Suck it, trump faggots. your convention is fucked now. you can convince yourselves otherwise...

suck it, trump faggots. your convention is fucked now. you can convince yourselves otherwise, becasue obviously you were gullible enough to support trump in the first place, but deep in your heart you know that trump's empty, brainless cunt of a wife just plagiarized a nig nog because she's dumber than one. Kill yourselves, losers.

Other urls found in this thread:

*Michael Obama

It's obviously plagiarism. They're handling it badly too. They need to sack a junior speech writer, make an apology, and say it was an oversight in the bustle of the convention. The way the Trump team are trying to deflect and deny is just making it work. They're calling the credibility of their whole campaign into question. I want to know which stupid fucker did the copy-and-paste job. I'm pretty confident it wasn't Melania. The Rickroll makes it seem like it's some smartass intern.

Source: I teach research methods to college students.

>but deep in your heart you know that trump's empty, brainless cunt of a wife just plagiarized a nig nog

sorry, you're right, i correct myself:

but deep in your heart you know that trump's empty, brainless cunt of a wife just plagiarized a nig nog transvestive

nobody gives a shit about the pretty first ladys speech

>the nog ripped of Saul Alinsky
wow a black person didn't do their homework what a shocker

You mean the speech Michelle plagiarized.

I agree that the First Lady's speech was very insignificant. What is significant is the speech Melania Trump gave because it breaks a basic protocol of competence in writing. You don't try to pass someone else's work off as your own. If you do, you come across as an idiot, a liar, and a person of very limited capability. The Trump campaign is embracing this, which calls into question the judgment of everyone on the campaign.

Sorry, i correct myself again:

but deep in your heart you know that trump's empty, brainless cunt of a wife just plagiarized a nig nog tranny who stole it from a communist.

And she actually wrote it herself?

Tell me, in what other words do you express these common sentiments in the English language? If what's highlighted is considered plagiarism, then so is saying "I love you" and "work hard." Fucking Christ, there's only so many ways to say "work hard for your dreams."

no, its 12D chutes and ladders

oh look the media is butthurt again

they cant wait to suck up to president hillary

remember when obama was elected? the media was IN LOVE

I suspect she had speech writers and then added something in the final drafting, as is usually the case among politicians these days. It's also one reason why the art of speech writing is declining. Very few memorable speeches are given now because they're all aiming to please careful identified audience interests. They've lost individuality and style. You have to look a long way now to find anything comparable to "I have a dream" or JFK's inauguration speech.

you cant even read the side-by-side quotes can you? its too painful. truth hurts, bitch

No I have, and I bet that you can't write those highlighted sentences in "your own words" that convey the same sentiments.

You clearly haven't been to college or failed at college.

There's a very well understood difference between using popular idioms or proverbs or cliches (which involve identical word combinations that are seen to be part of the common property of a language or culture) and passing off someone else's distinct wording as your own. Four or five consecutive words is usually a bad sign, though some interpretation and human intelligence is also needed before deciding.

If you're unsure, try this tutorial. It's good (and I know the people who wrote it):

>distinct wording
Prove that Michelle's words are distinct and original, never before spoken or arranged in such a manner before her 2008 speech. You can't. What they both said is incredibly common vernacular within the English language. It's not original for either Melanie or Michelle.


oh well, we tried.

might as well vote for Hillary now

You can prove it by searching databases of published material. You'll find that the wording is distinct and unique because the English language is so massively varied that once you start getting more than four words in a row, the chance that the exact sequence of words has been used before, especially if there's an unusual word, becomes incredibly low. Then a widely agreed, consensual principle of originality and credit kicks in. If you're claiming something to be your own, it needs not to be something that can easily be shown to be replicating other sources. This is especially a problem if the source material is in exactly the same field (e.g. an essay on the same historical event or a speech for the same political occasion). Plagiarism is about being able to show that what you attach you name to as your own writing is in fact yours and not pulled from another place. If someone can show you stole it from another place, then you've failed and your reputation suffers, as has happened in the case of Melania Trump. It helps to know the etymology of the word here: if comes from the “classical Latin plagiārius: person who abducts the child or slave of another, kidnapper, seducer, also a literary thief” (OED).

These are absolute basics of writing, signing, and legal ownership of intellectual property.

>15min speech
>2 lines

it's over for trump this time