Post everything you got about the religion of peace.

Other urls found in this thread:


stay mad bitchboy

isn't Georgia eastern orthodox christian?

yes but i am muslim.

Muhammad was a transvestite.


And a mentally challanged because of the way he was killed.



Strange... Muhammad was a very scientific man himself, he encouraged drinking camel urine.

spamming circumcision and dietary restrictions erryday allday

Give my countrys a few days to get stabbed and I will spam this Thread with stuff about islam.



pic related





You are a steaming pile of human shit. Have fun fucking your little boys sandnigger I can't wait until you get blown into oblivion, probably by your own people and other world forces won't even have to do anything.

stay here im getting my keys

Islam isn't the religion of peace. Islam is the religion of NAP

Mohammed is a faggot



Dumping pics I took straight out of my Quran, useful for any libcuck or taqiyya towelhead that wants to tell you Islam is a "religion of peace" and "condemns violence"
This is by and far not a comprehensive list of examples, but they're pretty good and get the point across.











Wow you're literally a bag of flaming human excretion.

Islam is a religion of peace.
In the sense that there's a piece over there, a piece over here, and another bit over there.




whoa, cherry picked data. this points to a serious problem.

That's it
Remember, Islam is and always has been in a perpetual state of war with all nonmuslims. Their faith is backwards, violent and the number one promoter of pedophilia in the whole world.
Do not weep for dead Muslims, instead cheer with sincere joy! One day we will be wise enough to purge this planet of this destructive ideology and it's idiot adherents, and all of humanity will be better for it.

Islam is a religion of peace in that it seeks to destroy all opposition and silence dissent. Once all submit and obey or die, then there will indeed be peace.

It's more than enough to establish a trend

What a load of shite. Pinnochio makes more sense ...

All the stats and info you could possibly want on bombings and attacks around the world . Tactics they use, how they justify it using their holy book


That number is wrong its 28844 since 911


If I had to make a picture listing all the crimes of Anglo-Saxons, it would need to be one of those 50GB jpegs

>Gobble gobble

It's an old photo

>What is oya-ko?

But Mohammed (pbuh) is the kindest and most perfect person to ever live, kafir- er I mean gracious provider of refuge :^)

It's a shame this website isn't more popular. I really think it's one of the best things ever created on Internet.

Delete this immediately infidel

Turkeys also lay eggs, Aabidah

Hi mark i have reporting your posts all day to your local police

I hope you get killed

Bit of an own goal there, I guess we should round up secular/unknown people then.

I would wager a majority of the attacks fall under political/anarchist in that category

No, Geppetto probably was you smelly bastard son of a whore. Go back to your fucking sand dune and get bombed.

A doctor that saved me during an operation was muslim, what you got about that Nazis?

Ignore the proxy please

Who cares

Take it you never heard of the ROMAN Catholic Church then. Kek ended the Roman empire. The empire never ended it just divesified just like Islam will.

Got em

>one more jew alive
I would say that's another nail in the coffin of Islam, usually kike removal is the one redeeming quality

You guys played a big role together with "that Nazis" in neuro-science breakthroughs

So okay it's more a shared success

Islamic mysticism is quite nice, too bad its so violent too.

>One time a muslim did the job he's paid to do
Really, that's all you've got?

>Iranian embassy

Top kek

>Islam and Muslims dominating Europe and killing and raping people with not only no backlash, but with even more embracing of Islam
>all the haters of it are basement dwelling virgin losers who are upset to see that white women, when given the choice, prefer blacks, browns, and Muslims than white people

Face it, Europe and Christians already lost. There are already moderate Muslims moving out of Europe because it is getting too radicalized for their taste. You've lost, say goodbye to your people, history, culture, language, religion, and way of life.

He should have let you die.

>A cuck

He's literally God.