What are the best Hal episodes?

What are the best Hal episodes?

The episode where he kept cuddling Dewey even though Dewey was extremely uncomfortable

Ozymandias, goat episode

where he plays poker with stevie's dad and all the niggers

also the one where they were in the folk band together.

i also like the one where hal does the dance dance revolution game

The one about skating is the best by far

I only remember him building the robot and the speedwalking episdoe

When he converts to Judaism...just for the jokes.

bryan cranston has some of the funniest and diverse roles

The one with the bats and where he and Dewey burn down Craigs house

The one where he attacks Angel Grove fights the Power Rangers.

The one where in order to be found not guilty he has to confess in front of the judge and his fellow employees that he has never been to work on a Monday or Friday

Roller blading
The one where he has to choose if a guy lives or dies

The episode where he renounced his citizenship and moved out of the USA like he promised to when Trump won. Still waiting, must be the season finale.

>when he defuses the bomb

I would cuddle Dewey and never stop

>Paralysis from the neck up


When he tried Jackson Pollock type painting and gets it just perfect then it falls on him.

The one where the bodybuilders start following him around

>>The one where he has to choose if a guy lives or dies
what was his solution ?

you know who the other speedwalker was?


That time he got cancer and his coworker was enslaved for a year was pretty funny

The Dewey acts like a baby and shits himself episode wasn't that good
These were great

Why did Hal have so much versatility compared to the rest of the cast? He was amazing paired up with just about anyone but if you paired up other characters for insane stories sometimes it just wouldn't feel right.

Because it's believable that Hal could interact with most people and not make them hate his guts after he's done with him.

Don't know don't café.

>It's a Hal is afraif of hospitals and ghosts episode

>We can always be bigger. And shinier.

Wait, is that Stevie Kenarban in the poster in the background there?


>It a Hals dad tickles him episode