He is right you know

Bush: 'I'm worried that I will be the last Republican president' - CNN

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Maybe you and your kind, RINO nigger kikes, shouldn't have opened the borders and left them open until whites became a minority.

If I could, I would end the lives of every politician since 1965. But I can't. So it's whatever.

maybe he shouldn't have been such a shitty president

The Bush family needs to die. They're just Globalist tools that only care about how much money and influence they have. They're pretty much the "Republican" version of the Clintons.

Bush is the reason Republicans fell so hard behind. Betrayed his own voters.

Maybe him and his daddy shouldn't have helped millions of fucking Mexicans enter.

Good, maybe the Grand Shit Party will be replaced with Reactionaries and Nationalism

full auto is a waste of ammo anyway unless you want the option of a 'panic mag' semi auto is the way to go for accurate snap shots.

what the fuck...this is not the thread i thought i was on...

But you guys said he was the guy you wanted to have a drink with

I prefer 3 round burst fire.

He's still a cool guy, but a shitty president.

Republicans haven't won since Nixon a single election if the Bush family name wasn't attached to it

Really makes your cerebrum itch


>Maybe you and your kind, RINO nigger kikes, shouldn't have opened the borders and left them open until whites became a minority.
This. Fucking retards, all of them.

He is the equivalent of that one friend you have cuz he has very little friends........


What a fucking shill. Reagan was the last Republican President, and Coolidge was the last competent Republican President.

If you pile on to the deficit as President, if you fail to cut spending as President, you aren't a fucking Republican you're a shitbag. I hope Bush Sr. and his incested Texan spawn die painful deaths.

At least Bill was a good President though

>At least Bill was a good President though


Good. Now if we can get the republican party minus the Israel shilling(and thus the interventionism), I'd have the perfect party.

Sounds like Jeb Bush

>no fault divorce
>Gun grabber
>Amnesty granted
>Implying the last competent Republican wasn't Eisenhower

>1 post by this ID

He is more the friend your mom makes you hang out with to raise his self esteem



At this point the word "Republican" is just a name. The fact that they could nominate Trump, means the party is long gone. The real Republicans are looking for a new party to call home.

George W. Bush was one of the most based American presidents ever.

The USA was always bound to end up as a democract (leftist liberal) dominated government.

Democrats are always offering things for FREE THIS FREE THAT FREE EVERYTHINg which attracts everyone young and even older.

Plus Democrats push to legalize more democratic voters and even refugeees who they know will vote Democrat. They are stacking the country with every election won and it's only a matter of time before the republican party as it's (Central right) can't exist. Then we'll have varing shades of left all the way to communist parties.

Thanks to them your political landscape will be like ours: a bunch of small parties fighting for the scraps of a ruling center-left party that will be in power for 70 years.

The globalists are starting to pull all their strings trying to stump Trump.

america demographic have changed. it's inevitable

you just described Brazil

>completely ruins everything known to man

Bush can fuck off


Couldn't have said it better.

Nice quads but he was a shit president. A lot of the economic problems we have had under Obama and Bush can be directly attributed to bill Clinton and economic bandaid. He set it up so he could leave the nation in a profitable state even though he knew it was temporary and his policies would eventually hurt us. Presidents only care about their legacy, just look at Obama. They have no interest in the nation doing well once they are out of office.

Fuck Clinton and Bush Sr, they both hurt America.

If only he wasnt so lousy that BHO of all people seemed like a good idea to the leftists idiots.

I like my burger cold as well

You know who caused that surplus that make you think Billy boy was a good president?

Moon man Gingrich and hungry hungry Kasich making Bill sign the welfare reform bill