Honestly Sup Forums the conspiracies about some Jews wanting to destroy whites seem to have some truths to them...

Honestly Sup Forums the conspiracies about some Jews wanting to destroy whites seem to have some truths to them. What I don't understand is the motive. Why would the jewsame want to destroy the whites. We are a hard working, clever, and correct for our atrocities (slavery was abolished by white people ) so why would they want and promote nigger, sjw, feminist, trans garbage. Without us won't the world stagnate intellectually and econimocally. Could you help me understand the war against my race?

Other urls found in this thread:


Apologies for spelling errors I'm in mobile.

Spite from previous oppression.

Buthe they seem so intelligent. Don't they realize it was white Americans that liberated them and gave then israel? Seems awfully dumb to shoot themselves in the foot in the name of spite.

Maybe the Jews are afraid of them so they're trying to divide people so they don't gang up and attack them.
In Nazi Germany Jews were the only real prominent minority same with America before 1965 where people were white and assimilated.

That's what I don't get either. Whites are the middle managers in the Jew control of the world. We liberated these faggots from the death camps and tolerated them. So why the anti-white narrative?

Fuck Germany all you want but what did America do to you niggers except save your race and give you Israel?

Destroy the notion of race, racial purity, nation, ethnic identity and make a world where everyone is a bit mixed and the Jew will never again be looked at as a strange and alien and subversive culture in our midst of our homogeneous nations.

Just one piece of the grand scheme to build a utopian racially mixed and not terribly intelligent proletariat of cheap labor and consumers ruled by an authoritarian super state... with the Jewish elite at the top - as always.

Perhaps they have mostly white features. We in many ways are related. Hell my great grandmother was jewish. Why wouldn't they live with us whites as oneeded people and choose degenerate blacks and other foreign cultures instead

There is no jewish conspiracy. Pol is just full of edgy kids who want to think they know everything. I dont even know why i came here sometimes.

Motive = Money

In order to create a totalitarian system you need to break down what is there first. So they maneuver themselves into powerful positions, sow the seeds of chaos and when everything turns to shit they install the system.

They don't give a fuck about women, niggers, slimes, fags or whites. They see everyone non Jewish as equally worthless and we will all be oppressed equally when the time comes. The useful idiots of the left are enabling this system. It's ironic that they are running around looking for the next dictator and the threat of totalitarianism when in fact they are the ones bringing this very thing about.

Just look at the erosion of rights, freedoms and civil liberties in the last 15 years alone. These are foundations for what's to come. Step by step they are building a prison while throwing around liberally tokenistic polices in order to pull in more and more marginalized minorities who together for the majority that will overthrow the current system.

For the record if you had read more carefully I implied I was a white man not Jewish. But yeah it confuses the hell out if me. But I also see a schism in jews. Israel seems based but the jew that are behind lots of these conspiracies are not aligned with Israel. So I guess not all Jews but still I want to know why they want to genocide me.

the torah says only after world peace will god save the jews and blah blah bring all believers to heaven. so by globalization thru cultural marxism they can rule over their mixed race retards and wait for yaweh....

It's had to explain some of the shit I see man. Ie the non govt federal reserve run by all jews. The wealthiest family is jewish. Soros wants to destabilize borders and he is a jew. These don't seems to be mere coincidences.

But won't they have less skilled labor and breeding stock when the whites are gone.

after hitler, they realized only white nationalism is their only threat and thus have vowed to destroy any sort of whiteness or love of country, go reasonable success. that is why they must be ruthlessly destroyed.

The elites have done a good job brainwashing the masses into associating the word "conspiracy" with crazy people, but whatever word you want to call it, it's obvious that Jews are a majority of the world's super-rich elite thanks to using their control of the banks to steal everyone else's money through usury, and it's obvious that extremely rich and powerful people would use their wealth and power to increase their wealth and power at the expense of everyone else, so don't call it a conspiracy if you don't want to, but common sense should tell you we're all getting fucked hard by the Jewish elites.

Ok so you've answered my questions but as a white man what can I do about it. I donto want to watch my people and culture die like a American Indian. And one man can fight against it so what do. Inb4 stupid answers like final solution. What can I really do about it?

Don't feel guilty about being white. Be proud of it. Have lots of children and protect them from brainwash.

Simple. Whites believe in the constitution, in free speech, in limited government, are disbelieving of big governments that control everything, and experienced actual freedom and how good it is 30 years ago. So the jews who occupy governments want to remove as many whites who vote to reduce their power as possible so that they gain as much power as possible.

Personally I don't believe they want the white race gone. They want it weakened and broken. Just look where we are now. White guilt is rampant and whites are constantly being told they are the oppressors while they are the ones actually being oppressed by their own governments, media, institutions and every minority there is.

Women, gays, blacks, muslims have all been taught to hate the white man. They used to fear him but no longer because another trick of theirs is to emasculate the white man. This is significant enough to keep people in check and the younger generations are now taught from birth to be self loathing, weak, subservients.

I thought I'd never hear that coming fromantic a german.

But the whites in this state are far less productive engines for a Jewish economic machine.

>It all begins with Jesus Christ.

The christianity have values that are in contrast with them. Islam is extremly friendy in comparision

Show people the truth. The grip they have over people now is largely an illusion and it's a fragile one at that.

Call it the red pill, waking up, opening your eyes, whatever but the truth should fear no investigation. The more people do this the more their grip loosens. I think recently they have started to overplay their hand and instead of the steady drip fed anesthesia keeping people asleep there have been too many sudden shocks to the system.

People are starting to really question what's going on in larger and larger numbers. Spot these people online or off and nudge them where you can in the right direction. Hopefully in time they will do the same.

>islam is extremely friendly in comparison
I surely hope you are just referring to it as relative because you of all people know islam isn't friendly.

Fair enough I hope it happens in time to stop europe from becoming blacked and USA from losing white majority.

The elite Jews want more power, and the ultimate power is turning the entire world population into literal slaves through a one world government which strips all rights and freedoms from its people. "Progressivism" i.e. nation-destroying identity politics is part of Cultural Marxism which is designed to help accomplish that.

Niggers destroy law and order by getting the police neutered, SJWs destroy free speech by censoring everything, feminists destroy traditional gender roles which a society needs to prosper, illegal immigration dumbs down the populace, terrorism is used as an excuse to take away gun rights, violent protests lead to civil war, etc. All of it gradually strips away rights and freedoms, and weakens countries making them ripe for takeover by a one world government.

When people actually use pol as a discussion board and not just a meme hub. It's astounding really.

Jews want us to be less productive because we're the only thing that could prevent their hegemony. Only the white race has the combination of intelligence and creativity necessary to defeat another race that has the wealth and power advantage of the Jews. They care more about stopping us as a threat to them than using us.

That's the real question. Is it too late?

Personally I think yes but people have to try. Every new generation that comes along is more and more brainwashed. People talk about the white race being out bred or being turned into a mongrel race. This will take 100 years or more and it does nothing to actually alter how people see the world. The real danger is what's going on in peoples heads and within a couple of generations we are going to be swamped with people who have been raised since birth on leftist propaganda.

For islam Jesus is the greatest of the profets. For juden Jesus is roting in hell for the eternity

I think the right is rising up to fight the left more so now than ever. Seeing trump, let pen, Frauke perry, and their rwspective movements gain ground gives me hope.

Personally I don't believe that we should subjugate or remove or oppress other races at all. In fact it would be better to help them I just want a home where it's ethnically homogenous and people love their cultures. But I feel this is being taken away especially for the europeans.

A divided America is good for the Jews.

It's a sign that there are still plenty of people out there who are not falling for this shit but if they don't take power it makes no difference.

Time will steadily tick away with one failed attempt after another to take power and make changes. During this time those brainwashed generations are getting older and themselves becoming the movers and shakers as we all get older and die off. At some point there will be a watershed moment and I think that's what they are waiting for. When the moment comes the left will outnumber everyone else or their influence will be far greater.

I still have hope but it fades daily and it's fallen dramatically in the lat few years. I've been watching the world fall apart since the late 90's thinking don't worry any minute now people will wake up, any minutes now... aaanny minute now.....

>Honestly Sup Forums the conspiracies about some Jews wanting to destroy whites seem to have some truths to them.

Oh fucking really? This is new and exiting.

>What I don't understand is the motive.
Their holy book tells them they are the chosen ones, ruling over the planet.

>Why would the jewsame want to destroy the whites.

In the past, they were the only ones capable of destroying their schemes.

>so why would they want and promote nigger, sjw, feminist, trans garbage.
Devide and conquer between the nations people and destruction of white culture, so that the citizens are busy dealing with made up problems instead of revolting against the jews.

>Without us won't the world stagnate intellectually and econimocally.
Thats why whites get dilluted slowly and not genocided. But the jews don´t care if the world stagnates as long as they are in power.

Well to cheer you up im 19 and I try to fight this degeneracy wherever I go. I redpilled my friends as well but I do agree I'm an outlier for the most part.

Ger....germany is that really you. Seriously most Germans I've talked to are apologetic, hate being proud or german, and are skittish on these subjects.

1 homogeneous race and barely distinguishable/androgeous sexes are the easiest to market to.

In addition to this, without identity, history, or culture people will have nothing to rally behind.
The perfect slaves.

Ever notice how Jews want to be racially pure?

Every time the Jew stays pure and another goyim marries into shitty genes it puts them that much further ahead of your average bloke

They hold grudges. They can't get over the crusades.

Read their holy book senpai. The loxists believe that world peace cannot occur unless the Jew has subjugated every gentile, whipped the beast into submission. Only then will their Messiah appear.

This. They dont want to destroy whites. They just want to generate unnrest and fear to push a police state, with them as the top.
Liberals, sjws and niggers are just useful idiots.

Heil fucking Hitler. The coming civil war will be glorious, remove kebab, remove jewish influence, make germany reich again.

Jews are Semites and party to Semitic tribalism. All Semitic tribalists are supremacists in a state of innate war with all other tribes, declared and perceived. They hate reflexively because they come from a place where everybody else also hates reflexively.
And setting that aside, the Holocaust. Check out Leonard Cohen's "First We Take Manhattan, Then We'll Take Berlin." Compare the backstory of nearly every Jewish holiday, remembering for all time how a rival tribe tried to mess with the Jews, but the Jews instead messed with them.
Also understand that they are always massively overconfident and see the Arabs and mestizos are controllable and the friendliest white as not controllable. They don't want friends, they want controllable livestock.

>Jews are Semites

Like 90% of jews are ashkenazi, so actually not coming from the "semite areas".

Well hitler was a terrible leader once the war got going and he was going to genocide the slavs but if germany were to fight for itself I'd gladly join and help defend the land of my ancestors. National socialism was amazing in the sense that it rebuilt a shattered germany. Stay strong my german brother.



Mudskins are less likely to mount effective resistance to control. White goyim are problematic because they are cunning and willful, and do not accept being the "chosen people's" slaves.

Also can't you be arrested for those comments man?

Cain and Abel, Cain begat the Jews, Abel begat the Whites.

Our motive?

Because whites are the only race that is smart enough, strong enough, and brave enough to try to stop their bullshit. Islam is a joke to them, Muslims are like sheep, the pose no real threat to Jews. Only whites have the will and determination to stand up for themselves.

I just think all of you are stupid autistic pussys if you ask me nigger

But whites gave you that nation back from palestine. They saved your brothers and sisters. No way someone would reapay such a service with cultural destruction.

Care to explain

Lmao to be honest with you my friend that was the just to troll lolol. But for an example you just asking me to explain. Makes you stupid. You put your nose in shit that isn't even worth your time.

This. The Talmud also promises each jew 2800 goyim slaves.



>What he posted in another thread.

He's a shitposting Jew trying to stir up Jew hatred.

he could
but authorities arent monitoring Sup Forums (yet)
for now they mostly persecute people on facebook, twitter and whatsapp. Sup Forums is too small and niche to grab their attention.

also MAGA (Make Austria Germany Again)

the defeated, cuck of a nation is threatening to remove the chosen people
we own you, just remember that, stormcuck

The Russian is correct. The holocaust is real in their minds and so they must destroy all nationalism and racial homogeneity so that way jews cannot be targeted.

Its is logical only in the emotional sense. Also don't forget wealth accumulators who accumulate wealth and power.

Another Anschluss would bring a tear to my eye. Although austria has more freedoms.

anyone who follows Semitic ideology acts as one
>implying this place isn't the designated Aryan area



They hate success and thrive in chaos. They would rather destroy western civilization and humanity rather than let us win.

"The Jewish doctrine of Marxism rejects the aristocratic principle of Nature and replaces the eternal privilege of power and strength by the mass of numbers and their dead weight. Thus it denies the value of personality in man, contests the significance of nationality and race, and thereby withdraws from humanity the premise of its existence and its culture. As a foundation of the universe, this doctrine would bring about the end of any order intellectually conceivable to man. And as, in this greatest of all recognizable organisms, the result of an application of such a law could only be chaos, on earth it could only be destruction for the inhabitants of this planet.

If, with the help of his Marxist creed, the Jew is victorious over the other peoples of the world, his crown will be the funeral wreath of humanity and this planet will, as it did thousands of years ago, move through the ether devoid of men." - Hitler



White males are the only real opposition they have.
They have been dumbing down Western society for at least 3 generations now.
I don't exactly know if they have been the ones spreading cultural marxism, or they just decided to go with it.

Basically the answer to your question is we are the last people on this planet that pose a real threat to them, and can see through their Jewish games.

So how do we win?

nuclear fire

actually that's a joke. The jewish god Moloch is the god of fire and death and passing through the fire refers directly to the worship of Moloch.

Hillary Clinton worships Moloch. Look it up.

"habå lehorgechå ,hashkem lehorgo"
If one rises to kill you, kill him first

Jews were persecuted always, and so they still believe their Toråh, that they are the superior chosen people of god.
And therefore everyone else is wicked.

And how do you destroy the wicked? You weaken them, unite them. So you can control them easely.
They want us ,niggers, chinks, everyone to assimilate, and blend together to be one big identityless mass.
They take us our weapons away, our genes, our culture. And so we will be weak and ignorant.
And then the jews will be on top , as an elite, keepin the "sheep" under controll 3ad 3olåm, till the world, forever

>Marxism rejects the aristocratic principle of Nature and replaces the eternal privilege of power and strength by the mass of numbers and their dead weight.

If people don't understand this then look at how schools are now socially removing differences between race and sex. They want to promote "diversity" to render all differences in humans to be essentially non-existent. If you remove the notion of pride in oneself and promote togetherness and collectivism you can create a population of people who have no sense of individualism and are completely malleable to the will of the populations ruling class. Basically they want to turn humanity into one race of slaves with no identity and sense of self or heritage.

We win by spreading awareness to the corruption of globalism, and (((the banks)))
Whit people alone won't be able to rise up to the globalist jew. We need to at the very least get Asians on board. Better if everyone.

The sad thing about this is people in the west are mostly lost. Cultural Marxism has already taken it's course. The only chance is by trying to reach children. It's going to take at least 20-30 years of serious deprogramming to make any real impact.
Who knows what's going to happen by then.
If the world goes to shit at least take colace in the fact you can say "I told you so"
You can only control the behaviors of others so much.

If Jews are out to undermine whites then why is Soros funding left wing, globalist shit to destabilize Israel?

It's not about Jews or Zionism. It's about globalism. Ashkenazi Jews in the diaspora are typically "progressive" and less nationalistic so they end up on the left. They tend to be high IQ, well educated, and laborious so they tend to rise to the top in the left.

The rightwing ones mostly migrated to Israel. The few diaspora Jews that are rightwing and nationalists (Not Israel Firsters or Globalists) are our allies. The rightwing, nationalistic Israelis are for the most part our allies. Talk to one. They'll tell you how fucked up the leftwing diaspora Jews are.

Their are multiculturalist fanatics who believe in one race human race, one nation human nation bla, bla, bla
There is my take on it

Public government schools are already lost to marxism. The only red-pilled option is home-schooling. But that is going to be illegal soon I believe, I think it's already illegal in Sweden. They're forcing your kids to be indoctrinated.

Thats the issue, Jews are so hateful to any christians and so blinded by this hate, that they dont even realize muslims hate jews and will proudly massacre

Israelis hate them.

t. born in israel

Because if we are out of the way then that's the hardest race to corrupt and leech off out of the way.

Christianity is the antithesis of Judaism with its anti usury ideology, and even though Christianity isn't as dominate as it once was, that thinking has ingrained itself in our culture. we've always been the ultimate hurdle.

False, they're driven to committing this murder of the West by Satan, to bring about a one world government just as in the story of the Tower of Babel. To enforce his worship upon all of humanity. That's why this conspiracy looks to be so organized and planned, because it has leadership.

>implying this thread isn't a honeypot

This. Christianity seems the only reason for hating whites.

It's really just pathological hatred, there isn't much to explain. Some people say it's because white people are harder to control, but if you look at countries like France and Sweden, you realize that white people can be perfectly good sheep to a central government, specially when compared to Somalians and Arabs. So that can't be an explanation.

They really just hate white people.

Where are guys getting this anti-white conspiracy stuff from? I've never seen it.

I've read this in another thread, don't have there link, but it sounded semi plausible.

On the sabbath jews aren't allowed to do a ton of things since it's a resting day, primarily in public spaces. However, surrounding that public space with walls or doorframes causes it to become a shared courtyard, where one can go about his normal life without breaking the sabbath.
Basically the Jews wish to let one jew own the entirty of the earth because then nobody could break the sabbath anymore (every public space would be private property)
Jews believe that if no one breaks the sabbath two times in a row their savior will appear to them

>destroy the whites
no they want to enslave us instead and not just whites but every goy

Because they are afraid of being holocausted. They think mixed people would be easier to manipulate and rule over, having no racial identity to unite them.

After decades of confiscating advanced technology invented from the brilliant creative minds of humans...

Stockpiled in great underground caverns and tunnels...

They can go down there and wait for us all to be dead.

Then come back out and have a post-apocalyptic City State Utopia.

1 Million people left - all that remains of the human population

(though that 500 million population thing, kill off 90% of the pop? Thats the first stage. Then they'll kill them off too)


Have you seen what the majority of white people think of their own people's past? I'm sorry but you must die out if you are that pathetic and cucked that you hate yourseles.

Lucky trips of truth. Germany is cucked.


Well they are doing the Devil's work. They are slaves to his will

The SJW types do hate them. I have no problem, hell I go to Catholic school.