germanistan gonna germanistan hi ahmed

brown people are a race of peace. He was just showing his appreciation you bigots. Diversity is our strength.

That female friend is already arrested for inciting violence and hate speech, right?

what do they want, why won't they tell us what they want.

Oh Germany, Germany... why are you so intolerance? Look at you! This 14-old boy was very scared, he never seen asian people and you killed him?


The only choice is genozide. Good luck to get that one throu germany.

Witch means freaking out like you has no point.

Solution is to kill who ever shows up and clean up after somthing happend.

Get used to it. We are at war. Casultys are to be expected.

It will be slow war. With tottale überwachung.

>no anti-antiadblock

c'mon step it up!

Win Win..so ein schwachsinn...die richtige Rote Pille wäre gewesen wenn sie den leben gefangen hätte und er dann in seiner überheblichkeit bei der aussage und vor dem Gericht und der Öffentlichkeit erstmal schön erzählt das deutschland voll von leuten wie ihm ist und das islam übernehmen wird und das ganze bla bla bla..
Dadurch das er jetz tot ist erzählen sie seine geschichte anstelle er selber..
Diese beknackte alte meinte natürlich was anderes von wegen jedes leben is kostbar aber sie hätte sich damit mehr geschadet würde er tatsächlich leben und durch sein gelaber mehr rote pillen verteilen als es der übliche facebook schlaumeier je könntw



Daesh at wörk i see.

Cant find a argument that supports your rage?

Why do the aid agencies lie about the age of these men? What advantage does it gain them?


It never failed to give me the fast information I wanted.
enlight me with a better newsportal then.
And don't start with Spiegel or Focus

sensationalism is better than suppressing the truth.

It's on.


Underage = higher chance of not getting kicked out. I won't even try to understand why people are so damn set on overloading Europe with these "kids".





>very dark taint
>black hair

Fucking Tanned Germans.

At this point it could turn out that a future terrorist was affiliated with al-Qaeda, and you'd get cucks going "SEE!!! TOLD YOU IT HAD NOTHING TO DO WITH ISIS!!!!".

Breitbart usually sources their articles, so yes despite senationalism it's a pretty credible news site.


I told my parents that we shouldn't take in refugees and I got called an
>unchristian racist homophobic islamophobic fascist
>and I am banned from all family events
>then this fucking happenings
>mom sent me message
>see it's NAZIS who are attacking germans

Pic related

Do not react to shills. Just make sure to remember them when the killing starts.

Death is what these brainwashed maniacs want

We should imprison them and torture them endlessly ab infinitum

Das wäre niemals so abgelaufen. Einmal im Knast hätte ein Psychiater ganz schnell attestiert, das er einen an der Klatsche hat (was auf so ziemlich jeden Kanaken zutrifft). Irgendwas wegen PTSD und fehlende Trauerverarbeitung wäre noch dazugekommen. Vor Gericht hätte der Scheißklumpen dann geheult wie leid ihm alles tut. Darin sind die Kuffnucken ja Meister und die Presse hätte tränenreich über das traurige Leben des armen Kindes geschrieben.
Das bleibt uns jetzt erspart. Stattdessen wird sich jetzt jeder etwas klarer darüber, wie gefährlich die Leute sind, die Merkel hier ansiedeln möchte. Wenn es schon bei so einem unauffälligen und relativ gut behütetem Kandidaten nicht viel gebraucht hat, um in in den vollen Djihad-Modus zu versetzen.

you know what scary ..... .they arent the typical muslim you would expect .

NO long beard
NO religious background (meaning , no religious upbringing)

europe is fucked .
how can you find within a milion of them .

Good thing we have strong weapon controll and this low IQ retard was to dumb to buy an ak47 or an truck.

Remember that Western civilization is in danger because of her and people like her.

>tfw my bf's first reaction when he heard they shot him was "why didn't they just shoot him in the knee??"

How do you uncuck people, Sup Forums?

By stop being a faggot first and foremost

Muslim terrorist are musliming wrong.

Please, "REAL" muslims, teach your followers how not to be "WRONG" muslims instead of expecting us to believe you.

Tell him/her forcefully that only a dead terrorist is a good terrorist. Others might be encouraged to do similar things when they see that you get a nice cozy prison cell for killing people in Germany.