Why is this country allowed to exist? Serious question

Why is this country allowed to exist? Serious question

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to send refugees to America in the 90s

To fuck shit up when the time comes.

why not ?

So they can make dank tunes senpai


The better question would be: Why are the countries around it allowed to exist? And the answer to that we find in your country, you fat fuck.

an unfortunate side effect of breaking apart the eastern block of moscow power projection.

Better question, why are Macedonia, Montenegro, Bosnia and Albania still allowed to exist?

I wonder who could be behind this Post.

Why is this country allowed to be bombet by NATO? Serious question.

Soon you wont exist

Tbh Serbia is a pretty decent guy. Mostly met croatians but they are damn simillar from my experience. Good workers the most of them but shitty immigrant humour.

Why wasn't germany wiped off the map?

To stir shit up when shit's too calm.

So you feel inferior.

>so you feel inferior
But you are the ones who are feeling inferior to everybody because of "muh holocaust".

Slavic humor is pretty dark,it's usually followed up by bellowing laughter,gentle petting of facial hair and unnecessary snorting.

inferior and guilty are two different words

So bored altrightists have a meme, not realizing the kebab they removed were secular unarmed villagers

I would really like to know how well the Serb paramilitaries and the army would do against ISIS without any support from Russia, seems like they'd be a bit surprised when those dirty muslims actually have guns and shoot back

Target practice

Because they are bros and everyone knows bros before hoes.
t. balia


Germany lost 2 world wars

even Hitler said right before his death that Germans are inferior:

>Hitler to Speer 1945: "The (German) nation has proved to be the weaker, and the future belongs solely to the stronger eastern nation."

>secular villagers


To remove kebab you muslim liberalist piece of nigger crap :^)

t. Tonibler

Hitler was an idiot who actually believed that the spiritually stronger party wins in war, not the one with more resources etc. I will never understand how the German people could fall victim to someone like him.

U just made a thread about Bosnia, what's next, Croatia?

We were never part of the USSR

>Hitler was an idiot who actually believed that the spiritually stronger party wins in war

Tbh, so did Tolstoy and many other great minds of the past.

>Albanians unironically name their children after a British retard

Holy shit, this is gold.

To impregnate white women with superior Mountain Slav seed. My girlfriend's son's father is from Zarkovo and is 6'5.

They would shit on them,Arabs are an easier target than Bosnians and Croats.

We South Slavs are many things,but we know how to survive and how to fight.

Most of the time these people weren't absolute leaders of a state, though.

there s still kebab to be removed

Kys diaspora shit

Check it

Butthurt fascist, I see.

>secular unarmed villagers

Yeah, no one is buying the propaganda you're spewing there, Mehmet.

you were still part of their sphere of influence, even after the fall of the ussr. you had to go... just like ukraine needed maidan.

Thats completely wrong. Tito and Stalin hated each other. Tito started the "Third World" movement, countries that werent either communist or capitalist.

I don't know. I have been teached here that serbians are based, maybe they lied to me.
How accurate is this comic?

True Posavljak here

Why are Kosovo-Albanian girls such whores?

Seriously she spent the entire 6-9th grade talking about muh siptari strong we invented everything etc.
Then during the final P.E classes at 9th grade, we didn't feel like playing volleyball so me and my Bosnian Serb friend went down to the bunker like basement which housed. the ping pong tables. Then comes this siptar bitch interrupts our game and strips down fully the serb attacks her pussy while I fucked her mouth.

Strange thing was that her Finnish friend walked in on us and entered some kind of shock trance and just stood there.

It was macabre really

Ferdinand himself described all slavs as "pigs in human form"
After the war the Croatians voted to join Yugoslavia since they figured they'd have a greater chance at independence there then in austria

Might be so in home country. Here it's pretty much immigrant humour.
That is "knulla", fucking. That's pretty much the joke in all their humour. I don't have the same problem with based russian coworker, so might just be them.

>they removed were secular unarmed villagers

Since you're on the accuracy meme why don't you point out it was only local bosnian serbs fighting and NOT serbs from serbia. And they still took them with equal numbers.

The real question is why is this "country" allowed to exists,

Albos mostly hang out with niggers.

South slavic banter is something else, you really have to live here to get it

Kosovars in general everyone from that area is scum. Most of Kosovar Serbs sold their houses for $$$ and now shit up the rest of the fucking country.

I guess something happens to alien women.
That must explain why i bang every swedish girl that comes to the hostel

Re read the post silly Albanian.

>bang every swedish girl that comes to the hostel

You mean you bang them open and then sell their organs right?

Nobody cares enough about it to do anything either way aside from other irrelevant balkan statelets and some kebabs.


To kill mudslimes

Belgrade is one of europes finest cities, the next berlin

In reality it's just a protectorate of USA


>clintons want to add more people to their body count
>target balkan nation 95% of western world can't point out on a map
>drop bombs with depleted uranium on innocents
>no apologies, no charges, even after most of the people involved in the 'racial clensing' were acquitted
>cancer rates spiked
>kosovo 'secedes'
>people from kosovo, realizing an independent Kosovo is shittier than the rest of the balkans, flee and shit up Belgrade
>such is life

bice bolje

Bosnian mudslime, go kill yourself so we don't have to deal with one more brown people.

bice bolje

Fuck off albo/croat diaspora. Nobody likes islamists or islamic apologists here

i mean that whenever a girl goes to a foreign country she behaves like a whore

which fucking kosovars fled to Belgrade, wtf you on about

I have never met a Kosovo Serb in my entire life nor any Gorani etc.

Though every single Kosovo-Albanian I ever met was strange some kind of strange foreign mentality I couldn't understand. Every single one of them was that guy who just seems to annoy people to death and doesn't know when to shut the fuck up.

when you guys started shitting up the place there was shitloads of refugees that went full gibsmedat mode when the goverment promised they will be compensated

You are either trolling or incredibly stupid.

that protectorate is breeding radical muslims at an alarming rate and they are right outside our borders.

Bit ce bolje samo ako se nasi jebeni politicari malo opamete i zatvore te jebene granice vise. Bosnu izbrisat sa karte svijeta i podijelit je posteno na dva. S obzirom na kolicinu poprilicno radikalnih muslimana treba reagirat sad dok je vrijeme, jer kad pocnu prelazit granicu mi smo ti koji ce najebat prvi.

>You are either trolling or incredibly stupid.
While it's not exactly up to other european standards, as a kosovar, i must say that belgrade is a pretty fine city. Probably the best in South-Easter Europe

We carved it up as much as we practically could, OP. What more do you want?

Except that Waterfront thing. Any serb can explain please, seems really fucked

Ethnics groups always have natural enemies.
Like Croatians and Serbs
Or Albanians and Serbs
Or Filipinos and Serbs
Or Serbs and other Serbs

Damn Serbs, they ruined Serbia!

wow that's a neat writing piece dude, do you

heres a pic

yeah but like people getting killed, right?
they burned down a place when they couldn't get the permit to demolish it, and killed a witness is what i know.

I returned to belgrade from berlin in may and felt the same kind of energy

So you are basing your opinion on a feeling of energy? Get the fuck out of here, what the fuck do you think this is? Yoga and emotions?

We like hard facts here: economy, birth rates, education, military etc.

I can feel great energy towards Somalia yet it doesn't make it fucking Amsterdam now does it?

liberal immigrant shithole?

>Secular unarmed villagers

Yeah... they actually believe that.

the belgarde riverside is a shithole filled with gypsies and junkies
the danube and sava are so fucking dirty if you went for a swim you would come out greenskinned
not to mention all the dead bodies from the mob, the dumped cars, sunk boats and worm infested fish
no one really gives a shit

but some are angry about money being spent building the thing because they didn't get a cut


yeah and those "military targets" you bombed in belgrade were a tv station, cigar factory, a city bridge and the chink embassy

so you're saying this is actually a good idea?
wouldn't that shitload amount of money be better off invested somewhere else?

Well you know they could have done a better job in Bijeljina by you know, not killing the families of the muslims fighting in their own army.

Filthy commie, those were secret bases filled with oppressive serbians who tortured little kids there. Luckily US of A arrived to cleanse that city of corruption and brought on the age of democracy and prosperity.

The average mindset of an average usa citizen.

>wouldn't that shitload amount of money be better off invested somewhere else?


I would bet all my money (~100€) on the serbs. 90s veterans would deal easy with them.

>mfw demokracy

we'd probably just place minefields on every single road and call it quits
IEDs aint shit

to remove kebab when the day comes


Best song.

South serbia reporting for duty

>american education

containment board for subhuman filth
all other slavs are welcome

Im going to Serbia soon with my serbian girlfriend to get married in a protestant church and eat some delicious cevapcici.

Serbs are alright in my book, America can fuck off and leave us euros alone though, Eurosiberia when?

>country that will have soon sold everything they have to arabs
Yeah, you're great fighters, and you will totally win once they disown your people.

>protestant church
you mean orthodox?

Stay there, western europe is shite