Here is how we all will look like in 2100 and it's beautiful

Here is how we all will look like in 2100 and it's beautiful.

babies always look retarded and annoying
I hate children

>two exceptionally ugly people have an exceptionally ugly child



Le 63% face

el monstruo.........

horrible post

baby of shrek?

Cute baby.

> everyone race mixes

Only a small portion of the population does this, and the media is blowing it out of proportions.

Anyway, race mixing ain't THAT bad as long as you stay away from sub-Saharan Africans. You will need hundreds of years to breed blue eyes again, though.


Le europeon face

Are you retarded? If you have 2 parents with genes for blue eyes you have a minimum 25% chance of having them

How much high school education do you have honestly?

That's how you can get Blacks or East Asians with blue eyes.

>You will need hundreds of years to breed blue eyes again, though.



Here you go

Is that the magma pegowska baby?

5 billion asians x 5 billion africans will give us this

>Blyaaaaaaaaaaaaaat nigga

Wow, it's beautiful too.

Yes I believe it is the Polish ogre baby

How is that even possible?
(he is qt af, wanna date him)


or this

why do aryan masterrace fags never understand basic punnet squares? I learned this shit in 9th grade, it's embarassing tbqh

Pretty sure I'll look like this in 2100

>I learned this shit in 9th grade

Not all of us when to Josef Mengele High School, user.


>that shotgun nose