Why did the Soviet combat strategies always involve them sending waves after waves of troops into combat until the...

why did the Soviet combat strategies always involve them sending waves after waves of troops into combat until the sheer number of them overpowered the enemy?

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>Listening to anti soviet propaganda

Kek, btw germany had more men than ussr at the outbreak of war

Use what you have.
Play to your strengths.

>what is the intellectual purge of the military

Because it was effective.

"The Russian Colossus...has been underestimated by us...whenever a dozen divisions are destroyed the Russians replace them with another dozen." - Commenting on the might of the Soviet Army following the invasion of the Soviet Union

German Army General Chief of Staff Franz Haldervon Armin

>5.2 million German military dead
>8.4 million Soviet military dead


whats your point? Their strategy was still scorched earth til winter then send wave after wave of comrades at the Nazicicles

War is population control. Armies used to line up facing each other and advance. That was the battle plan.


more russians dead = no need to send more to gulags = no need to build new prisons

It's cheaper way to kill the goyim

that's not even remotely close to what this post stated in the first place

Wrong video. WW3 to balance the books.


it didn't

soviets were more defensive than the Germans until the post-kursk turning point, soviet counter pushes were generally short lived and ineffective, the vast majority of soviet losses came from defending positions

which post you idiot?

>sending waves after waves of troops into combat until the sheer number of them overpowered the enemy?

1) you kill russians (jewish goal)

2) You kill your enemy because you have more men in the military (jewish goal)

it's a double win

>massive population
>all other resources scarce
>ideology which places no value on human life and is incapable of serious technological advancement
Hmm, I wonder.


Axis had more men on the frontline. Operation Barbarossa caught Stalin off guard. Stalin had just finished purging his best officers and generals and the USSR was in the middle of upgrading their military and industrializing with the five year plan. And that is when most of the causalities occurred for the Soviets. During the end of the war they're military power snowballed once they gained military experience and technology and industrial capacity.

The the non aggression pact fooled Stalin into and caught him off guard.

At the outbreak of the war,the Germans have fielded more men than the Russians,also human wave tactics were only deployed in the case of prison battalions.

A much larger population was one of their advantages over Germany and Stalin really didn't give a fuck how many people he lost.

The Russian people had suffered enough from the German invasion that support for the war effort was fanatically high.

It takes time to train your soldiers to the same level as the German army, its quicker to just overwhelm them with shear numbers. And Stalin wanted a rapid victory so that he could advance farther and conquer more of Europe. That's why he petitioned the Allies (along with the French) to invade at Normandy rather than coming up from the south through Italy which would have given the allies a more direct route to Berlin.

all things being equal it was the comrade thing to do.

Imagine if Obama was a paranoid dictator and decided the purge all the high ranking generals and officers. You'd basically have a mob of a military with no organization and tactics. Then Canada decides to surprise attack from the north. That's pretty much what happened.

wtf? how is invading through the south a more direct path to berlin? do you own a map? Also you can't just ignore all the German military all around you. They'll double envelope you faster than Hannibal at Cannae. you clearly have no grasp of realistic strategem or tactics

Looking purely at military deaths, Germany lost about 6% of its 1939 population. Civilian deaths accounted for another 2.5%.
For the USSR, military deaths were about 5.5% of its 1940 population, and 8% civilian (as a percentage of 1940 pop).

Sounds like the manpower situation in either nation could not be much different. I guess the russian population was much younger on average.
TLDR cool story

No shit, percentages don't tell you anything about raw numbers. The argument here is that significantly more Soviet soldiers did than German, which is supported by the fact that 5% of 170 million is a lot more than 6% of 69 million.