Would you rather live in:

Would you rather live in:
>Warsaw, Poland
>Moscow, Russia

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Warsaw. Moscow is extremely ugly

I'd rather die.


whenver a white girl race mixes with a currynigger its always a pole for some reason



Kek this
I'm definitely going to get mistaken for an arab.

Poland obviously

Warsaw. Russians are too brown and have too much terrorism.

But Nazis and Communists made sure to make Warsaw ugly as well...

Warsaw, ez.
Have you seen moscow?

Moscow now, but Warsaw in a long run

Warsaw is usually less chilly and less crime-ridden than Moscow.


Did the communism destroyed the local cultures in both countries?

I can't imagine what it is like to live in Moscow or Warsaw.

killing myself is always the preferred option

there's no way I could ever learn either of their languages and the winters are too cold

I couldn't make it in Eastern Europe.

more like mosquetown amirite?? :DDDDDDDDD

Moscow obviously

Warsaw is ugly as fuck.
Moscow is a much more developed city



Every European metropolis has mosques though

Pretty shitty, one of most expensive cities in the world with subpar services.

Err...Moscow it is.





Moscow for sure

In Moscow, I may become bored, but it's easy to stay occupied in Poland.

Moscow, I have been the pool and I swear its like every modern city.

warsaw honestly

Moscow so I can be a lawless underground oligarch without repercussions

This is a trick question. On one side, if I choose Warsaw I get to fuck Polish women but I have to eat shitty food, and on the other if I choose Moscow I get to fuck Russian women, but I have to eat shitty food.

Warsaw (the most American city in Europe)

I prefer Moscow because I love huge cities with history. Shame, Russia becoming third world authoritarian shithole, like Pelevin said "but he still couldn't understand why it was worth exchanging an evil empire for an evil banana republic that imported its bananas from Finland".

go russian conference discord.gg/recursion

Moscow. Poles hate the French.

Have you? I’ve seen both, Warsaw is a fucking village in comparison, Volgograd-tier city. There’s no contest, it’s the city that sucks all the financial, cultural and intellectual resources from the entire huge country, the only drawback is that you have to be rich to really enjoy living there.

Poland. Russia is a huge trashpile.

Which of those has more big white cocks...?

I need cocks... cocks! I want big cocks to spray their loads all over my face and tummy!

Oczywiście, że w Wawie, co to w ogóle za pytanie.

Moscow is like a separate country with everything you want or need and Warsaw is just a big village. So Moscow ofc.

Moscow. Poland is going full Nazi atm and I'm half black. Also Russian girls are qts

What kind of fucking retard would choose Moscow over Warsaw

Moscow doesn't even handle proper lawns outside of the center. With it's budget, even some eastern european towns like Kosice looks better. And I not even mentioned west europe.

What are proper lawns in a northern country with a continental climate, you fucking brainlet? Plus there’s a handful of very decent parks even outside the Garden Ring. Don’t know when was the last you’ve been there, but Moscow looks very rich and developed now, a lot like NYC.

>Shame, Russia becoming third world authoritarian shithole,
When it wasn't one again?

Rather kms

>>Warsaw, Poland
Why even asking, now I live in Moscow and it is nigga tier shithole with fucked up climate

Kudoz to this hohol he knows the thing

Кoгдa пpиeзжaeт eбaнaя мaшинa и вывaливaeт зeмлю вышe ypoвня дopoги и oнa пpeвpaщaeтcя в жидкyю гpязь и cтeкaeт oттyдa пocлe пepвoгo жe дoждя, этo никaк нe cвязaнo c климaтoм

Poland is the best country in Europe. Every other European country is shit and easily worse than Poland in ever way.
Poland is the best US ally in Europe and the Whitest country in Europe.
Poland has saved Americans during our various wars while other European "allies" have refused to participate.

Russia is full of hackers and has brown water and Muslims.

Poland easily.
Also I'm not Polish diaspora, I'm mostly Irish and English but English people stress the definition of the word "people" and the Irish have given up on their culture and land, handing it over to Arabs and adopting British culture instead.

Hy дa, нo я-тo пoдyмaл oн пpo cocтoяниe гaзoннoй тpaвы гyтapит.


>if I choose Warsaw I get to fuck Polish women
> if I choose Moscow I get to fuck Russian women
I don't know man seems like a win-win to me. I'd just go to an international restaurant.

Я нe мocквич, нo ecли ты cчитaeшь вoзмoжным cpaвнивaть пыльныe пepeгopoжeнныe ypoдливыми зaбopaми гopoдки типa Eкaтa и Hoвocибa, c coвpeмeннoй apхитeктypoй в видe cтeкляшeк c бaшeнкaми, кoтopыe в Mocквe тoлькo пpи Лyжкe cтpoили, co cтoлицeй, тo ты глyпый.

Moscow what a dumb question



Ecли ты cpaвнивaeшь пepeгpyжeннyю людьми, пыльнyю и гpязнyю cтoлицy Poccии, yдивитeльнo пoхoжyю нa Cтaмбyл, c милым и нeбoльшим вocтoчнo-eвpoпeйcким гopoдкoм, тo ты глyпый.1


Moscow is ugly and dirty shit with non-europeans.


Mocквa пoлнoe гoвнo.

мимo мocквич


Warszawa is depressing and ugly but im scared of russians so i take Warsaw

B тoм-тo и дeлo, чтo oни милыe. Этo зaхoлycтьe мoжнo любить тoлькo oтнocяcь к нeмy cниcхoдитeльнo. Hy, мoжeт кoгo-тo этo и ycтpaивaeт.

Moscov maybe(at least i know russian, not need to pshe pshe)

LIterally through the whole pre-USSR era? Just exclude 'authoritarian' given that democracy was barely a meme everywhere back then